Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Two Exercises That Can Make Your Tendons Strong

This exercise is the towel squeeze. Take a bucket of water and get it to about half full at best and put the towel in and get it as wet as possible. After a few moments take the towel out and start to squeeze the water out of the towel till its bone-dry. This exercise alone can pump up your lower arms like never before. This should be done outside. The meaning of this exercise is to squeeze and twist. The tendons are getting worked in a way not many other exercises can in this manner. It can be used to help bend steel or tear cards or in daily life like opening a jar of pickles or something. The important thing to remember is to focus on the grip and twisting the wrists. After doing this plenty of times I can safely say this is one of the most simple and healthy ways to strengthen the grip, your tendons and your lower arms. I first learned of this exercise from a DVD made by strongman John Brookfield who by many considered to be one of the most conditioned strongmen around and for good reason.

As you can see what old-time strongman and newly inducted York Barbell Hall Of Famer Slim The Hammerman is doing is an exercise he's been doing for many years to keep his tendons strong and powerful. Its called the Gooseneck. You open and close the hand your working up to 5 seconds, no less then 3. Doing this exercise in high repitition can help increase blood flow to the lower arms and give your tendons some work. Slim has said on film that tendons are very important and not so much muscle. Building muscles may not always be quite enough but if you work the tendons you're getting much more then you think. Slim has said to do this exercise up to 800 times for both arms. Thats really incredible and for a man at Slims age (In this picture & Now at age 76) he doesn't have bad looking tendons but thats because for the longest time he's been lifting sledgehammers at weight that not one person on the planet has been able to touch. At best one or a few others have lifted up to 20 lbs. or so but thats just an appetizer for Slim. He's lifted as much at max level 69lbs. which is not even human. I've done this exercise as much as 500 times (250 per arm) and i'm here to tell you it is an incredible exercise not only for a great pump but also more importantly keeping your hands healthy and supple.

These 2 are just as important as to others that can keep your tendons strong and your grip even stronger. These 2 exercises have helped me in pull-ups, bending 60D penny nails and keeping my hands flexible and strong for whatever I nee to use them for. There are many other tendon building exercises out there but these 2 are close personal favorites.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Do Albert Einstein, Bruce Lee & Dennis Rogers Have In Common?

I know what you're thinking "Why the hell those guys, they have nothing in common." Well hate to burst your bubble there pal but they have more in common in their little finger then most people have in their entire body. What they have is extraordinary imaginations and superior mind power.

Even suffering from Dyslexia, Einstein developed one of the greatest theories in history and even some of the greatest scientists after him are amazed at the power he had in his mind. As a boy he dreamed of being on a beem of light soaring through space gliding through the speed of light. For those playing the home game the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. That's pretty damn fast don't you think? So even with that he developed into the greatest of minds the world has ever known.

Bruce Lee was a man of honor and superior strength for his size. What he developed was one of the most powerful systems on the planet and he trained with a fighting force. At 155 Pounds he was pound for pound one of the strongest and fastest men at his size. While filming the Green Hornet the crew had asked Lee to slow down his speed at around 30% of his best. He was so fast that not only did it make the main actor look bad but the crew couldn't even keep up with him on camera. Not only was he a great Martial artist and actor but he was also unbelievably intelligent in his writing and philosophy on life.

Dennis Rogers is and always will be the World's Strongest Man for the feats he performs. As a skinny kid he once weighed 79 Pounds in high school. Now I don't have to tell you that people at 79 pounds are not very intimating. So what did he do? He became strong, first as an arm-wrestler and defeated some of the biggest names in the sport at one time. After becoming a powerful Arm-Wrestler he shifted towards Strongmanism particularly in the old vaudeville circus strongman of the early 20th Century. He began tearing cards, bending steel and breaking metal until it became not just a hobby but a profession. He's known as one of the greatest phonebook tearers in the world (my favorite feat of strength) and has also been seen by more people then any other strongman in history before or since. He's also one of the most intelligent people around and for good reason. He studies on how to not only be stronger but also more mindful. If you get a chance check him out at www.dennisrogers.net.

So how would YOU like to develop superhuman powers of your own, both mindfully and physically? Well I know of one man who can help take you there. He's helped me and countless others how to become strong and powerful without all the years of torturing yourself in the gym. No this isn't a course to teach you to fly or that type of bullshit but you will find a power within that has been there all along. Scientist say our best at our strongest is no more then 10%. What if we can get past 2-4 or maybe 10% beyond that? I would definitely want to have that for sure. His name is Garin Bader and he is the author and creator of CoreForce Energy. A system that puts you in the hotseat for developing strength & speed at an alarming rate.

It can supercharge your mental focus and muscles by working together. Want more? Here a few things you will find.....

Learn Rapid Improvement Techniques

Tap Into The Very Power Within To Generate Super Strength & Speed

Apply The Ability To Focus On A Very Small Point Like Bruce Lee

Discover Certain Breathing Patterns For Effortless Power

The Power To Gain More In One Day Then The Time It Took Months Or Years

And Many More.....

Get your hands on CoreForce Energy and never feel you can't develop super powers like Eienstein, Lee & Rogers.

Why Hand Strength & Health Are Keys To Super Strength

There are many ways to build Super Human Strength. You can lift weights, Lift Heavy Objects or better yet work on building Massive Functional Muscle. I mean theres variety in everything you can accomplish but if your hands arn't up to the challenge, all that goal setting won't be worth a lick. Hand Health and Strength are one of the missing links in many people's training arsenal. Lets face it without strong powerful hands you can't be a great muscian, steel bender, phonebook tearer, heavy deadlifter and most of all without strong, functional grip strength you won't be able to do the things that go on in daily life.

Years ago around the time of my recovery of my legs, while I was getting my leg strength up to great levels I realized that if I want to get stronger in the things I wanted to do like bend steel, tear up phonebooks and whatever else I needed to work my grip because lets face it grip strength is neglected a lot in commercial gyms. Its just sad you know. What if you need to save someones life and your grip isnt up to the challenge. Let me tell you a little story.....

Back in the 30's an old-time strongman named Sid Klein was training up in his gym in New York when he heard a man yelled out "FIRE...FIRE....HELP" and the strongman jumped to the rescue to find that the old man's wife needed more help then he did so Sid climbed down to grab the wife and climb back up to save her. Now I don't know how accurate I made that story but the ending is Sid's grip was so strong it helped him save another human being from harm and possibly death. Now hopefully none of us would have to do certain things like that in our lifetime but we should be prepared for it.

Now you do all the heavy weights, you can even try doing Hand Balancing or Kettlebell Juggling but if you don't have the hands for them it just won't come to you. To be the strongest person you can be taking the time to work your hands, wrist and lower arms will take you a long way more then you ever though possible. Take it from me, in my experience grip strength for certain things is almost mandatory. Not may people at 240+ lbs. are doing sets of 10 chin-ups or pull-ups but with my training in the grip i've been able to do that. One of the key things to grip training is just like anything else and thats progression and theres also consistancy and practice.

Now one guy in my opinion who has taken Grip Strength to another level is my man Garin Bader. A concert Pianist with 13 Gold Medals in International Competition is by far one of the best athletes in the world when it comes to Dexterity, Agility and just flat out Strong. In his shows he also does Hand Balancing, plays the Sax, Magic Tricks and he even swings across the stage on a silk curtain just using a pinch grip. Believe it or not he's never had a major injury in his career and thats pretty damn good consiering the types of things he does. He's also a business man and wants to help others get in awesome shape and like him take their hand strength to levels they couldn't imagine.

I have personally seen how powerful Garin is and for a guy his size he's one of the most agile and flexible guys I know. I trained with him one day and not after maybe an hour or so he was showing me a thing or two and he was tossing me around like a rag doll and i'm 40 pounds bigger then him. His grip is off the hook (no pun intended) and he is def. an example of what you can do to get from place to place with a mighty grip. Take a look at his 2 Biggest Courses..........CoreForce Energy and Finger Gymnastics. Read his story and he'll show you first hand what you can do to create the most powerful hands you can take hold of (pun intended).

Friday, May 20, 2011

Language Of Exercise

Like a new language we learn the words, verbs, nouns, pronouns and various pronunciations. Now shift that to exercise. Learn the movement, the way your body flows, certain posture and placement of hands and/or feet. To unlock your greatest potential for perfect exercise learn to channel how your body works in fluidity. Power doesn't always come from muscles but from your mind. Like language you don't use your body you use your mind and the way you speak to get the language right. With exercise you start with a thought and like words with your mouth you move the body in the direction the exercise goes.

I discovered the Language of Exercise from a line in Young Indiana Jones Adventures. In one of the episodes (I think somewhere around the pilot) Young Indy is on a boat to a dig in Egypt with T.E Lawrance (Lawrence Of Arabia) and Lawrence tells Indy "Where ever you travel, learn the language, it unlocks the key to everything." That got me thinking of what i've been doing for years and never knew about it till now and thats the language of exercise. With your strength & conditioning to unlock your greatest potential find your language and find what works for you. Want to learn a new language (exercise) here a few places to learn.....

Kettlebell Snatch Domination

Training With Partials

Odd Object Lifting

Advanced Bridging Course

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"You Can't Get Strong On Bodyweight Exercises"

You hear this a lot in gyms from every state in the country. This quote has also been made by guys who don't know jack shit about bodyweight training at least not in the same way they think they do. To them bodyweight exercise are warm-ups or pilates and all that funny looking aerobic type stuff. Why is that, how can they say such a thing? Truth of the matter is they have been sold a bill of goods by ghost writers in fitness magazines that in order to get strong you need to lift weights, take these supplements, have this type of protein powder and never need to use your own body as a source of strength training and muscle building. Well I feel pretty damn sorry for those dumbasses.

Have any of those guys heard of Gama, Karl Gotch, Kurt Thomas, Charles Atlas or one of the best football players in the world Herschal Walker? 9 out of 10 times only maybe 2 names they have heard of and thats really sad and i'll tell you why. All these men used almost exclusively nothing but bodyweight exercises and its made them somewhat superhuman. They busted their asses for years to build a level a strength and conditioning nobody can match. Take for example Karl Gotch, one of the greatest catch wrestlers whoever lived. He made his mark not as a famous professional wrestler but one of the most gifted trainers the world has ever known. His conditioning methods were second to none and he made some of the biggest marks on japanese wrestling. His training consisted of three foundamental exercises.....Push-ups, Squats & Bridging. One of his methods was using a deck of cards and shuffle them making the red cards push-ups and the black cards squats or vise versa.

I don't know about you but I would love to see one of those morons who believe bodyweight training are for warm-ups to try this out. He won't last more 20 cards. It takes strength to do a push-up no matter how you slice it but to take it to another and turn it into strength/endurance is a whole new ball game. This type of workout alone can jump start a person's conditioning within a short period of time. Take the time to learn the exercises before you jump into the cards.

Now can bodyweight exercises make you stronger? Well how about for starters most of my training is purely bodyweight and i'm 5'10 242 lbs. and I once deadlifted nearly 400 pounds without having too much training on it. I may be a big dude but I also have flexibility and did a whole deck of cards in just over 21 min. How about another guy by the name of Logan Christopher. This guy is 6'2 and 185, thats pretty skinny for a guy that height but he has strength that have impressed some of the strongest men in the world and most are far bigger then him. He has won a contest to determain the most conditioned athlete of the year and at the same time his training has helped him bend steel, rip phonebooks, bend horseshoes and in my opinion has one of the strongest necks around holding as much as 600+ pounds in a bridge.

Ultimate Bodyweight- Squats

Ultimate Bodyweight- Push-ups

Advanced Bridging Course

Scientific Wrestling

Monday, May 16, 2011

Put The "Fun" In Functional Fitness

When it comes to fitness equipment theres not a whole lot we need to get a great workout. Yet if you want to take advantage of getting in shape and not spend thousands of dollars on equipment why not just go with cables. Using cables is one of the most revolutionary way to build a foundational fitness program and in many ways are better then barbells and dumbbells. Can you haul that type of eqipment in a gym bag, I don't think so. Plus its a pain in the ass to travel and all you're getting is a bad back so when it comes to resourcefulness cables take the cake.

With cables you can adjust them in seconds and like dumbbells you can change sizes and strengths to fit your needs. Lifeline USA has taken fitness to another level by the father and son who have revolutionized the fitness industry, John & Bobby Hinds. They even have a Unicycle that you can use to develop a powerful core and you can either hold onto it with your hands or strap in your feet and go for a "walk." Bobby Hinds is most famous for is his jump ropes which are one of the best conditioning exercises ever used by athletes in Boxing, Wrestling, Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, Football ect.

As far as cables are concerned you will find equipment that can hit muscles in ways free weights, machines and boyweight exercise can't and thats what you need to get a strong and enduring body that can take your strength to levels unheard of. Take it from me I have used various methods over the years and Lifeline USA has been my best source for cheap and high quality equipment. Here are a few things you will find that can elevate your strength & conditioning.........

Chest Expander

Power Wheel

Portable Power Jumper

Pull-up Revolution Pro

Beaded Jump Ropes

Power Push-up

PowR Walk Pro

And many more....

Some high ranked Universatities even have said this website has the best equipment for their Student Athletes and some of the best pros in the world have used them. Want to train in a way like the Pros? Then find the best equipment that works for you.

Tumbling Your Way To Greatness

Becoming a gymnast takes years of practice and conditioning is at its best for bodyweight exercises. Now what if you didn't need all those years and learn some gymnastics faster and get in condition quicker and get healther all at the same time. My man Logan has a course called Tumbling Illustrated. You will find that tumbling can be a fun and interesting fitness program. Remember as a kid you used to do rolls while playing and it was just fun to do? It be fun to do that again huh?

Learn how to take control of your body and live your childhood dream. Theres no need to spend a ton of money on gymnastic classes. Not to knock gymnastics, I practiced a bit myself and I loved doing tumbling training and handbalancing. The training was incredible but it does get expensive so why not find a better way to train without going through so many fees. Some people believe you can't get started without being a gymnast. Hate to burst your bubble its a myth and you can even start at this very moment.

Some tumbling exercises can even help people with back issues and can work the spine to keep you healthy and strong. With a great variety of moves you will never find a boring workout in this manner. Like with every program start with the basics and work into them to build up to the difficult ones. If you work them too fast that can lead to injury so learn the right speed and form to get the most benefit.

Here will be what you'll find in the course.........

5 Roundoffs

24 Handbalancing moves

8 Combination Rolls

12 Hand Springs

55 Novelty Stunts

8 Dives

6 Cartwheels

& Many More..........

Learn to train like a gymnast without needing to be one.

Tumbling Illustrated

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