Showing posts with label Fitness Industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness Industry. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Some Of It Is Cutthroat But There's Another Side Of The Coin

 The fitness industry can be a cutthroat mother fucker with people that are greedy, egotistical and desperate to get people into their stuff. They ramble on but don't have the mindset of the customer, just a sad and often harmful way to lure them into a product they're selling. 

Not all in this world are like that. There are good people who want the best for others and give people opportunities to see what these people bring to the table that make training interesting, fun yet challenging but also in some cases showcase what it's like to learn about yourself and turn yourself into a bad ass. It doesn't matter if it's calisthenics, weight training, odd objects, sledgehammers, Olympic weightlifting or kettlebells....if you can train and make the most of what's possible while minimizing or reducing injuries, it's worth it. 

The real cutthroats are the ones that revolve around other people's insecurities and physical appearances in order to sell something. It's one thing to want to help someone be fitter if one has weight issues and could use some help, it's another when people go straight to the juggular and demonize anyone that isn't fit and tries to destroy their self esteem. It's cruel and full of unnecessary pitching in order to fill your bank account. 

Fitness in a nutshell is a world of self discovery through physical application and learning what an individual can do to better themselves that keeps them having a quality of life. There are dark entities to Fitness like anything else and a lot of trainers, gurus and self appointed experts take advantage of that and manipulate, humiliate and discredit others to build their ego and money snatching bullshit. It's degrading and a disgrace. 

Be open to learning but also be careful who you look into. I've seen good people in this industry and have seen assholes who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and rely on abuse instead of compassion. The good ones show what is possible with the right attitude and molding you into the person that shines with enthusiasm, encouragement and support.

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Toxicity Of The Fitness Industry

 You learn in the world of fitness that many methods work for a lot of people but some things aren't meant for everyone and that's ok. The problem is, there are people out there that prey on others' insecurities and often times trauma in order to make a buck and that's just plain dirty man, it's right up there with some corrupt cops. This is especially hard on women which quite frankly is fucking sad. When you toy with people's emotions, it becomes a toxic situation and that's not what fitness and helping others get in shape is about. 

I may have my opinions on things but at the end of the day, I don't wish anyone harm or do such crazy stuff that it'll affect their life negatively down the road whether it's injuries, brain damage or thinking exercise should be avoided like the plague. Some people are like that and some may be too far gone but that doesn't mean we give up on the rest of the world. Personally, everyone should be able to enjoy their exercise routines or be fitter and healthier little by little each day. The world would be very different but alas, it can be a pain in the ass to try to save or get EVERYONE to do some kind of training.

There are people out there that treat others like shit yet they try to make exercise seem like it's the greatest thing on earth and if you don't do it, you're a loser and a piece of shit. That's what a lot of cultists do, they manipulate a person's psyche and use them as pawns of some scheme in order to "sell their product" to the masses. There are fitness authors that literally have misogynistic views on women and claim to love them while also calling them idiots. It's sick and degrading. They boost their ego by saying because of how fit they are, they sleep with a lot of women and brag that women fall for him like they're god. Hell, one guy calls himself a Habib Porn star, I don't know about you but that's not a great nickname to have and most people shouldn't brag about being a possibly walking VD. That's just my take on it.

Now, there are those out there who do seek attention and put content out that are a bit racy (I'm being modest here) and yeah it doesn't send the greatest message to get people going, maybe some but all you're truly doing is just showing off your T & A, your abs and whatever makes you look shredded. One of the greatest things I learned in almost 20 years of training every single day is that you can look like a million bucks and let's face it, sex sells, has been for decades or longer but like I'm saying, looking like a million bucks may get you going in some areas but if you don't have the strength or the conditioning that is functional and matters most when it's needed, looks will go out the window in the long run. 

If you want to look and feel better, that's awesome and I want you to accomplish those goals, I only ask is that you also learn to be strong and conditioned when the time comes cause looks don't save somebody from a burning building or help others move furniture and sure as hell looks don't always mean you're going to be a stud in the bedroom. People like Tyler Bramlett, Logan Christopher, Matt Schifferle, Melody Schoenfeld, Kirsten Tulloch, Brooks Kubik and others are some of the true masters of what make fitness enjoyable while also taking your health seriously. They don't belittle others like they're so unfit their lives don't mean jack shit or treat their system as their way or the highway, they show what is possible, take methods that have stood the test of time and make it a priority to help others be fit, strong, healthy and help others be better people. 

Some people are so freakishly toxic, you wonder how the hell people follow them? The truth is, people feel the need to belong somewhere, they have become accustomed to certain things like making people feel like crap or were treated like crap in their lives and the volume has turned up as they get older. It's that mentality to lure people into a cult like atmosphere and shower them with hate while increasing their ego and act like they got the bigger dick. Kind of like Hitler or Jim Jones. Trump anyone? 

Another outlook of the toxic areas of the fitness world is the dogmatic approach to a certain method where if you don't believe in a trainer's method or someone's system, then you're the loser and have no business living practically. That's fucked up and not a good image for healthy exercise. Someone's method can work for a lot of people, hell change their way of life completely for the better but it's not the end-all-be-all. No one method is. It's the preying on gullible people to brainwash them into believing that a method of training is the ultimate thing to the point where they will argue and fight you (at times literally) in order to show that their way of training is best. Crossfit is right up there, I'm not saying it's the worst of the worst, many people benefitted from it but it has more cons than it does pros and it's not sustainable for long term health. HIIT is another one. This is where it can be a conflict because I practice the method myself, however; I treat it like it is an option and not some method to put up on a pedestal, trainers take that style of training way too far and not give people enough time to recover and teach people to go more than 4 days a week depending on the type of exercises, timing and rest periods.

It is difficult to find trust in a method or series of methods that doesn't come off as some guy acting like an asshole and treating others like dirt or put them in some negative category. I've called guys out on it and they have trouble fighting back at me and have written articles about me saying some crazy shit. Some of it is creative, often dull as hell. Hell, one guy tried to tell people about something about fitness and what protocols to use in order to be a real man or some shit; I went on to tell him the real deal and all he did was say I look like I couldn't do 5 Push-ups. I showed him a video of me doing 5 Push-ups but on six fingers and after that...Crickets, couldn't make one single comeback but he was cool about it and thought "ok, he got me on that one". 

It happens but when it comes down to it, don't be a toxic dick. Do what you can and help others as best as you can. There's going to be trash talkers and those that try to call you out every now and then, just don't get so caught up it becomes of web that you can't get out of. Trust me, I've been there and it's not pretty. Learned some lessons and they're part of the journey. Make training an adventure, look at methods from another perspective and use your imagination. Be amazingly awesome.   

Thursday, August 17, 2023

A Rule Of Thumb For Those Who Call Themselves Gurus

Many trainers and and so called Fitness Gurus have their hearts in the right place and do what's possible to help others while making a living. I get it, you're building a brand/image and want to be seen as someone people can go to for solid ideas on training and getting the most with a Customer/Owner relationship. A big issue with some of these guys is that the "Guru" throws himself into this character as someone who tries to come off as this near god like being and smothers himself in ego and narcissistic tendencies in order to reel in an audience. It's understandable that some ego can be a good thing to an extent but Narcissism is a whole other ball game when they're only out for themselves and couldn't care less about others unless there's green involved.

If you read between the lines, you can see guys who have a bit of an ego and others who believe in their own hype. Many fitness programs work, there's no denying that and with the right tools, there are a lot that have a little something for everyone but not all programs are created equal and for good reason. A lot of the time, the Fitness Industry is a lot like High School, you have your various groups that segregate themselves, it can be very cutthroat and have people stab you in the back, you have the weirdos, jocks, valley girls, the hams, those who end up in the back, the popular crowd and those who think they can get away with murder because their daddy is a hotshot lawyer. 

There are those who don't take any bullshit and cater to a specific crowd or audience that they should feel worshipped by. Now that doesn't mean all of them are bad. A prime example would be the late Bud Jeffries, he was not only one of the strongest (naturally) people on the planet and had staggering charisma, he was also humble and would help you if needed. Sure he got paid for training and sold plenty of courses but if you needed a tip or two every now and then, often he wouldn't hesitate and put his hand on your shoulder (metaphorically or physically if you hung around him). He was also a guy who didn't take shit either and wouldn't work with those who tried to piss him off or shimmy around him, he knew tricks and had you at checkmate before you even had a thought. He was awesome at reading people and seeing the words between words when you spoke to him through DMs or Emails.

Another one I highly admire is Matt Schifferle of the Red Delta Project. From the looks of him, he looks like he's related to John Cryer & Matt Furey but when you hear him speak or talk with him, he's also humble and has an incredibly powerful positive attitude. His books are very easy to read and treats his videos as if they're a one person seminar as in he shows as if you were there with him and training. The man trains hard and uses simplistic exercises but treats you and the training with respect and dignity. He's got a no bullshit mentality to an extent but gives everyone the opportunity to understand not only the concepts of his style but makes it interesting to listen to. He's the type of guy you want to hang out with and doesn't show a lot of ego in his books and videos. 

When it comes to someone like me, there are names and praises I've gotten over the years that are just downright not I would ever call myself. I have been called a guru from time to time, I've been called someone who's in the top 3% of the strongest people in the world and other things. The truth is, I never liked being called those things, I'm no guru or blue collar guy, I would never put a percentage on myself when it comes to strength because to me that's not fair to others who make me look like a chump. All I care about is training, giving people ideas and pointing them in a direction that will benefit mainly them, not me. Do I have a bit of an ego? Maybe, but it's more about confidence in what I can do and what I know but I don't go around telling people that I'm the only guy with any real knowledge and I'm this much stronger than somebody else, in reality, I'm literally just a guy who fell in love with fitness after having severe leg injuries that's really the jist. 

I've had my own dealings with some guys who just love to hear themselves talk and if you disagree with them, they'd want you electrocuted just for having an argument. Some even love to talk shit yet never say it directly to me cause they're a coward and don't have the balls to say something, another guy tries to justify his actions/words and tries to make himself look like hot shit even though he can't when I called him out on stuff. These are the type of guys that have no regard for others and have sociopathic tendencies which leads them down a path of not only being mean bastards but can't let people live their lives the way they see fit. They write out or record rants for everyone to see, have grievances for the most irrelevant things (not to mention their stupid political outbursts) and treat others who aren't like them like trash when they don't even know any of those people in real life. 

There are great gurus out there and then there are shitty ones who only care about themselves. Shit even one guy can't stop talking about three things if you ever come across his stuff: How awful his wife is, mocking fat/overwight people and pull-ups in the same sentence and how his stuff is the very best on the market. A fourth would be either "friends" of his you never see one pic of or repeatedly mentioning an alleged pedophile along with his repeated hatred towards LGTBQ folks. Another guy who is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to basic workouts using the term "conditioned strength" and can go even at 55 but it's overshadowed by his long and dubious rants on how weak men are, the decay of society, his repeated outbursts of how he hasn't had a drink in 30 years, repeats how old he is and how many kids and grandkids he has. He's an egotistical prick with a napoleon complex that just loves to piss people off and doesn't show any compassion for those that don't share the same "values" as he does. 

It's like a car wreck with these guys, you know it's wrong but you can't look away and be curious but at the same time, it's better to just stay away from these people because we don't know what's happening in everybody's lives and what's the point of shitting on everyone? What's to be gained from that really? Where does it end? I believe in doing the very best to be kind to others until there's a reason not to and give others the benefit of the doubt and see through the bullshit as best as possible. Not everyone can be saved and not everyone is going to live a healthy life, we just do what we can starting with the people closest to us. Social Media has its perks and there are good people out there but there are some nasty motherfuckers too that try to sell you a bill of goods and tell you all these wonderful things but their true nature tends to come out when you least expect it and when you don't fall in line with them, they can make your life a living hell and will do whatever to make themselves look innocent. 

Little by little, be a bit better at helping others without an agenda and show compassion as best as you can. Life is too damn short to be so damn bitter that you have to take out your frustrations out on the internet and share how much the world sucks repeatedly yet you say you're happy, that's not how that works man. Be amazingly awesome and keep doing what you love. 

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