Showing posts with label Bad People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad People. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Some Of It Is Cutthroat But There's Another Side Of The Coin

 The fitness industry can be a cutthroat mother fucker with people that are greedy, egotistical and desperate to get people into their stuff. They ramble on but don't have the mindset of the customer, just a sad and often harmful way to lure them into a product they're selling. 

Not all in this world are like that. There are good people who want the best for others and give people opportunities to see what these people bring to the table that make training interesting, fun yet challenging but also in some cases showcase what it's like to learn about yourself and turn yourself into a bad ass. It doesn't matter if it's calisthenics, weight training, odd objects, sledgehammers, Olympic weightlifting or kettlebells....if you can train and make the most of what's possible while minimizing or reducing injuries, it's worth it. 

The real cutthroats are the ones that revolve around other people's insecurities and physical appearances in order to sell something. It's one thing to want to help someone be fitter if one has weight issues and could use some help, it's another when people go straight to the juggular and demonize anyone that isn't fit and tries to destroy their self esteem. It's cruel and full of unnecessary pitching in order to fill your bank account. 

Fitness in a nutshell is a world of self discovery through physical application and learning what an individual can do to better themselves that keeps them having a quality of life. There are dark entities to Fitness like anything else and a lot of trainers, gurus and self appointed experts take advantage of that and manipulate, humiliate and discredit others to build their ego and money snatching bullshit. It's degrading and a disgrace. 

Be open to learning but also be careful who you look into. I've seen good people in this industry and have seen assholes who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and rely on abuse instead of compassion. The good ones show what is possible with the right attitude and molding you into the person that shines with enthusiasm, encouragement and support.

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