Showing posts with label Comfortable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comfortable. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

Comfort Zones And Expanding On Them

 Some people are so adamant against others or themselves being in the comfort zone when it comes to training. It has to be so hard that it makes you tough and resilient. Plus, the more difficult it is, the better off you'll be. Who the fuck really came up with that? 

Training is about discovery, the ability to find what works and expand on it. Sure some things are tough, but they become a bit easier with even the smallest of progressions. To me, once I get good at something, I want to make it better, not so difficult that I can't really do much. People throw comfort around like you're either lazy as hell or you're not willing to toughen it out. The truth is, when you become comfortable in this scenario, it doesn't mean you stay in that area. It's about expanding it and getting better. 

When I first got back into DDP Yoga, I couldn't even remotely get into positions that I can do now. I had to modify them (in some exercises still do) to where I can be comfortable to keep myself going. As I increased my flexibility, I expanded where my comfort level was in the positions I was doing. The workouts were still tough and are hard to do on some days but my comfort level to what my body can do increases as I progress little by little. 

Life can be a royal pain in the ass as is, it's not always going to sunshine and rainbows, everybody in most cases understands that but that doesn't mean that you try to be so tough that it makes you bitter and or give the right to put people down and call them names because they're not as tough or hard as you. Not saying you have to be a goodie two-shoes but it is important to have an attitude to what makes your life meaningful and what is comfortable while facing certain challenges.

When I workout, I can seem like some crazy nutjob doing all these things and making some things look easy but it's because I'm comfortable at being able to do those things and listening to my body. Do I go further into a routine at times, hell yes but it's because my body and my energy allow me to do that and I'm comfortable with it, it doesn't make me lazy or that I'm not allowing myself to go to my limits. 

You learn certain aspects of your capabilities when you progress. Once you get comfortable at a certain point, make an add on and get comfortable with that and keep using that momentum. Some things are tough to do like carrying a heavy rock or walking with a sandbag or sandbell held to your chest. It may seem uncomfortable because for one it isn't easy depending on the weight you use and the distance you do but you become comfortable with what you're able to do, next time go a little further and become comfortable with that distance and so on and so forth. Comfort is making things look easy when they're not, they're still tough but to you it's another day at the office. 

Have fun with what you do. Expand on your capabilities and progress little by little. Train with intent but don't be so gung ho that you're going to end up injured. I've been there and it isn't fun. Enhance your ability to be comfortable in what you do and expand it. It could make your quality of life that much more interesting. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

I Sell Shoes...Have I Become Al Bundy?

Well, I may not have scored 4 touchdowns in a single game, drive a beat up car that needs a screwdriver to start it, hell I never even built a bathroom to get some peace and quiet from the wife. I also am not cruel to plus size women while I work but hey, that's just me. But like Al Bundy, I do sell shoes, but not the type of shoes you normally see in a mall or Walmart or even Target. These shoes are freaking bad ass and are great for your feet. They have a great toe box so it's comfortable for the toes, have an option to wear socks or not and there are a variety of them to suit you daily routine. 

I wanted a change of pace with the shoes I normally wear and see what the benefits can be. Safe to say, with the short time I've used them, already feeling better and lighter on my feet. I've worn them hiking, going on a regular walk, did DDP Yoga in them along with other workouts and just having a good time in them just for the hell of it. Like a lot of people, I loved having the support cushion and rigidness but I also like being barefoot and doing what I love. I gave the Bareway Shoes a chance after seeing them in a number of places on Social Media. I got the Elite Series and from the first steps in them, it felt like I was walking on air. 

They're very light, flexible and aren't stiff in the soles. They feel more natural and are durable as well. I never really had foot issues but that doesn't mean I don't want to keep strengthening them so I can avoid injuries there as much as possible. Having healthy feet especially as we age can be crucial to how our bodies stay in a quality state. Although comfort can be a good thing from time to time, it's also important to be grounded and feel the earth and take comfort in a whole other realm. Strong feet is part of having a strong body and not just in the muscles but the ligaments and tendons as well. Foot injuries can be a real bitch and it's no fun when every step feels like pin needles or having heaviness in that area. Like physical fitness, we should strengthening our feet as much as we can. 

The Elite shoes are just a piece of what you can use for daily life. There's the Boot Series which has a more vintage type feature that can be used for those who love to hike and work in a blue collar type environment. There's the Nature Series that's geared for outdoors and has that look made for camping in the woods or going on nature walks. All these shoes still are flexible, durable, waterproof and give you sensory feedback. You can do many things with these shoes and all are beneficial to giving your feet quality life and comfort while keeping them strong and mobile. 

Unlike Al who hates being a shoe salesman, I enjoy helping others find resources that will help them be in healthy condition and bask in the glory of a strong and confident mind and body. Find the type of shoe suited for you and look into what they can benefit you in the long run, not just a temporary style that lasts a couple years. Go kill it and have an amazingly awesome day. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

New Shoes And Getting My Hammer Swing Back


I was contemplating getting new shoes and most of the time usually grabbed a pair from either Big 5 or Walmart but this time around I wanted to try something different. Was browsing around one day on social media and a few ads popped up on Barefoot Shoes. I've seen those before and years prior, I've seen the ones where you stick your toes in individually. Heard great things about them for some time and did more research recently to see what could be useful and beneficial. I ended buying a pair that was on sale by this company called Bareway.

Was a bit skeptical and read about the benefits of Barefoot Shoes but it was one of those things where I felt like a change was in order and do something I normally don't do. Picked out the size I wear, they came in and the rest is history. Wore them a few times now and they're stupid comfortable. No slip in the heel, good soles and just enough padding to feel the ground but not feel uneasy that some shoes have.

Always had strong feet and train most of the time barefoot unless I'm working with hammers or something at the park if I'm not playing basketball. Wearing socks as an option rather than a necessity is a hell of a perk. They're light, very flexible and perfectly stabilize my feet. My shoe size is a men's 11 and most shoes I've gotten that were 11 didn't always stabilize my feet and seemed to be off at certain points but I just tolerated it for years and wore them. With these things, holy shit it felt so different and foreign at first but once I started walking, it felt like walking on air. It was unbelievable.

I gave them a whirl doing my DDP Yoga Workout yesterday doing the Double Black Diamond workout that lasted an hour. That workout is fucking insane and was dripping with sweat like a faucet man. With the shoes on, they worked really well and for some reason, made the workout not only more interesting but slightly easier cause I wasn't sliding, most of the time with those workouts I don't but every now and then some moves slip up on me a bit, with these shoes on, not a single slip or slide the entire time.

I highly recommend you get a pair yourself. Like I said they're comfortable and feel amazing walking around. They're water resistant, you can go on hikes, you can run in them, workout in them, practically whatever and reap the benefits of building stronger feet. The type of shoe I got was their Elite Series. You can choose other shoes that are more suitable to your lifestyle or whatever, there's the Nature Series  and the Explorer Option you can look into. Did I forget to mention they were breathable as well and relieves pressure on the joints. 

Aside from getting these bad boys, I also tried out working with my SF Giants Sledgehammer again to see what I can do. Not ready for the more explosive stuff yet, wanted to just work on technique and keeping my back and legs more aligned with the thrust down. I even made a demo of getting back into it and I think I haven't missed a step and my form felt right. Back is straighter, worked a half squat as I brought the hammer down and just did it instinctively. Check it out....

You do what you can in the moment. Like I said, just working out the mechanics again and seeing what I can do without doing anything stupid. I'm not going gung ho on some things like I used to and play around. I still do carries with my sandbells from time to time and doing the sledgehammer strikes again felt comfortable and see what I can progress with. Train to what you can do and build from there. Exercise is about long term health, not temporary moments that may come with regret. Nothing wrong with making a record, just don't make a habit of busting your ass you can't do anything later in life. Be bold but be aware. Too many injuries add up so do what you can to live as pain free as possible. 

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