Friday, June 17, 2022

How Ashwagandha Can Significantly Improve Important Hormone Function In Both Men & Women

This isn't my typical post but if it helps someone than I did something right. 

If you want greater sexual desire, better sexual satisfaction, and overall hormonal balance, the answer could be with… Ashwagandha. For Women specifically…Women can benefit by experiencing a heightened libido and a more creative and inspired sex life. If you want to improve your intimacy naturally, consider trying Ashwagandha for 3 months and observing the changes! 

A study of female sexual function found that consistent use of Ashwagandha increased scores on the Female Sexual Function Index over eight weeks. This included significant improvements in desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and even comfort. Ashwagandha is also showing promising effects in studies of modulating thyroid hormones in women, thus being potentially helpful for cases of hyper and hypothyroidism. So even if you're one of those women who was born with Turner's Syndrome, here's something for you to give a shot. 

For Us Guys…Men can increase testosterone naturally and even increase sperm quality with the help of Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha helps balance cortisol production in the body. Since cortisol is closely linked to other hormone production in men, this leads to a huge effect on male sexual health. When cortisol levels are too high, it inhibits the production of “good” hormones like progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA (So let's try to fix that, shall we). When Cortisol levels are successfully lowered (to a healthy and optimal amount), all sex hormones can improve dramatically. 

In several human studies of men struggling with infertility, results have consistently seen increases in testosterone and sperm quality. What about guys that are fertile? One study has found a 15% increase in testosterone even in young, healthy men. Ashwagandha is a traditional herb with powerful qualities. It can help with sexual function, desire, and hormone health. Yet it is ALSO well known as a natural sleep aid, a means to manage stress, and a useful tool to help you focus. So better sleep also equals strong hormones.

Whether man or woman, we can all use a little help being as balanced as possible but also live a good quality life too. Get the most out of your natural hormones. 

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