Monday, June 20, 2022

HIIT Without The Need To Sprint

 For all intents and purposes, Sprint Training is one of the most effective methods for turning you into a well conditioned machine fast. It doesn't take up a ton of time and you can make time for other things in your life that matter the most to you. Now, do you need to Sprint to get effective and efficient results? There's more than one way to skin a cat and if you choose not to do Sprint Training that's ok but in order to get the results you want fast, you need to put in work that will get you out of breath quicker than you can say "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

How you move is the key and utilizing the mentality of "fight or flight" for a short period of time and getting out of breath in a matter of seconds. You can do this in lots of ways and you're not forced to do Sprint Style Training. You can take the exercises and create your own workouts using the style of HIIT from Darebee Circuits or do swim fast in a pool or do hard crawls from the Animal Kingdom but one of my personal favorites is doing Burpees in the 30/90 Protocol....What do I mean by this?

You would do as many Burpees as possible for 30 seconds and rest three times as long to get enough recovery. You would do up to 8 Rounds of this and you're only doing 4 minutes of work. The entire time of the workout is 16 minutes. Don't worry about how many reps you do (pardon the language here) so I say fuck the reps and focus on just being as fast as possible without flopping like a fish out of water. It's not about the reps, it's the time that matters. Recover for 90 seconds (if you're a beginner, 2-3 minutes is ok) and repeat. This method has been around for decades and has shown some amazing results. Now this doesn't mean you're going to look like Chris Hemsworth or a Ben Affleck (Batman) in a matter of weeks, but you will see some significant changes to your physique. 2-3x a week maximum is the amount you'll be doing.

So think about this, you only work a total of 12 minutes a week max and the majority of the time you're resting. This will give you an idea of how realistic muscle can be build with sufficient recovery and aiding in calorie burning that lasts for hours after a workout while also enhancing natural testosterone and Human Growth Hormone. Fuck those injections and drugs, your body has the ability to strengthen itself and benefit the health attributes that saves you a ton of time and energy. Don't believe me, do the research yourself, in most studies, this is to be as true as Amber Heard painfully lying her ass off. 

You don't have to go on a cardio binge and do hours a week in the gym, hell the 30/90 method can be used practically anywhere, you don't have to do Burpees. Just move your ass really fast for 30 seconds and lollygag for 90 seconds or slightly longer. As much as it is weird to know, there are ways to get into incredible shape without it overshadowing your lifestyle. Seriously, 12 minutes a week of hard, intense training and that's it. Hell, you can still eat what you love like Pizza, Burgers & Fries, Pasta (not in mass quantities of course) but the better your nutrition is, the faster your results will come. You don't have to stress so damn much, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. 

Eat what you love and as your results get better, pile on the real foods. When it comes to eating, do your best to keep it at 2 big meals a day because that 5-6 meal a day thing is mainly a myth. Eating small meals constantly throughout the day forces your body to digest more than it needs to. Let your body fast for a good period of time between meals like 5-6 hours. Hell for me, I don't even eat my first meal until a minimum of 12 to 1 in the afternoon. Might snack on a thing or two throughout but mostly won't eat again until dinner time which is around 6-8. When you fast and letting your body repair itself, it potentially causes greater amounts of HGH which aids in losing unhealthy weight, lowering bodyfat and makes greater digestion. If you did the 30/90 method at night two to three hours before bed and getting enough hours of sleep, could you imagine what you might wake up to the next day? 

Here's a kick ass supplement that has incredible benefits and potentially give you that extra "oomph" in your training...

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