Monday, March 5, 2018

Learn From The Turtle

Turtles for the most part have the longest life capacity than the majority of the animal kingdom. They can live up to as long as over 150 years old, that's insane. So how can we learn from the Turtle? Let's face it the most famous Turtles are the fictitious Teenage Mutant Ninja variety where you have 4 heroes in a half shell kicking butt and eating pizza. Although we focus on the cartoon aspect of Turtles and the story of the Tortoise & The Hare, Turtles have phenomenal things to teach us.

They have patience like you wouldn't believe, his home is literally a shell and it is consistently moving its neck. A Turtle's neck is something we don't always pay attention to but it is very powerful in a unique way. It has been written that some Turtles use their necks to snap up prey. Ever heard the phrase "Sticking Your Neck Out"?

As humans one of the most exposed body parts next to the arms is our necks; some have a thin neck, others very thick, some so big you can't tell if they have a neck or not. George F. Jowett once wrote "In men and the other male beasts, the neck has always been the true indication of a quality and quantity of his concentrated nerve power. A strong healthy man always has a powerful neck, and he always will have one.” Our necks are the line between our brains and the back, they connect to the spinal cord and have that electrical stimuli that helps us function in the nerves for movement. When that area is compromised in a severe way, it can paralyze us for life. It is important to train the neck accordingly so it can protect us from possible incredible injuries.

You don't have to have a neck the size of Mount Rushmore but if you want a powerful one, train it to a degree where it doesn't overstate your comfort levels and becomes painful. It can be discomforting while training the neck in specific ways but it never should be to the point of pain. Off and on for nearly 13 years, I have trained my neck to the point where I have never had a severe injury and this is from falling back onto my head & kicking over/back, bent spikes in the wrestler's bridge, moving my neck in a headstand, landing awkwardly playing sports, lifting heavy weight and others.

Train your neck doing various exercises that have calming effects but also ones that are a bit more vigorous like bridging, bridging gymnastics and so on. Now I will tell you this, bridging is the greatest form of neck training there is period, but it isn't meant for everyone, there are ways to train that area and still make it mighty strong. Most of them can be done standing, laying down or sitting in a chair. My personal favorites are doing isometrics and dynamic movements for the neck in multiple directions and angles. A more calming form of neck training that can be used for those over 40 and those who have no intention on doing any form of bridging is what's called Neck Chi Kung:

A style of Chi Kung where you move the neck using breathing techniques in various stages of movement. This is not meant to be done fast paced or rushed; it is very calming, relaxed and moving in a comfortable fashion. As you gain strength and flexibility, you'll move in a greater range of motion and learn a pressure point technique and massage method for the neck that feels amazing. Sign Up at Matt Furey's Furey Faithful Website to get the complete method of this program and literally tons of Special Reports, Books, Videos, Workouts & more on Health, Exercise, Meditation & Healthy Eating. 

If you're a more ambitious person that wants the strongest neck possible and snap up on prey like the mighty Turtle, grab Logan Christopher's Advanced Bridging Course. Learn the real methods of building a neck through stages of exercises that progress into more difficult exercises like the one exercise that made the legendary wrestler/strongman George Hackenshmidt have one of the strongest necks around.

Last one I will give you is a link to a program many athletes use especially those in Combat Sports like MMA, Rugby, Football, Wrestling & Hockey called the Neck Flex by the man who is known as "The Man With The World's Strongest Neck", Mike Bruce. A former marine and grappler that has taken neck training that literally less than a handful of people possess knowledge of and has strength 99.9% of the planetary population can't even match. Learn from this guy and he'll take your neck conditioning to a level that your competitors wouldn't dare want to think about. He is that awesome.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Over 40? This Will Make You Feel Like a Man Again

As a man it can be really crushing to your ego and confidence when your partner wants to have sex…

… but your body, specifically your wang, just doesn’t perform.

When this persists for weeks, months or even years it can tear you apart.

Not on the outside… but inside you.

So what can you do to rebalance your aging hormones, raise your T, and sexually satisfy your lover like you did in your 20’s?

There’s definitely the synthetic route. Drugs.

However, they’ve been proven to become addictive and have an almost endless list of negative side effects (you’ve seen those crazy commercials where at the end the narrator lists off 50 side effects while speaking as fast as he can… hint, he doesn’t want you to hear all the side effects).

One proven, all natural way to rebalance your hormones is with the help of herbs.

And not just any herbs, but specific ones, which contain phyto-androgens (naturally occurring plant steroids) which can raise your T fast.

The best part? These herbs typically have little to NO side effects.

How is that possible?

Well they aren’t just ONE single isolated compound, plucked out of a plant (this is what many drugs do… they pluck out one compound from a plant and sell it to you. That would be great if that isolated compound didn’t need all sorts of other compounds to balance it out).

… instead herbs are holistic organisms with millions of micro-nutrients that harmonize one another (making them generally safe for the average person to consume).

So when you consume an herb, your body’s getting ALL the nutrients needed to balance out the specific compounds that will benefit you.

So which herb do I recommend using to raise your T, get hard and balance your hormones?

My favorite is Pine Pollen Tincture, from Lost Empire Herbs.

It’s got the phyto-androgens which naturally boosts your T, and it’s filled with over 200 bio-available nutrients which help repair the toxicity in your body.

… and it doesn’t have a long list of negative side effects (in fact it has a long list of incredible, positive side effects, check out the review I’m posting below).

Try it risk free today. Lost Empire Herbs guarantees all their products. So if you don’t get the results as advertised, then you can get your money back.

>>>>Click Here To Raise Your T Naturally and Feel Like the Man You Were Born to Be

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Olympic Gymnast Goes Beyond The Regular Workout

Staying or getting in shape can be a crazy chore and to maintain it can be even more difficult. We have some serious responsibilities and at times, we don't always have an hour to spare so we learn to make do. Being busy is a normality for most people in the world and as much as being busy keeps you going, it is important to take in a little exercise to keep your mind sharp, your body ready and your energy alive.

Many people reschedule their time to go to the gym because of the heavy burden of work, kids, meetings, shopping and others. What to do to make the time you really need? The answer will have your mind blown and change everything you thought you knew about exercise.

A friend of mine named Cees is a former olympic gymnast from Holland and is also a former Dutch Champion in the sport puts on shows in Vegas that has him doing aerial stunts and performs with high octane energy. For years he has shown his wide variety of skills all over the world and in order to do those things, he has to be in top shape at all times otherwise it's the old saying of "No Work, No Pay." To make the most out of his busy schedule as a performer, stage handler & other duties, he uses different forms of exercise throughout the day that keep him energized and well conditioned for whatever comes next and this has proven to be a factor for him in his unbelievable acts.

This is what's called in fitness Greasing The Groove, meaning you spread out an exercise or series of exercises throughout the day and putting forth the effort of those exercises whether it's for a few seconds or several minutes. The question is, where can you do them?

In the car- Drop the texting and do some exercise pushing and pulling on your steering wheel (only do this at stop lights or stop signs, NOT WHILE DRIVING)

In your bed- Come on, quit it with the perverted mind you weirdo, I'm talking about before you go to sleep or when you wake and do a couple exercises first thing in the morning like leg lifts, chest presses, pullovers with the pillows and so on.

Catching on yet?

How about in front of your TV- When a commercial comes on, do some push-ups, squats, sit-ups, Knee Tucks in your favorite chair.

In your Office/Cubicle- Get away from Candy Crush or who's sleeping with who and get in a quick workout that can have self resistance exercises for your arms, do isometrics, squats, twists.

I have used many exercises throughout the day to stay strong and it has helped me in other areas. You don't have to cram everything at one time, it is ok to do little things here and there. They help you burn calories during the day and put on definition and muscle. I have even done gripping exercises while holding a grocery cart. Nobody has to know, all that matters is that you're getting something out of it.

Not sure which exercises to do? Here is a list of courses that can help......

Isometric Exercises

Combat Conditioning

Gymnastic Abs

Body Scuplting For Women

VRT Bodybuilding

Self Resistance Training

You will never have an excuse ever again. Be able to exercise no matter where you are at anytime. Master the mindset.

Monday, February 26, 2018

I Am Me

Life can be a royal pain in the ass and you live with various things day to day but it is important not to live life bitter and unappreciative. Nobody is perfect and what would be the point to even attempt to be. Being who you truly are is a chore in itself. I may not always show my appreciation but I do take it in and show my thankfulness in different ways. Some people have called me a version of "The World's Strongest Man" which as flattering as that is and very much appreciate the gesture but I will never claim that title whether figuratively or literally. I have claimed a lot of things fitness wise in my lifetime but never that.

I live everyday like everyone else with just a few unique entities. There are days where I don't feel all that important to myself or anyone, some days I'm brighter than the sun shining a beautiful beach but at the end of the day, I Am me. I love what I do and not try to be like everyone else, they're already taken. The truth is, when it comes to my playouts; I have no idea what I'm going to do that day. I never trusted any real routines and when I do or talk about them, it bites me in the ass. The fact of the matter is, I do what I do on instinct and not by a planned idea or a next day set up and I'll tell you why:

Every single time I have planned and prepared for a routine based on the program I have at the time, it only lasts less than a couple of weeks if not less than 6 days because whenever I push myself to that, my instincts kick and tell me to leave it alone. Training daily has been very difficult for me but I have managed to still do it whether for a minute or more than an hour since the summer of 2005. I always felt that was my biggest accomplishment next to everything else I have crossed in my life.

There are certain things about me I have no control over and being told to get over those things like cleaning dust with a mop has made me have doubts about myself at times and question who I truly am. I'm not perfect nor do I want to be, I'm happy with what I have, what I've done to make my life the way it is and where I go. I never thought I'd be getting married, never imagined having people read my stuff and talk about it in various forums (yes, I have read specific forums where they mention me in both positive and negative ways). I have learned that if people talk behind your back, they do it for a reason and don't have the balls to say it to you either up close or with a keyboard.

I Am me. What I put up on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or wherever on social media is not a character or someone just looking to get noticed, it's all me. What I promote and share are things that make me laugh, believe in something or give someone an opportunity to find something interesting for them. If you love what you do, never give up on it, whether someone likes it or doesn't it doesn't matter.

People project this form of body image and destroy people's intentions on ever doing something great for themselves. You can look as good as you want or strive to be but if you're an asshole on the inside, it will show one way or another. I don't have six pack abs, don't have 20 inch arms or able to run a marathon but I know I can do things many who do or have those things can't but that doesn't make me better or superior to them. Do I want to make more money? Of course I do, who wouldn't? The funny thing is, I don't care much about wanting to own a mansion or living a luxurious life. I wear sweats during the day at times, I read comic books, I watch various movies, I go on walks and/or hikes when I have an opportunity and if I want to train in a wide space; I go to a park or go swim in the lake. I don't own suits or leather jackets, I wear shorts in the snow, I put on shirts that are comic book related or have a funny theme or quote. In the words of Lynyrd Skynyrd "I'm a simple, kind of man."

I'm fit the way I was meant to be fit, I play video games and I tell my fiance I love her every single day; sometimes annoyingly more than once. Don't tell me how to live, don't tell me to believe in your religion, don't tell me to not love comic books and don't you dare tell me how to love. I Am me and if you want to talk behind my back and talk shit, well then you screwed yourself because you decided to choose me over something else that could make your life a little more brighter. Live happily and have a reason to be happy otherwise you won't be happy and you'll attract bullshit.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Athletes This Simple Herb Takes Your Workout To The Next LEVEL

Have you ever thought about using herbs to upgrade your athletic performance?

If you’re like most people your answer is “NO”.

… because herbs haven’t gotten popular yet out here in the Western world (though I think that’s about to change).

Most people do take vitamins and fish oil though.

Herbs are simply a powdered form of supplements… derived from a plant.

And some of these plants which companies are turning into powders have INCREDIBLE health, immune and athletic boosting properties.

They can…

Reduce stress (some herbs have shown to lower stress and cortisol in stressed individuals by 30%)

Balance hormones in men and women of all ages (this is crucial for folks over 40 who are experiencing all sorts of hormonal imbalances)

Increase your sex drive (which helps you stay motivated)

Keep you from getting sick.

And much much more.

This one simple herb I want to share with you helps with all the above, and it’s especially great for athletes who want to perform to at a higher level.

“I’ve added this to my recovery protocol and have seen an improvement in my running capacity. Top end speed and ability to maintain output has definitely improved over the past couple weeks!” -Stephen Hill

In studies this herb, Eleuthero, has been shown to SIGNIFICANTLY improve mice’s swimming endurance… VS mice who didn’t consume it.

And for decades, Russian athletes have been using Eleuthero for peak athletic performance.

So if you want to:

Increase your muscle mass at the gym

Reduce stress

Increase your physical endurance

Boost your metabolism

Then I highly recommend trying Eleuthero, specifically from Lost Empire Herbs (they’re the best herbal company I’ve found when it comes to quality… since they derive their herbs from the purest sources and lab test everything).

Here’s what another athlete has to say about Eleuthero:

“I’ve been using Eleuthero (often referred to as Siberian Ginseng) which is a performance-enhancing herb for a little over a year now; this 100-gram package has lasted me that long. Which is pretty impressive, that’s a lot of herbal performance enhancement millage from a supplement that costs about $40.

One of most well-documented effects of Eleuthero is it’s strengthening or tonifying of the immune system. I certainly experienced this.

Since I’ve been using Eleuthero I’ve been living and traveling in some countries that are best described as dodgy; I’ve none doubt exposed myself to all sorts of interesting pathogens.

During this time I’ve spent a winter and half (as in 1.5 winters) in Eastern Europe, which gets pretty extreme weather and in this time, with one exception I’ve managed to keep from getting sick. Anytime, I felt myself maybe getting sick I would step up my high dosage of Eleuthero for a few days and very consistently would feel back to normal.

The one time I did get sick, I really think it was because of the apartment I was staying in. I think there was maybe like a decaying body hidden below the floor that was making me sick. Just kidding, it wasn’t that bad!

I think herbs are kind of a victim of poor branding…

It’s funny before I knew about herbs I always kind of thought as them as being like kind of wimpy; you walk by the herb aisle in the vitamin store and you see all these bottles with like flowers on them but then I started researching herbs and herbs are actually like really manly!

Herbs raise testosterone.

Herbs make you more aggressive, assertive and energetic.

Herbs increase your libido and make you a better lover.” -Jonathan Roseland

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