Monday, February 26, 2018

I Am Me

Life can be a royal pain in the ass and you live with various things day to day but it is important not to live life bitter and unappreciative. Nobody is perfect and what would be the point to even attempt to be. Being who you truly are is a chore in itself. I may not always show my appreciation but I do take it in and show my thankfulness in different ways. Some people have called me a version of "The World's Strongest Man" which as flattering as that is and very much appreciate the gesture but I will never claim that title whether figuratively or literally. I have claimed a lot of things fitness wise in my lifetime but never that.

I live everyday like everyone else with just a few unique entities. There are days where I don't feel all that important to myself or anyone, some days I'm brighter than the sun shining a beautiful beach but at the end of the day, I Am me. I love what I do and not try to be like everyone else, they're already taken. The truth is, when it comes to my playouts; I have no idea what I'm going to do that day. I never trusted any real routines and when I do or talk about them, it bites me in the ass. The fact of the matter is, I do what I do on instinct and not by a planned idea or a next day set up and I'll tell you why:

Every single time I have planned and prepared for a routine based on the program I have at the time, it only lasts less than a couple of weeks if not less than 6 days because whenever I push myself to that, my instincts kick and tell me to leave it alone. Training daily has been very difficult for me but I have managed to still do it whether for a minute or more than an hour since the summer of 2005. I always felt that was my biggest accomplishment next to everything else I have crossed in my life.

There are certain things about me I have no control over and being told to get over those things like cleaning dust with a mop has made me have doubts about myself at times and question who I truly am. I'm not perfect nor do I want to be, I'm happy with what I have, what I've done to make my life the way it is and where I go. I never thought I'd be getting married, never imagined having people read my stuff and talk about it in various forums (yes, I have read specific forums where they mention me in both positive and negative ways). I have learned that if people talk behind your back, they do it for a reason and don't have the balls to say it to you either up close or with a keyboard.

I Am me. What I put up on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or wherever on social media is not a character or someone just looking to get noticed, it's all me. What I promote and share are things that make me laugh, believe in something or give someone an opportunity to find something interesting for them. If you love what you do, never give up on it, whether someone likes it or doesn't it doesn't matter.

People project this form of body image and destroy people's intentions on ever doing something great for themselves. You can look as good as you want or strive to be but if you're an asshole on the inside, it will show one way or another. I don't have six pack abs, don't have 20 inch arms or able to run a marathon but I know I can do things many who do or have those things can't but that doesn't make me better or superior to them. Do I want to make more money? Of course I do, who wouldn't? The funny thing is, I don't care much about wanting to own a mansion or living a luxurious life. I wear sweats during the day at times, I read comic books, I watch various movies, I go on walks and/or hikes when I have an opportunity and if I want to train in a wide space; I go to a park or go swim in the lake. I don't own suits or leather jackets, I wear shorts in the snow, I put on shirts that are comic book related or have a funny theme or quote. In the words of Lynyrd Skynyrd "I'm a simple, kind of man."

I'm fit the way I was meant to be fit, I play video games and I tell my fiance I love her every single day; sometimes annoyingly more than once. Don't tell me how to live, don't tell me to believe in your religion, don't tell me to not love comic books and don't you dare tell me how to love. I Am me and if you want to talk behind my back and talk shit, well then you screwed yourself because you decided to choose me over something else that could make your life a little more brighter. Live happily and have a reason to be happy otherwise you won't be happy and you'll attract bullshit.

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