Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Olympic Gymnast Goes Beyond The Regular Workout

Staying or getting in shape can be a crazy chore and to maintain it can be even more difficult. We have some serious responsibilities and at times, we don't always have an hour to spare so we learn to make do. Being busy is a normality for most people in the world and as much as being busy keeps you going, it is important to take in a little exercise to keep your mind sharp, your body ready and your energy alive.

Many people reschedule their time to go to the gym because of the heavy burden of work, kids, meetings, shopping and others. What to do to make the time you really need? The answer will have your mind blown and change everything you thought you knew about exercise.

A friend of mine named Cees is a former olympic gymnast from Holland and is also a former Dutch Champion in the sport puts on shows in Vegas that has him doing aerial stunts and performs with high octane energy. For years he has shown his wide variety of skills all over the world and in order to do those things, he has to be in top shape at all times otherwise it's the old saying of "No Work, No Pay." To make the most out of his busy schedule as a performer, stage handler & other duties, he uses different forms of exercise throughout the day that keep him energized and well conditioned for whatever comes next and this has proven to be a factor for him in his unbelievable acts.

This is what's called in fitness Greasing The Groove, meaning you spread out an exercise or series of exercises throughout the day and putting forth the effort of those exercises whether it's for a few seconds or several minutes. The question is, where can you do them?

In the car- Drop the texting and do some exercise pushing and pulling on your steering wheel (only do this at stop lights or stop signs, NOT WHILE DRIVING)

In your bed- Come on, quit it with the perverted mind you weirdo, I'm talking about before you go to sleep or when you wake and do a couple exercises first thing in the morning like leg lifts, chest presses, pullovers with the pillows and so on.

Catching on yet?

How about in front of your TV- When a commercial comes on, do some push-ups, squats, sit-ups, Knee Tucks in your favorite chair.

In your Office/Cubicle- Get away from Candy Crush or who's sleeping with who and get in a quick workout that can have self resistance exercises for your arms, do isometrics, squats, twists.

I have used many exercises throughout the day to stay strong and it has helped me in other areas. You don't have to cram everything at one time, it is ok to do little things here and there. They help you burn calories during the day and put on definition and muscle. I have even done gripping exercises while holding a grocery cart. Nobody has to know, all that matters is that you're getting something out of it.

Not sure which exercises to do? Here is a list of courses that can help......

Isometric Exercises

Combat Conditioning

Gymnastic Abs

Body Scuplting For Women

VRT Bodybuilding

Self Resistance Training

You will never have an excuse ever again. Be able to exercise no matter where you are at anytime. Master the mindset.

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