Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Few Minutes A Day Will Keep The Fat Melting Away

The condition us folks today have gotten worse than in the last 2 decades with the ever growing rate of obesity, horrible food & sitting on our asses for too long. Movement is the key to a healthy life and we don't seem to grasp the concept that you know what, maybe we should be moving in some form (besides chasing damn poke'mon). A lot of people see exercise as dangerous, full of ways to get hurt and overstrain our bodies. Hate to break it to you but not everything in the exercise world will hurt you or is dangerous. What is dangerous is not doing the right kind of exercise like crawling, jumping, balancing, playing, swimming & yes even lifting. 

Just yesterday I went to the lake down the road and walked among some rocks and decided to take a dip; before doing so after laying down my stuff, I saw a big rock that weighed maybe 200 pounds, possibly more, so I tested it by simply picking it up and putting it back down, no brace, chalk, gloves or shirt for that matter; the way nature intended. It was fun, beautiful and crazy tough but I didn't care. I also used my brain and utilized what I had learned using a bit of math, judging the grip just to even pick up the damn thing and coordinated my lower body to get the right balance. I picked it up and even partially pressed it over my head, now how could I have done that without even remotely training to move such a big object let alone an awkward one and not be hurt whatsoever? I made a choice to not give into fear. It also means I'm very well trained and have put time and effort to learn and use my body in a manner that is different, unique and moving forward with what knowledge I have gained. Putting knowledge into action creates results, period.

Now that doesn't mean all of you should find the heaviest rock possible on a whim. You need training and in order to do that you have to take a chance and make the choice of not giving into fear and creating something within yourself. When I first started walking again more than a decade ago, I made the choice to make myself stronger because if anyone was going to push me, its going to be me. Motivation can be a bitch but trust me, not everyone will support you or encourage you, you have to motivate yourself first and foremost. On the safer side of training, moving like a wild animal is a highly motivational thing because its not really exercise, its just a series of movements where you mimic a living, breathing creature. I do my best to tell people that to get the best results is to not look at fitness as a "workout" but to see it as an adventure, a portal to a world where you make the decisions, finding what suits you best and making the most out of it.

Just a few minutes of crawling like a bear, walking like an ape, jumping like a frog, balancing like a flamingo and hopping like a bunny can be a huge start to help melt fat away and having it keep melting within your consistency. I do this many times throughout the day, I sometimes do it for 20 min. straight, sometimes an hour goes by and I never notice because I don't treat it like Work, yes it takes effort and it can be tough but it is fun and exciting. Where is the motivation? The ability to see it as freedom and being imaginative, that's how I stay motivated. When you see it as work or something that feels like punishment; you'll resent it, makes you feel like a prisoner and being so strict it becomes dull, tedious & sad. Who the hell would want that?

Stop fearing what can give you the greatest benefit and do so without developing injuries, joint-pain & torn muscles. Listen to your body, challenge it on a level that helps you progress to the next level. This type of training alone I have never felt pain from or overtrained on, I move when I feel like it and use my brain to the best of my abilities. Most people who train hard have no clue when to actually stop, the body can only take so much, we are not like those in Dragon Ball Z (although its very motivating) or remotely close to the discipline Batman where he pushes himself so hard the average person would be dead. Make the most of what you can do but in the long-haul, listen and never sacrifice your body so you can treat injuries like their medals won at the Olympics. Just a few minutes a day and work from there. 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Animal Muscle Develops Functional Strength & Fat Burning Metabolism

Weightlifting is an amazing form of strength training and aught to be added into any routine but unless you've got a good budget to get weights brought to your home or can afford to go to the gym (when you do it consistently otherwise you're just wasting hard earned money), you can't carry weights everywhere with you and even if you could it be a pain in the ass in the long-run. There's always alternatives and that's one of the reasons I love to do bodyweight training; it's free, only thing being carried is you and there are thousands of things you can do just using your bodyweight.

The ultimate and most fun form of bodyweight training without question is Animal Exercise. Moving like a wild animal can be done in a variety of ways and almost all of them will whip your ass into shape in short periods of time. Its not easy just holding up your bodyweight but to move in awkward positions takes a great deal of strength. When you can move your whole body this way, you're not just building strength but developing loads of growth hormone that will help you stay young, lose weight, burn fat like butter to a hot pan and kick starts your metabolism which burns fat instead of storing it. Sure you can do your "kickboxing" dance follow along dvds or Tae Bo or Insanity Workouts but the truth is, as "great" those may be, you're developing a second rate self by doing something that requires you to work as hard or as long as the same people on the DVD at the same speed, same tempo and same workout over and over. You can't do the same as Animal Exercise.

Animal Exercises force you to use muscles not normally used in positions that can't be at the same speed or same exact positioning if you were to follow somebody. Everybody has a different structure and has to adjust otherwise if you go through the motions without regarding your own placement of the hands and feet and just follow, you can injure yourself or worse totally breaking something. The balancing is tough, the movement in some animal forms can be very difficult but with the right level of fitness and the way you pace yourself, you can progress a little quicker and bring in amazing results.

I have been doing this for nearly a decade and tested out well over 50 animal exercises from very beginner to high advanced and i'm telling you nothing gives me more thrills and makes me better conditioned than this form of strength training and overall development. Its both aerobic & Anaerobic, fast & slow, great to transition from one to the other, makes your brain work more which generates more nerve power, challenges your muscles more than any other form, upper and lower body are worked at the same time on most exercises & puts you into the driver seat by utilizing which exercises give you the greatest benefit. We are animals, we may have "better" intelligence than most animals but like the wild cats, the primates, the bears, the dolphin, the dogs, the birds we shed blood the same exact color. We may have evolved in 99.9% in most cases but we are nowhere near as strong or enduranced as they are and don't have anywhere near the same level of their abilities hence why we fear most of them. When you move like a wild animal, you become stronger than the average human, you form another level of intelligence, your energy takes in greater power to not just the muscles but the tendons, ligaments and joints down to the very crevasse of the bones. I have not found anything more athletic to do than this form of training.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Wonder Twin Powers Activate...Form Of Gorillas

Feel old now? Mean while at the Legion Of Doom. All joking aside you can't help but realize that Gorillas are freakishly strong, fast & pure bad asses of the Animal Kingdom. Apes possess strength anybody wished they had and the best part is, they only use their bodyweight. I like the lifting too especially with hammers like Big Bertha (Epic Sledge) & Thor's Hammer but no matter what I do I always go back to moving like a Gorilla.

Chimps & Gorillas are the closest to us humans, its a fact get over it. We won't be anywhere near the level of strength they have assembled but we can in fact become much stronger than the average human, granted that you're willing to step out of the celery snacked and Juice Bar (Koolaid) gyms that only cater to you using their machines instead of really helping you. Let me ask you something; have you ever seen a gorilla say to himself "I'm not going to climb today, think i'll find a bench somewhere" or ever seen a chimp feel like taking a day off cause he has a boo boo after a bad landing? I didn't think so. They run, climb, carry and swing through the trees not to look like crazy acrobats from Vegas but to survive and build their strength through play, mimicking other apes in their clan and learn skills that could save their life on a daily basis.

Its essential to move like a wild animal especially our animal cousins because it builds a foundation on how to be strong in other areas of life. It teaches control, flexibility, strength in ways that didn't seem possible, build insane power in the connective tissues and build tendons as strong as Vibranium. You think i'm all giggles here but I can assure you being strong from every possible angle can save your life or someone else's. I practice moving like an Ape lately on a daily basis; Squatting deep, walking and moving fast on my knuckles, shifting side to side, crawling, jumping and as I get stronger; rolling for spinal flexibility. I feel empowered when I do this, my knees are getting stronger, my lower arms are becoming more sinewy, my abs are showing more definition, my hips are getting used to be in a deep squat and staying there for a period of time without hurting, my fingers are getting way more solid and powerful plus builds crazy lung power and a mighty back.

I believe you can be more alive and energized when moving like your favorite animal, its invigorating and opens up your mind like nothing else plus it doesn't hurt to work your brain and amplify that electricity in the nerves that can increase intelligence, support and add greater hormone entities and power-up on your fat burning mechanism. Be a Manimal, unleash your Animality & open yourself up to the possibilities of developing strength and energy that will benefit greatly.

Go Here And Order A Copy Of Animal Workouts On DVD

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Own The Awesomeness Of Your Inner Animal Spirit

It's no mystery my favorite animal is the Gorilla but what's your favorite Animal? In the fitness world there are a lot of freedoms like the variety of exercises and the programs to choose from but also they come with rules, rep/set schemes and narrowly structured limits to what can be performed because some shmuck decided to be a fitness god and tell you his/her ten commandments. For the most part, its not a bad thing to have a structure but its also not a good thing to lower yourself to standards based on someone else's teachings.

I've learned many things and one of them was learning to be self-reliant; teaching myself any facets of training I find interesting. I can teach you technique and a workout or 2 but in order to become your very best you have to discover things for yourself and tackle them with a vengeance. We all have an animal spirit within us that gives us ultimate freedom to move within our individuality, putting forth the power of what makes us stronger than we believed to be. I love to move like a Primate especially a gorilla but not everyone will want to do that, maybe you want to move like a Tiger, a bird, a reptile, a frog what have you; don't be afraid to open up to the possibilities of what can make you the strongest and most conditioned you could ever be.

Learn your animal spirit by moving like a wild animal and whatever you find that you seem to do frequently more than others, chances are that's the animal you were meant to do. You can learn the exercise all you want but when you find your center of gravity and naturally geared towards that amazing creature only then you'll truly learn the secret to animal conditioning. Check out the DVD Animal Workouts and find the animal that really puts you into that state of mind. The Animal Kingdom Conditioning Series 1 & 2 give you more insight into the movement, the mindset and the center of being that animal. Get the kids involved, help them find their favorite animal, kids are very imaginative and always seem to find what works best for them and stick with it.

Unleashing your inner animal in a positive way enhances your body's abilities to handle awkward movements, realign areas of the brain and make it stronger hence becoming a bit smarter than the average Bear (see what I did there) and gets you to build muscle fast and shed fat like a furnace. I make it a habit to move like a wild animal anywhere I can roam, sure it looks funny from time to time but its fun and i'm doing something not many are willing to even try because they don't want others to think less of them. I firmly believe in that what others think of my exercise is none of my business, i'm having fun and that's it; if they don't like it, they can shove it and keep having a stick up their ass. Be bold and take a chance, you might actually like. Feel the Awesomeness of your inner Animal Spirit.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Review Of Film Fittest On Earth

Always liked Documentaries since I saw Pumping Iron back in high school. From exercise to sports,  to nature and others Docs bring in a tale of a story being unfold with real people doing real worldly things. This film I saw on Netflix The Fittest On Earth is the story on the lead up to the 2015 Crossfit Games.

It tells the story of participating Crossfit competitors from all over the world; features a few people out of around 40 total in the competition from the beach towns of Santa Cruz & San Diego, California to West Virginia and European Athletes. It is without question one of the premier events today and has some of the most dedicated, toughest and most well-built men and women on the planet.

I've known about Crossfit for some time now and have seen good, bad and downright ugly aspects of the "Sport" and my thoughts really on it are that as competitive as it is, its also one of the most dangerous and injury-prone form of conditioning & athletics. Without sugarcoating it its basically lifting, running, jumping, hard-nosed calisthenics that is taken to the extreme with some downright awful technique on exercise. The workouts are so insane it will literally kill the average person. Let me put it to you this way, it suppose to bring you to the absolute limit of your strength, endurance & coordination. Strictly timed and each workout makes you work faster than the last time.

I have mixed feelings about this film being that I couldn't take it too serious because the people being interviewed sounded like their on a reality show and no matter how much they say they love the concept of Crossfit, they'll literally do whatever it takes to win and fight off any competitor that gets in their way. Don't get me wrong, I love the competitiveness and the psychology of what these people go through, the training alone is brutal, hardcore and downright nasty. What I found really difficult was how much pressure they put on themselves more than understanding just being there is an accomplishment in and of itself. I've been in competitive sports so I get the idea that when you're on its crazy at times and its tough to maintain composure. Some of these men and women were so passionate about this that when they lost or had to withdrawl it sounded like their life just ended and there's nothing left to do.

It is an amazing film and the workouts these people went through defy the laws of human nature and were pushed so hard some have thrown up, passed out and/or had so many freaking bruises they piratically welcomed them as battle wounds. I'm all for challenging yourself and making the best of what you can do but not to this extent. I'm all for women tackling fitness and damn it I love it when they have better results than us guys do but a lot of these women had way too much muscle on their frame not the bodybuilding type but more than what's given for their height and bone structure. The injuries some of these people had were totally unnecessary and some of their technique in various exercises were horrendous and cringing. Some of them might take that as a compliment but its not a compliment when you are dead from dropping weight onto your body that broke the muscle in your heart and collapsing the lungs.

During the competition wherever they were at was hot, dry and painfully scorching; the workouts they endure was not meant to be done in that heat and not surprised if anything got broken during some of those exercises. I sympathize with them for what they do but I can't stand how they hurt themselves in the process. Is it inspiring in some form yes I will give them that; it teaches how to fight for what you want and hard work is the key. The biggest drawback is that they put so much on themselves they don't grasp the concept that losing is not total failure but a lesson and that when you have reached your limit and you can't move anymore, its time to back off. I don't know how much recovery they got in their training but clearly most of them didn't get even a fraction of what is needed. I'm not surprised also that some were on Performance Enhancers just to keep up the requirement for some of these workouts. Some workouts are doable but that's maybe in the 1.5% if that and the rest are just downright not meant for a human to do let alone not get injured from.

A positive thing for this is that it teaches what its like to put your heart and soul into something you believe in and that you'll fight to the very last breath. That's the warrior mentality and they for the most part are overwhelmingly warrior-esque. Out of ten I'd give this a 6.5 because as awesome the lead-up and the finish of the competition shows in this film, I can't give a rating any higher on the level where it also tries to make people see that regardless of your health in order to be the best you have to go beyond your actual needs of training otherwise you're not meant to be fit. That's the way I feel about it plus its not cool to beat yourself up so hard you can't grasp the concept that you did everything you possibly can do and realize that failure is a part of life and doesn't make you a two-time loser. I saw quite a few in that film that broke down and felt that because they lost they'd rather be dead. You can't win them all.

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