Thursday, June 18, 2015

Who The Hell Can You Trust???

If you plan on getting a trainer to help you reach your goals, you can't just go to any trainer and i'm going to tell you why. Most trainers try to fill their ego by throwing down way too much money a student can barely afford and many don't practice what they preach because they fill their head with meaningless books on exercise and believe because of what they read and don't really practice but just throw it on other people and think they'll actually get fit. I don't care how many seminars, DVDs, CD's and equipment or certificates you have, if you don't have an imagination and have been put through certain ringers, you're not a real trainer.

When it comes to trainer and student, two things come to mind that should be in synergy with one another from both sides to work and that's Passion & Trust. Trust is precious and has to be on mutual ground otherwise you're both just running with the motions without having any regard for one another's faith and understanding of the other. Passion is something very few trainers have and here's my take on it: Many trainers like to play out their routines for people like they've rehearsed this script they wrote for themselves and repeat these little scenes they played out over and over until they become their own star that pretends to have passion. For the very few, they treat people with respect until otherwise no matter how big, small, tall, short, thin, overweight or whatever. They have them see things the students don't always see and feel in ways that can't be described unless you've experienced it. I have been trained by some of the best in Physical Culture and all of them share one thing and that's passion. Others fill their ego and rather take someone's money than be open with them and help in not just getting fit physically but emotionally as well. Trust is earned both ways not a one way street where this guy/girl tells you things and the student just goes a long with it like a sheep that follows the dog.

The type of trainer I look for if I wanted someone to train me is someone that has passion, lives out their training like it's their livelihood, helps you find out things about yourself you didn't see before, gives you hope and guidance; let's you be yourself and push unexpectedly without ever telling you directly but testing you in their own way, not the scripted type I just told you. They make you feel good about yourself and don't drill you like you're in the damn army but give enough to where you listen and hit it. Someone that could turn things into an awesome friendship that goes beyond training and helping each other on both sides; making the trainer learn something about themselves and learn lessons that will make them better. Most of all, I want a trainer that won't bullshit me and bring out the very best in my abilities.

To get the very best out of your training from a certain trainer, you must become more than what they believe you to have and will get out of it. Most trainers rather push you and see what you're capable of but to a cold and distant degree. I believe in how expectations can back fire either way but in the end, if you the student and your trainer come out less than what is expected within one or the other something isn't right here. The best trainer is when he/she has gotten better because they made their student better for them and vise versa. Sounds confusing but here's the jist, as a trainer you have the duty to train a student and your best to make them better and it's their duty to make you great not to look good but realize just how good they really are and you're seeing results. It's mutual feedback and you're learning from each other's body language and being able to understand what the other is teaching. The moral is, be better than you were before on both sides and with trust, passion and doing the best you can, you have a high chance of both succeeding.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Get Awesome Training Through VRT

I have mentioned the fitness method VRT before but if it's your first time learning here's the main focus....VRT is the method that means Visualized Resistance Training. It bring a unique element in the fitness realm where it combines the world of Muscle Control & Bodybuilding Exercise. You can do this type of training anywhere and anytime and it takes only a fraction of the time you spend in the gym. The purpose of this is to imagine you're lifting heavy weights or objects while using muscular tension to create the movement. Now in the words of Magnum P.I "I know what you're thinking" you are probably thinking of saying something to me like "why not lift real weights" or something like "you can't possibly build muscle from this crap and there's no way in hell it's better than lifting 'real' weights." First off, this is an alternative method for those who can't afford weights but want to have that similar feel to lifting them and it's for those who may want/or have to travel and they need a workout they can do in their hotel room, the airport, during a stint out of a business meeting whatever the case may be. It is a valuable tool that one can use in any sort of program and want to do something that's quick to do and can give you a cardio/strength affect.

One of the key elements to VRT is not just what you imagine and create the tension, it's also how you breathe. Your breath control can determine the outcome of a session and be able to not only build muscle but get a killer cardio in there at the same time. Think about doing a bicep curl for example; you create tension and move throughout the flexion of the exercise, if you hold your breath, you won't get the powerful element that can help you build muscle but if you control the breath as you move inhaling and exhaling in a strong fashion that is congruent with the tension and movement itself, it causes more of the blood to flow in the muscles when you relax. Same way creating any form of dumbbell/machine exercises you can think of.

In this manner of fitness you are going to learn an important piece of info that will progress your levels in a VRT session and that's your imagination. You don't have to just think dumbbells and machines to do the exercises justice, imagine lifting other things like when doing a press, picture what it would feel like to lift a heavy boulder or instead of a tricep pressdown, picture pressing down a heavy rope that lifts a monolithic stone. How about curling heavy buckets of rocks or concrete, hell how about picturing yourself doing upright rows lifting a heavy log or set of very heavy chains. You can imagine anything you want, for you anything is possible. This develops the mind/muscle connection where along with your imagination you contract the muscles for a specific exercise and you do enough reps not to push to failure but enough to where it can get you breathing hard. This can also be used to help develop muscle definition in your bodybuilding journey if you choose to do so. An old-time gymnast and muscle controlist Bobby Pandour didn't lift weights but yet constantly flexed his muscles utilizing breath control and thinking into the muscles. He had one of the greatest physiques of his generation if not the best.

I believe Charles Atlas had a hell of a course and it gave many men around the world a hell of a body to strive for and did it for health and fitness but there was one thing missing and that's using the imagination to develop the real tension in the muscles. The Atlas course is awesome but it's nothing compared to VRT because unlike Dynamic Tension, VRT is more explanatory and it gives you a little more structure and what to strive for. Sure both courses have a similar philosophy of being your own trainer and figuring out what works best for you yet VRT just let's you run free and to think for yourself as oppose to these are the exercise, this is how you do them and then you're on your own. Think about it; what would it feel like to build muscle and get your heart rate up anywhere and anytime you want to? To get in a workout that takes less than 20 min. a Day and can be done day or night or as a finisher to your other workouts, you decide what to do not the course deciding for you. I have used bodybuilding books as research and learning the different exercises based on various parts of the body and used them as VRT exercises; it is genuinely one of the most creative aspects of fitness in the near 2 decades I've done training.

To get more details and greater info on the scientific element plus exercises you can start with, go here where VRT is sold for the extremely low price of $9. With this course alone you save yourself thousands of dollars and a many hours would've been wasted being on machines that do nothing but isolate your muscles that can hurt you and think of the money you're saving on gym memberships, equipment that won't fit very well in your house when all that money can be used for the food to feed your family, insurance to supply protection from high cost hospital bills if you got hurt, your mortgage/rent and even use it to help someone in need. You may think $9 is too cheap but that amount can also be a lifesaver and bring you a new wave of health, strength and muscle building you never thought existed. Grab a copy and unlock your potential in creating workouts that you can do however you want, you're the boss, make it work for you.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Deep Breathing Exercise

The value of Deep Breathing exercise has been taken way more for granted than most exercise systems because it's not always looked at as true exercise yet it's the most important. Certain methods vary depending on the type of breathing you want to focus on and it can be used in so many ways but it has only one goal in mind and that's to train your body from the inside out. The type of methods range from doing Qi Gong, Yoga, what's called Costal Breathing, Specialized Breathing for Posture and for various sports.

I have practiced Deep Breathing exercise for nearly a decade in full detail and different types of research and experimentation. I don't believe in just one method, I use it to help my posture, calm the nerves in my body, used in Isometric exercise and other forms of training so I don't have a particular favorite but I do know that some aren't as efficient as others and whoever claims their method is the greatest just wants to fill their ego and tear down what doesn't work for them but could work for others. Sure it is important to understand the true nature of breathing and with the right kind of training it does more than mellow you out or feel in a calming state of blissfulness; it can help heal injuries, develop greater brain cells, make you faster and/or stronger, help your flexibility and stamina to the point where you can be envious to many or admired by others of your abilities. I won't go into what methods don't work because quite frankly they aren't cut out to be a method that holds true power and longevity.

The two biggest methods in today's society at least of deep breathing are Belly Breathing & a method by Edwin Checkley called Costal Breathing have a small underground debate on which one is superior for real fitness and lifelong health. In my opinion there's only one place where it's debated and Costal is the main flavor but on a serious note in my opinion which one is better? Well let's look at what each one does when it comes to breathing....

-Belly Breathing

A method where you bring the stomach out on an inhale and pulled inward on exhale. This is meant to help relax the muscles of the body and it's been used a method in many ancient Chinese, Japanese & Indian meditative practices where you control the belly to train the organs, lungs and muscles to be in a more calming state of relaxation but still maintaining forms of postures and movements.

I've only read in one other place where Belly Breathing is considered Blasphemy because the people in their "defense" say it gives you a big gut and doesn't maintain youthfulness and health plus in Edwin's book, it's considered Lazy. I'm sorry but that is total bullshit. Babies naturally breathe this way in order for them to survive, call that lazy?

-Costal Breathing

A method where you breathe through the chest and lengthen the rib cage to open up more of the lungs and supposedly helps maintain a classic physique where you have youthful muscle tone in the core area and you hold the stomach in as much as possible to maintain posture.

This is a great method no doubt but like every form of exercise it has it's flaws. Unlike Belly Breathing where you relax the stomach and push outward and pull inward, Costal creates tension because its very difficult to relax when you're constantly trying to pull up the rib cage. This method is mainly used to maintain that "Greek god" like body where you develop a small waistline while having a more muscular structure. The problem I have with this is not the method itself, but the content and the mere snotty intent of what it's "meant" for. I do believe in having an aspiring body but certain things don't always work out in their favor. Me and certainly others have tried for a period of time doing this method almost exclusively and I have come to one conclusion, it hurts like hell and I don't want to feel tensed up trying to maintain my posture. It works for some but it's not meant for everyone.

There is good tension and there's bad tension. Good tension is when you train using form and flexing the muscles in a particular exercise like in Gymnastics, various forms of movement, weightlifting and even swimming. Bad tension is when you use too much muscular flexion and it can cause inflammation and you could hurt yourself in certain situations where unwanted tension can cause injury or worse. I do believe in the type of tension and relaxation that comes from muscle control and flexing the body in various exercises to help maintain form that's acceptable but yet I don't like where i'm forced to tense my body where it becomes painful and can cause possibly a hernia or a tear in the joints and it's not fun where you try to maintain posture but causing too much tension in the back muscles to cramp up and your stomach has a feeling of getting hit with a crowbar (trust me I've been there and it's a pain in the ass).

I have actually maintained a decent posture because of the bridging exercises I practice and it gives me enough tension to maintain form but also give me that natural spring in my torso and hips that give off that powerful posture look. Deep Breathing all together is an essential element to the way we stay alive. The power in your breath can be a breaker or a maker in your health and fitness success. Do what works for you and although there are pros and cons to every method if you read about certain methods that give off a negative vibe or try to tell you that one way is completely wrong and the one you're learning is the best and it's the only one where you live longer and can have this physique and whatnot, i'd think twice about it. Research and observe the content and practice with your own intent and not what someone tells you to do or sets you up with a huge sales pitch. Anything that can be useful in how you build a foundation for health and it gives you purpose without an agenda or a preaching sales pitch then do it. Be your own teacher.

Friday, June 12, 2015

A Muscular Core For Real Strength

Mainstream fitness see's the core muscles as these different sets of muscles that aught to be this for the lower abs, this for the upper abs, hypertension for the lower back and a machine for the sides and other things in between. They want you to believe that in order to get a good set of looking Abs, you need to break them down into a million pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. Hate to break it to you but unless you have the patience of a monk or into bodybuilding, you'll hate working so much for very little results. The truth is, the Core Muscles are meant to work as a unit and utilized as a whole and not a bunch of little things meshed together. Train your abs using full body movements and isometric holds. The more you learn and physically do that, you'll come to realize how much bullshit mainstream fitness has fed you.

When it comes down to it, Isometrics are one of the most powerful entities in the entire realm of exercise and health. In order to even move our bodies, our Core needs to stabilize and be tightened in order to do our best forms of movement whether it be weights, bodyweight, gymnastics, bridging or anything else. Isometrics teach us a form of Muscle Control that helps us fight off injury and protects the lower back from harm. Although you are flexing the muscles themselves, the key to staying strong and durable is how you breathe. To get the most out of your Core Training specifically is to flex every muscle in the body but not to the point of bursting a vein but enough to where you feel it and being in those moments of controlling the body. Isometrics unlock plateaus that you didn't think were possible and the strongest muscles are our legs and Core.

It isn't the greatest thing in the world to have six-pack abs, but yet it sure as hell isn't a bad thing either. There are however two different types of muscles when it comes to being truly strong and just looking like it; its Counterfeit Muscles & Conditioned Muscles. Counterfeit is when you have nothing but show and you can actually get hurt fairly easily and you're left with bundles of muscles that are crap without function; conditioned is when you are functional, strong and mobile from as many angles as possible, move forward/backward, side to side, diagonal and anywhere else possible and you're less prone to injury and can withstand some hard hitting damage. If you want real six-pack abs, condition them with laser-like intentions and not showing off just because they look like they're carved out of granite.

The biggest aspect of having strong and powerful Core Muscles is that they protect you instead of working against you. They keep harm away for the organs and bone structure. Having protective muscles helps build power in the tendons and ligaments in the rest of the body. Want to have a healthy life full of vigor and vitality; strengthen the body to help protect you. You have only this life in the world, don't waste it on useless training methods, drugs and crappy food. Do the best to your abilities and become as strong as possible having the strongest Core you can possibly imagine.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Just Play

When did we begin to stop playing? Oh yeah that's right we were told by the time we reached adulthood, we had to be serious and responsible because play is for children. I'm sorry but as a society; we take things way too literal, kids losing out on having the chance of recess so they can have a longer class, we eat crap just so the corporations can keep going to the bank and the media feeds on misery and feeding us useless info that has nothing to do with us personally or figuratively. I'm not saying we shouldn't be responsible as we get older but at least let us have a little fun in the process.  One of the biggest things happening right now is the teaching of movement and bringing back the ability to move like a real human being. 

Get up and move. Do some kick ass combos you can learn from Animal Flow, do various styles of basic gymnastics like building the abs or learn hand balancing. Learn the valuable skills of natural movement like crawling, jumping, balancing, swimming, carrying, lifting and tossing. Move like your favorite animals in the wild, do Isometrics throughout various times of the team to keep up your energy and fat burning. Go do sprints that will melt fat off of you like a furnace or hell build your own little gym in your house using quality equipment to build realistic strength and muscle. Do something you enjoy and have a blast doing it otherwise you will just be like the majority of people that have told you that play is for kids and that being an adult is serious business; so is play, it can save lives and take you out of the foxhole most people call a life. 

You can be inspired by the workouts or exercises you see in the gym, on a dvd or at a seminar but we can't work the same way as the next person. We may be stronger or weaker, more or less mobile and we don't always have the same amount of stamina or drive. We do however one thing in common and that's we have the potential to develop our own style of training that is creative and work for us (or in this case plays to us). Learn what you want to do but become your own master, not be a sheep and/or try to copy someone else's workout plan. There are a lot of ideas and we can admire and blueprint those ideas but eventually the only way to be truly successful is to make your play your own. As kids we mimic the other kids we play with but no matter what we do, we end finding our own way to climb and jump and swing on the Ape Bars. There are people bigger or smaller than us, they can be weaker and others are stronger so we customize what gives us the greatest benefit. 

I personally believe in doing what comes to mind and putting it into action. Using my instincts and intuitiveness, I train according to what my mind says and my body follows. I really don't like routines because doing something over and over too many times just bore me and I want to do something new and exciting, something my body is not use to, not to confuse it but make it adaptable and constantly learning. Sure it's important to practice but certain things come up you won't expect and it's important to expect the unexpected so you train your body and mind from as many angles as possible. Think outside the box, don't always be traditional, be different and daring to do something someone else wouldn't dare to try. It is not one upping anyone, it's learning to discover what you can be best at and making that journey as you play and experiment. Move the way you were meant to and learn what playing really means and how it can bring you to a world full of wonders and imagination people would envy. Stay playful my friends.   

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