Friday, October 31, 2014

A Superhero With An Arrow

    One show I've got into lately was the CW superhero TV series Arrow. It's been one of the best shows I've seen in a while and because of the rise of Superhero films the last few years, it's only fitting to put them on TV as well. This was on Netflix so I really had a chance to get into it, no commercials so I loved learning about the characters and the stories that unfolded. If you haven't read or heard of the Green Arrow, it's about a rich kid who becomes an Archer much like Robin Hood but with a twist. One thing hit me with this show is not just the action, the drama or him shooting these kick ass arrows but the training scenes; they're very unique in the way where you never see this type of training on practically any TV show, we're talking Ninja Warrior type stuff, Handstand Push-ups, Win Chun, Combat Training it's very unusual but awesome.


    The training scenes bring a different element to a show where it's not like a Rocky montage but what a hero literally does in his time while going after the bad guys. Normally you'd see anything close in a cartoon which exaggerates everything but in a full on TV show with real people it's practically realistic maybe not completely but it's there in some form. A lot of what this guy does on the show is mainly bodyweight and handles his strength in a very unique way. The way he was taught to train his hands before he even pulled a bow was similar to what shaolin monks would use in their training. Archery is a very old school skill set that dates back to the Remote Past where guns didn't exist and the Bow & Arrow was the number 1 weapon of its time, forget swords and spiked maces, the arrow was a weapon for elite fighters of war. To even train for the strongest bow takes years of not just practice but also pure hardcore strength that needed exact progression otherwise in battle if you missed too many times you would be kicked out. You had to learn how to handle a target from practically every angle, not just straight into a bulls eye like in a contest, you needed precision and accuracy from as many targets as possible. Some of the strongest men of the time couldn't pull back a heavy bow, those that could, had powerful tendons, super strong shoulders and an incredible pull back that envied many men.


    The way to sum up Green Arrow is if Robin Hood had Batman's money and unique tools. Although in the cartoons those two are part of the Justice League only one of them has actually killed. Batman is one of the top superheroes of all-time period but he also doesn't have the warrior's side to kill if needed and that part of him can be argued, however with Arrow; he's got some legit reasons in the show and comics and like the story of Robin Hood, steal from the rich and give to the poor. Each person that he has taken a life from has a purpose to it and although I don't condone superheroes killing, I could understand the need to.


    I love some of the training Stephen Amell does on the show and although he did a completely different type of training for the role, the fact of the matter is, he's not this overly muscle bound looking bodybuilder, he looks like a real athlete that can do some pretty gnarly stuff. He looks like what a superhero should be, athletic, strong, agile and flexible. It's an inspiration to see a realistic physique and not something grotesque like Ronnie Coleman. I'm not surprised if there were things he used to help build his body and I don't care, fact is he's got something awesome to use and I much prefer a physique like that with the strength and athleticism to back it up. Check out the show on Netflix if you haven't yet or get the first 2 seasons on DVD. It's worth a watch.


Happy Halloween everyone, have a blast, dress up with your most kick ass costumes and get some great candy for the night, watch a horror flick. Be awesome

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Excitement Of Training

    Most don't look at training or working out as a sign of excitement especially from an internal stand point because you're sweating, moving from place to place in the gym and doing some weird ass aerobics class (you see those new kangaroo jumpers they use). Now this doesn't just happen in the gym, it happens at home, while you're out swimming, at a park practically anywhere and one of the reasons most don't excited is because they don't explore themselves internally; using their imagination to create a workout or routine that fires every muscle in the body, picturing something happening while holding a stance or posture. You can go through the motions and still get some kind of result but it won't be the result you want, why not explore your imagination to make the workout interesting. Create scenarios, do pull-ups and each time you come down, picture as if a fire is trying to burn you alive. When you do squats, picture as if something was coming at you and you have to duck to avoid it. When you lift weights like a bench press, picture as if it wasn't a barbell with plates on it but I really heavy beam and in order to live you have you have to push that beam off of you. Now some of these don't need to be that drastic but you get my drift.


    There are certain exercises that are just so tedious boring (in my Thaddeus voice from Your Highness) that it's hard to believe that some of these things were created to get results. Seriously if you're going to take an exercise that could be effective but it's so dull, why not add a little zest to it. You can practically turn any exercise into a mighty training tool yes even some of those machines but I prefer old school lifting and bodyweight style training but anyway, if you can make a simple exercise fun and enjoyable, you're no longer working out, you're creating mighty training tools to get the results you want. You have a brain, so why not use it to your advantage and turn it into an awesome exercise that looks the same to everyone but you. You have the right to feel excited when you train, it should never be a punishment but a rewarding experience that could change the very landscape of what you have been taught. The way certain people teach is a bit cold-hearted and try to be all hardcore and act like a want be badass (have you seen those exercises some of those trainers teach, holy shit they're god awful) but that's not a reflection on you, it's on them and you deserve to get awesome results and have the time of your life, trainers are supposed to help you train so one day you won't need them anymore but yet they'll reel you in just so they can take more money from you but the real deal gives you the tools you need so you can be successful on your own.


    It sometimes can be a drastic change, at times it's easy to change but overall going from dull and boring to adventure is one hell of an experience and you have an opportunity to make it happen. I've seen people come and go from the gym and around certain areas like a park or field and you can just sense the fire that's inside them but others just go through the motions acting like there's no care around them and to me that's just sad. Ever felt that excitement as a kid when you played tag or being in the sand, opening your mind like it was the easiest thing in the world, what happened to you bro/girl? Oh yeah that's right you grew up and felt that opening your mind to an adventure was just a child's thing and you overanalyze everything. Stop and smell the roses everyone, there's a whole world you can create and it's all in your mind and you have a power in you that is just bursting to come out. Be adventurous, have a blast with what you do, laugh and when you train, have a little fun with it, be creative and let the inner kid in you out to play because this world is messed up as it is and the few of us that choose to live with happiness and lightful in a dark world find it different in our minds and we utilize it to help make the world a better place.


    There's potential in all of us and there's always going to be something we're terrible at but on the other side of the coin we are incredible at something and when we find it, it makes us whole and we do the best we can to ascend that ladder of success using what we're best at. Some don't know what they're good at yet but it's there and you have the power to find it. When you do, hold onto it and never let go. Use your potential to reach new heights and be successful at it. It doesn't matter if you want to get strong, do cool stunts, create a business, write a book, train others no all that matters is you find what you're best at and if it makes you happy, run with it and never look back because you have the potential to change the world just by doing what you're best at and you progress within your own style because nobody can force you to make your potential run any faster, we run at our own speed and we grow the way it is meant for us as an individual.


Happy Thor's Day everyone and have an awesome day. It is the night before Halloween so get your costumes ready, do what you need to do and have a blast the next night.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Nature Of Movement

    In the last 30 years or more, we have devolved in terms of how we use movement as a practice for everyday life. Back when I was a kid in the early 90's we ran around the yard chasing each other, crawling, jumping, playing tag and being free. We swam when we went to the pool, we jumped off docks at the lake, climbed a few rocks to get to a place where when it was windy the water would splash up on us. Indoors there was a lot of crawling, squatting to play with the toys and (I was older when me and my friends did this) played silly sports games that were just intense and had to use every muscle in our bodies in a very tiny space. You can't do that from being on a treadmill or a machine, it's flat out impossible in my book. The few however that have continued to grow have taught people how to move with efficiency and using the muscles and tendons/ligaments in a natural manner although structured to learn but teach how to use our instincts.


    Some say we are descendants from Adam & Eve, others believe we came from hunter/gatherers of those who lived in Caves and apparently there those who believe that we just miraculously evolved out of nowhere to learn the understanding of Agriculture, Farming, Supply Shipping and whatever else that created this Civilization of the Remote Past. I'm not religious whatsoever but I'm not going to bring down someone's beliefs so they can think what they want. Quite frankly you can have your research and stating what is factual or what's myth and what you can gather from bones and artifacts the truth of the matter is no matter how you look at things it all comes down to one word: Survival. In the remote past it wasn't always having civilization and crops to grow to have food and the only water you had was in a river/lake. People needed to eat, drink and keep warm so they had to come up with a way to keep going and sometimes on a daily basis fight to get the best out of the things needed for a tribe or single person. These were the first geniuses of our ancient world because if they hadn't come up with a way to survive, they'd be dead period. Our ancestors needed to do a ton of things in order to survive for instance; crawl under low places, jump from one spot to another to avoid whatever, swim to catch fish or save a life of a tribesmen, run as fast as they can muster to avoid predators or chase after one and lift things to carry back to camp such as maybe firewood, rocks to cover up something or to use as a weapon. They relied on their instincts and had to move with such power and strength and they never were even taught it (not like today) so what we learn today is more structured to how our ancestors survived but it's got more of a twist.


    As a human species we are practically the most adaptable on the planet. We can never be strong as a tiger or gorilla, fly like bird, run like a cheetah or fish like a bear, hell even have the stealth of a Crocodile but we can adapt to practically any environment using our bodies to crawl, jump, squat, shift from one side to the other, going backwards just as efficiently as moving forward and our brain capacity amplifies that of any animal. This is how we are supposed to move our bodies; did I forget to mention we also can lift heavy objects in our time of need and/or carry them. Our DNA has us using our Physiology and Structure to move in a state of instinct and whether we are taught this or that it will come down to our instincts and not only the fight or flight mechanism but our brain can send energy to our system that has thrown that form of adrenaline within us. It is our nature to move and we as a species have lost touch on how to make our movements not just more natural but useful and utilizing our potential for real world strength and stamina.


    Like I said before we have the ability to adapt more than any other type of animal. We can cover areas from quite a distance, have incredible strength, run for miles on end and our ability to adapt when we need to sprint like hell for whatever reason and our awareness is very vast and cunning. We are wasting our potential by sitting on our asses and looking at violence and sex and many other things on a daily basis and it's become a horror basically. Move around your house, go outside and play around, jump on one leg, crawl under a long part of a tree, run on a track, lift rocks/logs or anything that is heavy that you can handle, go swimming in the lake or the ocean, Squat to pick something up or sit in that position to play or whatever. The point is to use what nature was intended for you, I don't care if you believe in god or whatever but nature is nature and you are part of it, use it to your potential and it doesn't matter where you live, learn to adapt.


Have a great Tuesday everyone, be awesome and get up and move.

Monday, October 27, 2014

A Review Of Pac Con

    Normally I would write a review on fitness or a few exercises I really enjoy hell even give you a scoop on a product I've used but today is about being a total geek. In making this exception it's clear to say that this was one of the best experiences of my life. This event was in Spokane, WA which is about 45 min. from where I live here in Hayden, ID so it was not too far away. For me it was one of those once in a lifetime opportunities that I chose to experience and bought a ticket back in I think June or May. I've never been to a Comic Convention and always heard how awesome they are in some areas around the country like Comic Con and Wizard Cons. It's a bit hard to describe and the venue was rather big but the series of booths and celebs was actually fairly small but on the other hand there was a ton of great collectibles, classic/modern comics ranging from $1-$1000 for a single copy, toys, games, artistic pictures from illustrators displayed to me there was magic in the room itself.


    When I first got into the room the first thing I saw was the 1966 Batmobile from the campy TV show back in the 60's which is considered one of the greatest iconic cars of the last century. I looked at it and I was just breath taken by it because as a kid my mom taped the reruns and I got to watch a few episodes plus having the movie now on Blu-Ray made it that much more exciting. Despite the campy jokes and the weird costumes and the colorful words for punches they used, the batmobile was the greatest symbol of the Caped Crusader. The guy at his table asked if I wanted a picture with it, I hesitated because I thought it be rather expensive like 50-60 bucks but it was far less so I jumped on it (not literally). Not only did I get my picture taken but I got to sit in the damn thing and it was one of the most electrifying experiences ever, I played it cool but inside I was screaming "Holy shit, I'm in this freaking car, this is so awesome." Talk about your introduction to a Comic Convention.

    After my little run with the car (again not literally), I started making my way around the series of booths containing practically everything from collectable toys to very rare comic books and even saw the Delorean Car from the Back To Future movies, wish I took a picture but something inside of me compelled to say no (I wanted to punch myself). People from all walks of life were sharing their artwork on display and not just of comic book characters but those from sports, TV shows, movies and other areas of the media. There was even a booth of fans that were Trekkies of Klingon donating their stuff to Hospice which was really cool in my mind and they were nice people despite giving me a small hard time because I wasn't a trekkie, I'm a born and bred Star Wars geek dammit. The T-shirts they sold were amazing and not just your typical run of the mill comic and nerd shirts, some of these shirts lit up in the dark when music hit, I thought about buying one but they were around 40-50 bucks and I was on a budget. So all in all these booths all had something awesome to display, even some of the very racy stuff that had a burlesque theme to it but I'll let it leave to the imagination. Pretty cool though if I say so myself.


    The celebs they had there were awesome. I first got my ticket because it said Stan Lee was going to be there but it turned out he was only there the first two days and I went on the third because that was all I could afford at the time. That was disappointing but some of the others made up for it, even William Shatner Captain Kirk himself was going to be there but like Stan was there only the first two days and I kept thinking to myself "God Dammit stop torturing me you bastards" but again some of the others made up for it. There was Denise Crosby of Star Trek lore and starred as the mom of Pet Semetary, a legendary horror movie (got to shake her hand when I went up to say hi), Dirk Benedict who starred on The A-Team and a couple others but the ones I really got to see were the voices of Winnie The Pooh and Goofy of the last 25+ years so that was a treat and it was incredibly awesome when I met Bill Farmer AKA Goofy and he did the voice when I shook his hand. These two cats alone have over 500 Voice roles added to their resume that have been featured in Video Games, Disney films, DC Animation, iconic Disney TV shows such as Darkwing Duck and The Rescue Rangers and many others. I was just in awe and they were very nice guys.


    The artists at this place were people I've never heard of and only known about their artwork because of the comics I've read or whatever but these men and women did some incredible pieces and I just happened to buy about 3 pieces of their work that I thought were just powerfully done. One was a picture of The Avengers that is just beautifully crafted and the guy even let me have an autograph as a bonus for buying it from him that was really cool of him. Another was from an artist named David Wong and it was a last piece in his book that you can take a picture out. It was an incredible and awesome looking picture of Spider-Man and it is a true treasure to hold. I interacted with him the most because he had this great sense of humor and energy to him that was just fun to listen to. He's 49 and looks 33 and was pretty built for a small guy so we had a small chat about weights and out past of lifting. Great guy and his work is just beautifully made. The one piece of Artwork I did get that just drew me to it the moment I saw it was a picture of Deadpool in a San Jose Sharks uniform particularly the uniform of Sharks captain Joe Thornton number 19. It was great interacting with these guys and although some were tired as hell because of the travel and getting their stuff going, I did my best to give them acknowledgement and giving them some positive energy sent their way.


    When it comes to Comic Convention, the real fun is not just seeing the artists, celebs or people wo ran the booths and their glory put on display; it's normal everyday people who go and dress up and put on some crazy ass costume that you can't help but take a picture of. They call this Cosplay, these young men and women had incredible and quite frankly very beautiful get-ups so I took plenty of pictures of different people but my personal favorite is the one you'll see here in a sec. There were people dressed as the Avengers, Nick Fury, a Knight, a sexy Alice, Harley Quinn, The Riddler, Joker, Punisher, Green Arrow I can go on and on but you get the picture. I don't think I saw a bad costume on anyone, even the little kids had great costumes but the one I should've taken a picture of was of this guy dressed in full gear like Yogurt from Spaceballs he was just awesome in that thing. There was even a young lady maybe in her mid-late 20's who dressed as Ariel from the Little Mermaid with the outfit and the Red Hair she was gorgeous and to go with it she had a bad ass tattoo of Darth Vader on her right arm. So the one pic I'll put up for you guys is of the Captain America & The Punisher fighting. These two guys were just awesome and nice guys too.


    So to put an end to this long ass article; it was an experience I'll never forget and although I went alone I didn't feel alone because interacting with the people there made me feel great and happy because there was no judgment, just plain fun being around different people of different backgrounds sharing a common bond of being at a place we all enjoyed and having a great time. Talking to David Wong was just awesome, he told a few stories that were just hilarious and he took the time out of his time being there listening to me and my little story of bending bars, lifting heavy stuff and he connected with me on that and sure he may not remember the conversation or me at all if I saw him again but it felt great just to be apart of that. I showed him a couple pictures of my bends and he wanted to shake my hand for my accomplishment and that felt really good to me. It really was one of those once-lifetime things I chose to do for myself because I never got to do stuff like that when I was a kid, sure I went to things like wrestling matches, Disney On Ice, Sharks games, Baseball games and even went to the Sony building in San Francisco where it was a Video Game type of convention but never a Comic Convention so it was a lot of fun and I would go to more of these if I had an opportunity.


    I may be 30 but when it comes to stuff like this, I'm like a little kid again and just eager to make the best of it all because although thousands of people go to these things every year, even more never get a chance to go even once so I made a choice to do it. If there's something you love and you had an opportunity to go somewhere where it not only displayed it but gave you added inspiration to add to your craft than do it and never for a second let that excitement leave you because it's not everyday you get a chance to have that. You guys are awesome and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this, it was long but it was well worth the write up because I wanted to share my experience with you because you give me the inspiration to write cool stuff like this or anything else I write. Have a blast, make everyday exciting and welcome to a new week, be awesome and love one another.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Super Breathing

    Almost sounds like a super power that a hero uses don't you think? Believe it or not it's just another term for deep breathing but amped up a bit. When you breathe deeply and correctly, it's not just filling the lungs with air and having a calm effect at the end, it goes beyond that. The power of deep breathing enhances your body and mind in many different ways from having a clear mind, decompressing the stress on your body and delivering powerful quantities and qualities of natural strength, awareness, flow of movement and opening up the Chi or life force that makes you feel alive with vigor, vitality and pain-free. Some people have trouble breathing deeply due to some illness that they were born with or have a defect in their structure of the organs however; if you look at some of the old-time strongmen like Maxick, The Mighty Atom, Charles Atlas and a few others who were told that because of their fragile capacity they won't have a chance in hell having a healthy life but yet these very same individuals became powerful men of strength, health and fitness.


    One of the key elements to understanding deep breathing or in this case Super Breathing is its ability to heal the body and mind in a way that is difficult to explain. When the body is at ease and your breathing is a factor of the healing process just about whatever it might be, you're finding that the cells and blood flow run much smoother and help you rejuvenate at a fast rate. I'm not saying you'll heal like Wolverine or Captain America but the rate you can heal at if your body is using as less tension as possible because too much tension causes inflammation, shallow breathing, compression of the shoulders & back and overstress causes the cells and blood to block their ability to run on their natural flow of generating growth and powering up the internal organs. When you can command your body to relax and open up from the inside (not physically split open, this isn't a horror movie) you're giving your body the juice it needs to bring powerful vitality to everything the inside produces and this natural process can help you stay young, active, produce natural hormones in both men and women and can help heal your body from previous injuries.


    The power of your breath has another important aspect that many neglect to understand and that is its ability to produce natural strength levels that you may have not noticed before. A lot of people all over try to tell us what's so different and labeling us to a high degree when in fact there are plenty of things that make us the same for instance; we all have muscles that fire up in our body when we do something extraordinary or just plain putting effort into something, we all have a way of generating strength within some form of degree and we all have the ability to become super strong in some shape or form. By breathing and using the mechanics of your muscular system, you can become crazy strong. With infusing your mind and body and the way you handle the breath you can generate instant strength that can almost be tripled within seconds. This is a foundational concept of programs like CoreForce Energy, Advanced Hypnotic Training and how you can release Chi from practicing various energy arts in Qi Gong, Tai Chi and other forms.


    Another great thing about the ability to deep breath is when your mind is a complete ease and the clarity you can produce can have a profound effect on the way you can enhance your learning abilities whether they are exceptional or not, your ability to think better, making decisions without stressing out and your ability to handle situations. Opening up the mental aspects of deep breathing allows you to take in more power and vitality to your brain which can unlock your ability to remember things you haven't thought of in a very long time, greater use of using visualizations, oxygenate the brain and perform tasks with a greater rate of success. So as you can see, deep breathing is not just about binging more life to your body and mind, it's about bring the quality of how your life proceeds with added abilities that can aid you in what makes your life strong, vital and important. It's our livelihood that we breathe with power and flow. Breathe and breathe with life and attitude because how you breathe determines the way you live life.


Happy Thor's Day everyone and be sure to pick up Super Power Breathing by Paul Bragg on your way out of this article. Flow through your body using Mike Fitch's Animal Flow program, you'll have fun, exciting workouts and you'll be breathing like crazy after a few moves. Have a great day, be awesome and send me a shout. I'd love to hear from all of you.

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