Friday, November 9, 2012

Last Chance At Achieving Kettlebell Glory


This is your last opportunity to grab The Definitive Guide to Kettlebell Juggling 2.0.

After Tuesday it closes doors for several months. The generous $1 offer will also disappear for good.

$1 Kettlebell Juggling Offer

Several people are already climbing their way up the progression levels and becoming greater at these skills and stronger with each step.

Why not have fun will getting in the best shape of your life?

You get all 21 Module on Kettlebell Juggling.

You get the Kettlebell Games.

You get the Crush the Rankings Videos.

You get access to the Private Kettlebell Juggling Community.

You get the bonus interviews

You get the Workout Guide.

All for only $1 starting today.

Ben Bergman

P.S. This is also your opportunity to secure your seat for the free kettlebell workshop Logan will be giving just for members. Go here to do it now.
$1 Kettlebell Juggling Offer

Monday, November 5, 2012

It's Official, One Of My Best Friends Has Gone Nuts

What's up guys,

Logan Christopher has always been known as a crazy guy.
From pulling a firetruck by his hair to juggling a kettlebell that's been lit on fire are just a couple examples.

But today he's announced that you can get started with the brand new Definitive Guide to Kettlebell Juggling 2.0 for just $1.

Click here to watch the video that explains it all.
Kettlebell Juggling...$1

And check out all the bonuses he's throwing on top.

Ben Bergman

P.S. If building your strength, stamina, and skill is something you're interested in, for just one measly dollar you can get access to several hours of video explaining how it's all done with much more to come...
Kettlebell Juggling...$1

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Want YOU To Become An Animal

 I've written out about Animal Training a few times before but it’s something worth mentioning time and time again because people should learn about this great style of strength & conditioning training. As we get older our hormone levels drop a certain percentage every year starting at around 25 I believe. I'm a couple years shy of 30 and I want to be able to have that great level of metabolism and natural growth hormone levels by the time I hit that age and beyond, I can't imagine the percentages someone over 40 or older has dropped.

 Animal Training is a system where you imitate and move like an animal in the wild, simple as that. One of the most famous exercises in fitness when it comes to bodyweight is the bear crawl, walking or sprinting on all fours and you can do it for reps, time, distance hell even play tag whatever you can do is up to you. It’s one of the most fun exercises there is plus many more. In my experience, I have received awesome benefits from this type of training including….

Better Awareness


Strength in Awkward Positions

Higher Metabolism

Stronger Abs

Muscular Definition

Increased Agility

Last But Not Least….Increased Growth Hormone

 These are just the tip of the iceberg from what I received and I'm a big guy over 240 lb. and yet feeling like Tarzan. I don't care if you're big, small or whatever, this will give you lifelong fitness if you take a chance and learn it. I love it and it gives me a hell of a workout or should I say play time in short durations.

 Children these days don't do enough fitness and have gone off the deep end with becoming overweight, lack of strength, water being replaced by soda and not getting enough brain activity to study but yet rather watch TV and text/talk on their cell phones it's ridiculous. I'm not saying you should force your kids to get fit but it wouldn't hurt to help teach them, better yet not letting them know they're exercising but rather playing and having a good time. We all have a favorite animal so why not put it to good use. Studies have shown that exercise increases Awareness, Strength in the brain, increased energy, high endorphins, stronger metabolisms, natural muscle growth and bone density, wouldn't it be awesome to have all those things and more. Parents I encourage you to exercise with your kids, it'll help bring a bond that a family that trains together sticks together. My parents when I was growing up didn't do that with me and rarely ever do it now and have to learn all on my own which isn't a bad thing but I always wondered what if so don't let your kids slip away from you on that notion, work with them as stress-free as possible. Time flies by and before you know it, your kids are gone and going after their own thing, spend time with them before it’s too late.

The biggest benefit of this type of training is not what you get from it but how you do them. Exercise is suppose to fun, exciting and something to look forward to and not looked at as a punishment or feel you need to do it or force yourself into it. Make it worthwhile. One of my favorite workouts is taking Animals and making them like Cartoon characters like the Bear Crawl can be turned into Baloo from the Jungle Book and playing with mowgli, another can be a cricket and turning him into Jiminy Cricket, even turn the Gorilla exercise into becoming King Kong the larger than life Ape. My all-time favorite animal is the Gorilla and as an Avenger Fan I got to see both of that in a Comic Book which you can find right here. The more you realize its fun, the more benefit you'll get out of it.

Being fit for decades to come is a goal we all strive to achieve, some have even made it, one of my mentors is in his 60’s and acts like a man in his 20’s, one man is approaching his 80’s and still has the strength to lift the heaviest of hammers and one of my favorite strongmen can do feats of strength that makes guys in our generation look like weaklings. Its how you put your mind to it, building that Mind/Muscle Connection. Make it a habit to have fun for you, your friends, your children maybe even grandchildren, it’s never too late to be strong and healthy. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kettlebell Ranking (Win A Free iPad)


Yes that’s right.

Logan Christopher is giving away an iPad as part of a special deal to promote kettlebell juggling.

He’s come up with 20 levels of progression for you to work through, from easy beginner to advanced skills. And when you submit a video of you doing any of them you get entered into the contest.

Not only that but you can even get ranked and Certified as a Master of Kettlebell Juggling.

There’s a whole lot more than I care to explain but you can get the full details here.

Ben Bergman

P.S. Make sure you check it out soon. This contest doesn't last long. That means you need to watch this video today, start practicing your skills, and send in your videos as quickly as possible.

Can You Juggle Kettlebells?


I've played around with kettlebell juggling in the past and had some fun with it.

But if you truly want to master this art than my friend Logan Christopher is your man.

He's giving away 35 minutes of video on getting started and advanced skills from a workshop people paid up to $1000 to attend.

If you do anything with kettlebells you owe it to yourself to check out this video. You'll see all the benefits these fun skills can give you.

This isn't just for advanced people, although many people may think it is. Whether you're just starting out, or have been lifting kettlebells for years, you'll surely learn something new here.

Ben Bergman

P.S. And that's just the start. He's got some even more amazing things in store that will change the way kettlebell juggling will be done in the future.

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