Friday, December 17, 2010

Bear Crawls

The bear is the largest land carnivore in the world. It is one of the most powerful animals in the wild and its strength is so extrodinary that it can snap a man's back with the strike of his paw. Pushing boulders like its child's play. Wouldn't it be awesome to have that kind of power and strength? I as an athlete would like to think so. Of course we can never have that kind of power and speed but we can become stronger then the average wo/man. All you have to do is get on all fours and begin to run, now be careful we don't want to be tripping over but this exercise alone can increase your cardiovascular conditioning to levels that are out of this world. It is one of the most simple exercises but yet most people don't appreciate the benefits of it. Your HGH levels jump up giving you that inner strength and power and ferocious lung power and because it makes you breathe hard you'll be burning fat like a furnace and only doing this for a few min. each day can get you in awesome shape. Its better to do this outdoors because of the space but if the weather is bad its not a bad idea to do it indoors and have a little fun. Just make sure you don't knock anything over. If you have kids do it with them not only is it having fun but they're getting their exercise in and thats what we need to have our kids doing more often to get rid of obesity. Picture yourself as a bear and moving and chasing down a rabbit for dinner. Once you get into the mindset the results will become much quicker and much more efficiant.

Keeping A Journal

How does it feel to look back on all the goals you accomplished in your training and see the things you did that just takes your away? Thats one of the great rewards for keeping a training log or journal. Write down the exercises you plan to do and find out how many reps/sets can you do. Everyday you write in what you need to do for that workout and let everything else takes its toll. Fast Forward a year later and take a look of what your progress and most likely you'll say "How the hell did I do THAT." Thats what its been like for me the last couple years keeping a journal and yet i'm still hungry for better training and smarter training. I have made my goals many times over and i've even surpassed them in many ways but the one thing that makes me want more is staying motivated and determained to keep training day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year because if you don't have a goal and just go through the motions then you won't accomplish anything that will make you happy. Even if you don't achieve a goal and you feel let down the most positive thing you can do is to strive and be passionate more then ever and know in your mind that your goal will be accomplished. Don't worry about what others think, they don't matter because your goals are yours and yours alone. Find a goal write it down and keep writing and training. Train smart and train with passion. Writing in a journal is like writing your own book and you're the main character in your own story. You have your beginnings, your journy and your accomplished goal. Stay hungry and keep achieving what you want to do. Trust me writing in a journal is one of the most positive things you can do for your mind/body and spirit. Write your story and finish what you started. No matter how it comes out know in your heart you fought your way through and you kept it on the path and that friends is true victory.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Legendary Strength On The Rise

I had an opportunity today to train with one of the strongest men pound for pound at his new gym. His name is Logan Christopher. I was checking out the space he had for his gym and its pretty well done considering the finishing touches it needs but it has a serious amount of potential and if anybody can make it work its Logan. I put it in a little work with cables, push-ups, stretching, joint loosening, hammers and a some exercises on the pull-up bar while Logan did some Kettle bell work, weighted pull-ups, Kettle bell Swings, Isometric L-Sits using Chinese Block Weights and other things that came into his head.

We trained for nearly an hour and it was fun and very rewarding. I've been friends with him since 2005 and seen him do some of the most unreal forms of conditioning around, for a guy his size he's extremely strong and he's just going to keep going up. He's seen me in doing some of my first as a strongman myself, my first phonebook ripped, first 60d Penny Nail bend, first fall back into a bridge then kicking over and back ect. He is a really cool guy and he doesn't bring any bull into his training and just hammers the basics while also having.

I first met him while he was a roadie for an upcoming band named Archer which the drummer was a mutual friend of ours. He's really come into his own in becoming a strongman, entrepreneur and a well rounded athlete. If you guys ever read this blog check out my bud's stuff on the banners on the right side of the blog writings. He has vast knowledge in bending, lifting, body weight, gymnastics, strongman, Hand Balancing, tearing, kettle bells and many other forms of strength and conditioning. Taking from some of the best trainers in the world he is one lucky guy and he is one of my inspirations.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wrestling Poem

Give up.

He’s in his peak and you’re in your own world.

How do you beat him?

How do you withstand his strength?

Ability is limitless.

Yet you are scared.

Empower your mind.

Empower your spirit.

To weaken the man, strength becomes his weakness.

Advantage your power and you will weaken his spirit.

Defeated you are not.

Bridging The Gap

Fear is your worst enemy.

You struggle to even get past the stretch.

Feeling intimidated by its core.

See yourself cross over.

Put forth past the fear.

Stretch the boundaries.

Never see you stuck.

Walk past that fear and you have crossed the Bridge.

The Keys To Nerve Force & Overpowering Strength

Walking down a brighten path does not begin with love nor does it begin with happiness. It begins taking your first breath and experiencing the growth of your own destiny. Growth is the definition of working your life through a mountain…You climb, you fall, one way or another only you have the ability to catch yourself.

We as human beings tend to find things that suit us to the way we are born and grew up on. We tend to overlook the key ingredients that drive us to the brink of success. Unfortunately most of us never give into that dream cause we don’t seem to really make it a reality.

Changes are made every second of everyday and many of us don’t seem to take a look on how we can adapt to our advantage into the things that make us successful. The mind gives you the ability to think, create and develop strength in ways that are oblivious to the average person. One of the most successful creations of man is also one of the most controversial and that’s exercise. When first using that word or the first thing that comes to mind is that of bodybuilding, Pilates, Yoga & Weights. Although these things are great and can be utilized in many ways that’s only a fraction of genres that are the most effective and the healthiest for the human body. Nerve Force is a definition where you connect mind & body together as if as a unit and using the creative powers of the mind to generate power from our own bodies.

Over 100 years ago there wasn’t high tech gadgets or the latest equipment or even yet Steroids. Yet there were men of strength and health despite the fact that in those times the life expectancy was early 40’s. Most of the men were sick kids or scrawny teens that got beat up because they couldn’t defend themselves. What drove them to be strong was wanting to be strong and believing in themselves. Sure it was a slow process for them and there were times they wanted to give up but a force inside of them kept them determined and build inner power that you just can’t find anywhere else.

Its not how you just progress to get stronger, its how you develop your own individuality and master your own destiny and create what you want and how you want it to be. Most people who want to develop a physique or experience superior health and vigor feel that you have to start with what others tried or have achieved and that’s not how things should really be. First and foremost mastering the basics for you is a must and that goes for everything else in life not just fitness or strength.

Today you look in the magazines and you see men and women from all walks of life and about 90-95% of the time you’ll find either skinny or very muscular looking models and they’re telling you to do this, that and the other but what are they really telling you? It certainly isn’t to get fit nor is it certainly what can make you have a better body and lets get real here they are just after one thing and thats “Cha Ching” money and will say anything to get it. Now does every single advertisement actually tell lies about what people should do, no but yet 9 out of 10 times you’ll get screwed and they made you fall for it.

Never believe something cause someone else thinks its great and can make you better. The best things in life are not always money, cars, women, men and anything else in between the best things in life are the true things that make you as an individual and you present yourself with walking tall and letting things hurt you go by. Its easy to dive into the things that make some people powerful and rich. You have an awesome house, a car that makes every man weep and the most beautiful woman that makes just about any guy go “holy shit I’d give my right arm for some of that ass.” Forgive the vulgar image but you get my drift.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bridging And Its Benefits!!!!!!

In yoga, theres a posture called the wheel pose which to us physical culturists refer to as the Gymnastic Bridge, in wrestling theres the neck bridge (which too many people think is the worst exercise ever) and theres the front bridge which is also used in wrestling. In India where it is argumented that it was the birthplace for physical culture, wrestling had major ties to the country and some of the strongest and most conditioned men were infact wrestlers. I believe in all its forms, wrestling is the reason why there is yoga today. When it comes down athleticism and down right masterful conditioning one of the best exercises is infact the Bridge. The reason for this is, is that because in wrestling if you want to be the best and a driving force you start with bridging. For the average person however it can seem very dangerous and very disasterous on the human body when in reality the exact opposite is true.

Now when you see the wheel pose (aka gymnastic bridge) you might think someone is very flexible and has a decent amount of strength to weight ratio but if you saw the wrestler's bridge on the neck you would usually have a look of fear and no one should be doing it. I on the other hand believe if you take away the fear and see the beauty in the bridge you might be shocked to find out how beneficial it can be interms of strength, flexibility, stamina, mind power and mentle clarity. There are many ways to bridge and I will say its not for everyone if they have a major problem with their neck, back or spinal cord but for the most part for those who are healthy can do this with practice and patience.

There are many ways to bridge and there's actually a system that has been around for hundreds of years but the name of it has only been around for less then 100 its called Bridging Gymnastics. Its when you practice many types of bridges in a workout that takes less time to get winded then anything else there is. I have done over 500 Push-ups, 1000+ Squats, 20+ Handstand Push-ups, 60+ Pull-ups (none of them in one workout LOL) but nothing got me winded in less then 15min. then Bridging Gymnastics. An advanced version of this is to start falling into a wrestler's bridge on the head, have your nose touch the mat and begin to kick over and back and if you're a stud stand up. This also goes with the Wheel Pose as well when fall back into one, kick over and back and if you're very flexible stand back up. I have done the basics of this and it killed me within minutes and that should tell you how tough it really is.

What are the benefits of the bridge? Well with practice, patience and mentally aware, it gains you strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, coordination and believe it or not it can get you a great physique because it makes you breathe hard which increases your Hormones and builds muscle, it makes you solid as a rock because of the isometric contraction you have to make in order to hold some of the bridges. For health benefits it can increase your brain activity due to the blood flow to the brain, it can keep you flexible in order to move in certain directions with ease and a personal favorite, it keeps you from being obese and because of the HGH increase it can even help your sex life because of the way you have to hold a certain bridge. Before you judge whats wrong with the exercise how about you actually try it yourself and if you don't like it thats fine do something else that works for you but I guarantee from personal experience and learning from friends in Physical Culture, Bridging is one of the healthiest and most meditative forms of strength & Conditioning on the planet. Bridge well and bridge smart.

Advanced Bridging Course

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yoga For Building Muscle Mass

Most people think that Yoga is for people wanting to lose weight, get toned......not for building natural muscle mass. I happen to believe that its a bunch of crap. For men who wanted to build muscle and likes yoga or wants to get into it, the keys are eating the right foods and adding tension to the exercise. Do less reps if you're going to add tension and focus on the mind/muscle connection. Imagine if gravity is pulling you down and you have to put a lot of effort into the movement or holding the posture. For foods focus more on natural foods and less on the junk food. Not saying you need to be on a diet but you still can eat the foods you love just take a bit less off on the junk food, simple as that. When it comes to tension do not go all out and tense up as hard as possible because not only will you burn out easy but you can also injure yourself, use enough tension to move around or hold as long as possible.

Tools For Gripping Power

There are many ways to train your hands to get full on grip strength and power. If you don't have much money and yet you still think you can't get anything to build a great grip, think again my man because a lot of what you can use in your house can build a much stronger grip then most guys can get in the gym.

Example would involve a towel and a bucket of water. Fill the water to about half full to three quarters full, now take the towel and put it in the bucket to get it wet as possible now pick it up and start whatever end you want and begin to squeeze the water back into the bucket until it gets as dry as it can. This alone can take your grip to a new level of power and might unlike those puny wrist curls the so called "bodybuilders" use.

Bending steel fries the entire body when you put your all into it and it turns hands and forearms into cords of steel especially if you bend rebar. Another hosehold tool to use is believe it or not your towel rack in your bathroom, what you do do is if you have one of those long racks is to grip the rack, now lean back as much as you can until you get to your fingertips then shoot forward and roll the wrist, do this about ten times, now just reverse the movement by under gripping the rack and lean back until it reaches the fingertips, now shoot back and roll the wrist, do this ten times. After doing this exercises my wrists and lower arms were pretty pumped. Work into this carefully and do not overdo it, ten reps is only needed.

When it comes to equipment for the hardcore grip fanatics, thick handled bars are great especially hammers, maces, clubs because when you have to grip something just to be able to move it is functional strength in itself. Now I must caution you, I may not be an equipment fanatic but if you were to use them do them for a short period of time but do what works for you and train smart.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Look At VRT Bodybuilding

Recently I have been easing my way back into a system called VRT Bodybuilding which is a set of exercise that you only use tension for by visualizing weights and various fitness equipment. Say you're doing a dumbbell curl, instead of picking one up and let gravity take its toll on you, you visualize how heavy a dumbbell is then squeeze the bicep muscules and curl up as if you just lifted a heavy weight. For the most part this system is awesome for not needing to go to the gym and you get to use your imagination. You don't even need to visualize weights think in your mind what it would feel like to lift a boulder or pushing the pyramids or better yet pulling a train. Think of whatever you want and it can help you become a better trainer and using the Mind/Muscle connection at its maximum for your benefit. I practice this off and on using qi gong type movements or throwing an object, pulling on a rope or better yet pushing down the tower of piza. The keys to this system is imagination and tension and once you've mastered that you'll know the true meaning of muscle control.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turning Sports Video Games Into A Great Workout

For those of us who like video games its always fun when you have the controller in your hand and playing out your favorite characters or players in a sports game. Thought i'd try out an Experiement and so far I'm finding out fun and enjoyable plus I get to build muscle and get in shape. I like to MLB 10 The Show on my PS3 and I'm in the career mode where I have a really great hitter I made up. He hits homeruns, drives in RBIs, smacks doubles and triples and so on and so forth. I decided that during the game I would do some pull-ups and chin-ups since its a fav. upper body workout. Before I get into the workout I'm gonna say that because you never know what you'll get so this isn't an actual set and rep scheme and if you do play a game this also includes batting practice. Also since its cutting down to if you actually workout while playing video games because not many of us gamers do workout so this is something to try every once in a while so the people you are with arnt giving you crap about sitting on your ass. Also this can apply to different Exercises as well including Push-ups, Squats, Sit-ups and various holds. So for Baseball here is a pull-up program to try and if you dont have a pull-up bar just do push-ups. So whenever you get a hit here are the following numbers. Whenever you are on a base after that hit thats the number of reps you do Example:

Single: 1 Pull-up or 10 Push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups

Double: 2 Pull-ups or 20 Push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups

Triple: 3 Pull-ups or 30 Push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups

Homerun: 4 Pull-ups or 40 Push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups

Now thats if you play a baseball game and are just doing Career Mode so its just something to try out. If you're playing with all Nine players then LOL.....Just pick at least 2 of your favorite players in the lineup.

If you're into football and want to experiement with this then you might have to cut the reps a bit untill you can do the maximum numbers that i'm giving you so if you are willing to give this a try here is something to test yourself on:

Touchdown: 7 pull-ups or 25 push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups

Field Goal: 3 Pull-ups or 30 Push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups

Safety: 2 Pull-ups or 20 Push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups

Extra Point After TD: 1 Pull-up or 10 Push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups

Like I said do what you can and if you're strong enough do the amount of reps.

For Hockey its pretty basic so when you score a goal you can do 1 Pull-up each time or 10push-ups/Squats/Sit-ups each time you score.

Now I realize the chances of anyone doing this is slim and very few will actually try this yet i'm just spreading the word on fitness ideas that don't require a gym and with very little to no equipment whatsoever. If you have a Wii Console same rules apply and if you have a game that has you do exercise then just do that but for the diehard PS3 and Xbox this is all we need for now. So if fatigue sets in and you just simply can't handle it anymore then just play the game and record in a journal what you did. It be kinda cool when you have done plenty of exercise and yet play your favorite game all at the same time, your body will be happy and your love for games will be even more enjoyable. If you actually do this workout and whatever sports game you have my advise for you is that play as many games as you want but when you're not working out and just playing video games play for like an hour then go outside and do something or move around a bit so you're not just sitting there and twiddling your thumbs and fingers. Have fun with this and try other exercises and see how they work for you. Also for future refrences make sure for you young guys/girls....Do your damn homework.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dexerity That Makes Up For Strength!!!!

When it comes to fixing things, playing the piano, lifting weights, moving your body in different directions you have to have a good amount of hand strength and suppleness. To increase our dexerity in our hands, fingers and wrists we need the right tools and exercises to create power and tendon strength in the lower arms. Grip strength is a key to do some of the most phenomenal feats ever. No matter how you put it, you can have a big chest, shapley legs, upper arms the size of cannon balls, a back of North Dakota and shoulders that can carry a mule but if you don't have strong hands you don't have anything. Work your hands the way you train your body. Imagine what it would be like to have hands that can do things with ease and never get injured or get carpal tunnel and yet getting stronger each time you work your hands with the exercises i'm gonna recommend. I've learned these from a guy I recently trained with and now I'm gonna recommend his course to you. These have helped my hands get stronger for my feats of strength in ripping phonebooks and bending long peices of steel. At the same time since using this I have not had one shred of carpal tunnel or hurt my hands in any way. One of the things this course will help you on if you're a martial artist is increase your punching power and grip your opponent unlike ever before. I have done exercises that work and have done ones that havent and this course has the right ways of training your hands for strength, flexibility and suppleness. Now I'm not endorsing this, not asking for any money and spreading the word about having strong and healthy hands that can help with whatever you need in your daily life.

Finger Gymnastics

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, thought i'd made this short and sweet......

Wish you all a wonderful thanksgiving and be thankful for what you have and give thanks to those in need. For you trainers out there, eat what you can and train like your life depended on it (not too much) but have fun while you're doing it. I'm thankful for my family and the awesome memories and future memories i'm gonna have with them. I'm gonna have another member of our family join us as my cousin is gonna have a baby and wish all the moments shes gonna have with her new baby in the next year. I have an awesome family and I count my blessings they're here kicking and having a kick ass time. Hope you all enjoy these times in this economy and be there for one another no matter what because there is nothing sacred then family. Love will concour all those who believe in it.

The Strength Of A Vampire

Now we all know Vampires don't exist or do they? If they did and had the wisdom of centuries don't you think they would know the secrets to great strength? If we can develop that kind of power and just walts over people like they were nothing would be cool huh? Its all about how you use your power and how you can amp it up to levels that you never have imagined possible. It takes a good deal of imagination but you can create strength that not only makes you a powerful presence but can do things for you that the average person just doesn't understand or can't imagine. Things like a woman lifting a car to save her kid, a man of 6'6 stature lifting sledgehammers in weight that almost or not one can attempt or better yet move and a man holding onto a silk curtain pinch grip style gliding through the air with no net to break his fall but yet does it every night on stage while doing magic and feats of dexerity on the piano. All these things are true and with a little imagination and a bit of action you can develop strength from whatever you want to do and more if you find the right ways and the right instruction. Power through obsticals and feel the power of a vampire.

Imagination Is Your Power!!!!!

When you put a thought into action it can make or break you as an individual. Like the old saying "Imagination is the elixer of life" you create what you want from thoughts. For most the craziest ideas came from a person's imagination, Edison with films, Einstein with his theories, P.T Barnum with his Circus Empire and some of the strongest men on the planet have had thoughts of what they wanted to do and made themselves into great human beings. Everything starts with a thought and yet this can apply to anything you want in life. For me being in a hospital bed, I imagined myself walking and running like theres no tomorrow and feeling like nothing can touch me and being stronger then anyone.

Well when I finally put it into action I made it possible without putting no less then 1000%. You can do this as well with what you want to do with your life. Now the downside to this is people telling you that you cant do it or make yourself this or that and your ideas to them are just loony and way out of left field. First step to creating your imagination is to leave skeptisism behind and look forward to your accomplishments, now that might mean you'll have obsticals on the way but do not let them stop you otherwise you'll just be another average person.

In fitness you can create the body you desire but you must imagine it and feel what it would be like then put it into action. To me I wanted to be a powerful and conditioned man that could knock out walls and bend tough steel and shred a phonebook in one shot. I made it happen for myself. Now its up to you to find yourself but what will your imagination take you?

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