Friday, January 9, 2009

Push-ups & Working Other Muscles!!!!

Doing high rep push-ups is considered to be very beneficial but it isn't for everyone. Now there are people that believe that high rep push-ups is doing mindless reps and are not beneficial. Obviously they don't do that and feel they are experts. Now doing high rep push-ups throughout the day is more beneficial I believe then doing them all at once. Throughout the day your body is at recovery and when you get to a new set your body is refresehed and ready. I have done this plenty of times and got up to about 250-300 push-ups a day for a while. Do you need to do high reps....No but you can use push-ups to work into other muscles. Example on incline push-ups focus on your legs and squeeze them while your doing push-ups. For grip and finger power do fingertip push-ups. There are many ways to work into what you want and any way you choose push-ups can make you far stronger health and strength wise to your body to weight ratio.

Monday, January 5, 2009


This is a method of bending where you design long peices of steel from 3ft to say 20ft or longer. This in my opinion is the most fun out of all the bending feats that usually end in a "U" shape. You can do that if its pretty thick steel say 5/8ths of an inch thick and it won't scroll. This is also where strength/endurance pays off in a huge manner wherein the tendons and ligements need to be crazy strong to keep going on the design and it is a full body workout whether you want it to be or not. If I had to pick 4 of the best scrollers in the world at this feat here they are:

Erik Vining

Alexander Zass

Mighty Atom

Slim The Hammer Man

These men without question are the strongest men at this feat and most iron game specialists would agree. To make a shape out of long rebar or flat steel takes insane strength endurance and a mind/body connection thats just off the charts. The true secret to this exercise is isometrics. If you don't believe it try it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Update On Warrior Power T's

I have started getting back into doing this strength tool. From what I have experienced using them and learning about them I have come to the conclusion that they are the closest to feel like bending a bar or a tough nail/bolt. The reason why I say this is because it takes a full body effort plus an amount of isometric contraction where you are moving at a place thats far lower then regular push-ups. These are infact push-up handles that are designed to not make you strong as hell but also to make your push-ups as difficult as you can get. Whoever says they are easy is lying because if they were easy everybody would be a strength athlete. These have helped a great deal in my bending feats cause of the tension needed to put into the bend for that isometric movement or in other terms Dynamic Tension. When I mean it takes a full body effort I mean what I say, everything from your neck to your toes is contracted and needs to be to pull this off. I'd be stoked the day I crank out 50+ in a row. I would believe the gold standard for these babies should between 25-35 in a row. Another reason why I love these cause they prove that when you need tendon strength they will get you the strength to develop them. I've done 40 or more in a row so far and i'm still shocked at that. I'm a little rusty at the moment with them but after careful and concentrated training i'll be back at my 20's, 30's and 40 reps in no time. Heres the site to look for them:

Sunday, December 21, 2008


The building of a strong neck, flexible spine and overall body conditioning has never looked more feared yet beautiful at the same time. It is without question the key to an agile body. There are many exercises in the realm of the bridge and all have many great benefits but like all exercises, one must caution himself as the exercises can be dangerous and strenuous if not trained properly. When done with good form and a laser-like mindset, it can take even the lousiest beginner to become a graceful and powerful athlete. The spine is the electricity within the body and when trained can develop off the charts strength, flexibility, agility, endurance and balance/coordination.

VRT Bodybuilding

Like DVRs (Dynamic Visualized Resistance), VRT consists of movements that are based on visualizing heavy resistance such as weightlifting. Any equipment resembling a barbell, dumbbell, machine ect. is visualized in this particular manner by flexing the muscle and moving through a range of motion. Its a powerful method and creates muscle in shorter time without the stress of the joints, tendons and ligiments. For more on this method and Greg Mangan look below.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Quotes of Great Physical Culturists!!!!!!

"Deep Breathing alone can make many a weak man strong and many a sick man well"

-Farmer Burns

"Weakness is a crime, don't be a criminal"

-Bernarr MacFadden

"Make Haste Slowly"

-Jack Lalanne

"No pain, all gain"

-John Peterson

"Don't sit and watch, follow along"

-Matt Furey

"Gymnasts have the strongest Abs in the world"

-Ed Baran

"Yeah, I Actually Think I'm The Strongest Man That Ever Lived"


Alois P. Swoboda

A man very rare you hear about in this day and age. A man of great importance is now shrouded in mystery as well as history. His impact on physical culture is still apart of our everyday experiences in exercise. His level of intelligence is very respected and honored by the people who have read, heard and knew of him. His exercise program is highly similar to John Peterson's DVRs and Greg Mangan's VRT systems. The method of physiological exercise is one of powerful subjects that continues to work even after his death nearly 80 years ago. Today you would almost need to be college educated just to understand the foundation that made him famous. Although DVRs and VRTs are more detailed today, its still an honor to learn where they were based from. Coining the term Muscle Control made sense to those who have the system even today cause after careful practice its not surprising you can control the muscles of your body. Learning this method is the quickest way to learn one's own Physiology. To learn more look at the site below.

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