Friday, November 23, 2007

Whats More Important? Doing Something Easy Or Something Hard?

In this world too many people want to take the easy road to get ahead of the compitition. Same thing happens in Bodybuilding and overall fitness. Yes bodybuilders work hard to build their bodies but yet they rather do roids then show true hard work. Not all of them do this but most. But what is doing something hard? Overtraining, Putting more effort or simply just put everything into it. We've all done all three but I feel the most effective is add effort and the hard work will pay off. Nothing should be taken the easy way out. If they did there wouldn't be the fun in having a challenge for yourself of what you want. You can't have someone make goals for you, you have to make them. For fitness there are many versions of hard work but no matter what you do there is always something there to challenge you and you have to put in the effort. Heres an idea: The easiest thing to do to quit but the hardest thing to do is to keep doing what you love. Which are you willig to take?


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pull-Ups for Grip Strength!!!!

We've all seen someone do a pull-up but do you actually know what kind of strength they're building? Its not just pulling strength or building a powerful back but in fact they are building phenomenal grip strength. But now very few people know how to develop grip strength through this exercise. The exercises in this type of training build the grip in great many ways. From the type of exercises I've used it helped my bending strength a great deal. For a beginner hanging from a bar is a great start and even the advanced trainee can benefit from this as you can do various ways to tag the entire body to its core to create a grip that can crush steel (take it from me I do a lot of bending) and add a little power to your weightlifting if you so chose. You can increase the reps in your pull-ups if you are stuck. Now we all know if you have to get a phenomenal physique you have to tie the body together as pairs, Back/Chest, Triceps/Biceps, Hamstrings/Quads. Pull-ups are a piece of the puzzle its up to you to find the other pieces.

Pull-up Strength Training Workout

Yours in Power & Might


Friday, October 26, 2007

Same Fitness Routines Are Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you go to the gym and you see the people training what are you actually looking at? Never mind the posing or the sweating or the talking but at the way they train. If you look hard enough most people at the gym do the exact same routine and most of them look sluggish and yet they feel they're getting something done. Thats the biggest peice of bullshit i've ever heard. When you train certain routines get boring after a while and you feel theres no way to change things up here's a tip: Change shit around instead of doing the exact same exercises in the routine why not change the exercises around to change momentum or add/take away certain things or even heres an idea completely change the routine and try something different. When you do the same things over and over again you're not only screwing up your body but you're losing your sense of creativity and adventure in your training. Its not easy doing something different but it is easy not to and to me thats just not acceptable. When I train I lijke to change things around in every workout and confuse the muscles and tendons i'm working to make better progress and add progression. Sooner or later that routine you've been doing for years is gonna haunt you for life cause thats all you're gonna think about and when you go to the gym you're gonna find out you're not happy not excited and even not enthusiastic cause thats what its all about being able to enjoy the moments of training and living in a world all your own, how you gonna achieve that with the same old shit all thw time. Not saying exercising is bad its not but exercising to the point where when you train you're already gonna know whats happening before hand. Don't. Matter of fact get rid of that shit in your brain and do something out of the ordinary whether you like it or not it'll impact the way you think. I love not knowing what i'm gonna do, I know what to work on but I never know what'll happen when it does cause I want to experience exercising like its brand new and always leave something to enjoy. Enjoy what you don't know and never stop learning cause you're never gonna progress in life if you stay in one spot.

Yours in Power & Might


Monday, October 15, 2007

What is required to Bend Steel????????

This was a similar question asked to Slim The Hammer Man and a ton of other physical culturists and men of steel. Now before we get to the answer heres a little tidbit:

Bending Steel when done properly can toughen your hands, wrists and build a mighty grip that no other system can touch. Crushing steel with your bare hands will make you one of the strongest of men. The old-time strongmen knew of the ways to bend and knew of the ways to break them. A lot of them paid a tremendous price but a few have reached heights that no man anywhere of anytime can match.

Now the answer to that question. If you want to bend steel then its simple just bend steel. When it comes to feats of strength you should practice the feat in itself through isometrics and through sheer will of the mind. When you can bend the toughest of steel you're a man among men. Its not required to do something else that'll make your feat perfect its an option but if you want a mighty grip you gotta bend what you want and hammer it.

Wanna learn how to toughen your grip like never before. Then check this out.

Yours in Power & Might


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Exercises that resemble Weights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now everyone of us in their lives has done weights and we all did them for a number reasons but the number 1 reason was to what? Get stronger by any means. I have been doing bodyweight training for over 2 years now and one of the best things I learned from was a method John Peterson wrote in his book Pushing Yourself To Power where you work exercises called DVRs which means: Dynamic Visualized Resistance. This method is what I like to call Invisiable Weightlifting. What you do is say you want to do an overhead press so you have your arms out like your holding a barbell now visualize that your lifting extremely heavy weight and you flex your muscles and lift the weight. Now you may think "this is goofy why not just hold a real barbell." Well what we are doing here is bringing imagination to life with exercise. You contract and press up as high as you can. Can you get strong and have an awesome physique with this method? Why hell ya you can, I did it and my arms are now reaching the 17 1/12 inches mark. You can do this method just like using weights only they're not there. You learn muscle control and your working your body into nerve force and bringing life into your body's system. From contracting the muscles you are giving your body the fuel it needs to grow to a more natural and efficiant state. When you practice these exercises on a daily basis, you're putting strength and vitality into the body and will create a new physique for you to look at in the morning. If you want the full version of this method go to:

Here is a exercise you can test for yourself and see what you think and if interested get Pushing Yourself To Power and build the body you've always dreamed of.

Bicep Curls: Picture in your mind that you're lifting more weight then the mighty samson and you know you're strong. Now flex and curl and flex as you come down & repeat for nine more reps. Give this a shot, you'll feel a tingly sensation from working not only the biceps but the triceps and foearms.

Yours in Power & Might


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