Sunday, March 2, 2025

New Adventure Has Begun

 Shit, it really has been a bit since my last post which really showed some awesome support from very wonderful people. It has been a process otherwise though outside of that and I will be writing more often so get ready for a hell of a rollercoaster ride. 

My wife and I have been looking at places for a long time now and we finally hit a spot that works for us for now. We have moved into a new apartment this past week and most of the stuff we brought with us is here and ready to made into a home. Just a few finishing touches and everything will be complete. It has been chaotic, adrenaline pumping and carrying boxes, trinkets and many other things. We live on a third floor so we have to climb stairs to get to the place. It's a total of 36 steps to get to the apartment and carrying up heavy stuff while going up and down those multiple times a day has been a crazy workout but I'm loving it.

No elevator so that's a bit of a work yet not so bad. Had movers get the couch, entertainment center, some boxes and book cases. They did an amazing job despite setbacks with their truck and we tipped them well. It's a 2 and 2, so we get to have an office that we share, opposite sides of the room so I can do my thing and she can focus on her thing with writing, photography stuff and others. Just need to put books away mostly and get rid of a few boxes but other than that, all gravy. 

The complex has a gym with some basic stuff and used it a couple times so far and I'm enjoying it. A dumbbell rack with some kettlebells, stair master, rower, treadmills and a combo rack of a pullup bar, dip handles and ab work. Living next to the freeway has both perks and a small annoyance but it becomes a blur after a while. The girlie can get to work faster now within 30 minutes instead of an hour so we're both happy about that. If you look past the freeway, there is beautiful Mountains to look at. We're at Stateline between Idaho & Washington and in the middle of a UPS area where they take the trucks and all that. Neighborhood is pretty decent (still better than some of the shit in Santa Cruz LOL) and neighbors are friendly around here. 

Still getting my workouts in, so some of the workouts I've posted recently on Social Media, have been either before the chaos of getting stuff into the apartment or after a long ass day of doing it and still managing workouts like Iso Training, 500 Step Up sessions (in addition to climbing the fucking staircase lol) and a couple sessions in the gym. On a waitlist for a garage which I can put the rest of my equipment in but hey, should be good.

I've also been taking some bad ass Supps lately from Lost Empire that have been a big help in keeping my energy levels up. They've also maintained my strength and focus throughout this whole process. With moving, it can make you crazy at times so I'm grateful to have these. 

Hercules Pre Workout Formula

Shilajit Capsules

Pine Pollen Tincture

Overall, I'm happy and it has been a ride throughout this whole process. Welcoming a new adventure with good times ahead and having a blast with the woman I love. Keep being amazingly awesome everyone. More articles to come.   

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