Thursday, March 6, 2025

Developing The Ability To Create Any Workout You Want

 Fundamental training entities is a fascinating study of developing not just knowledge but actively participating. Most people who work out only go with what's in the gym and stick to that mindset where you can go to a place where "everything" you need is right there and don't need to think of anything other than what you're doing. That's one side of the coin to what you can apply to when you have the idea of working out.

The gym can be a great place to go to and get away from the world for a little while, it's like a safe space and you share it with like minded people, for many that's more than enough for them but there's more to it than just going to a building to build your body for whatever purpose. Physical Culture is it's own Universe, it has worlds, styles of exercise, colorful characters and different areas of what is the best.

I first picked up a weight in PE way back in 1997, think it was a 35-40 lb Dumbbell and although I wasn't hooked at the time, it did start something that evolved my development into what I do today. Back then, I was just a 13 year old kid going through many things besides Puberty and wasn't THAT interested in weights and didn't even know the words Physical Culture or the names of the old timers existed. Had no idea what I was doing and just mimicked those around me. By high school, I was still greener than grass when it came to the weight room and although I picked up a few things from my teacher who was an army dude back in the day and the Baseball coach, I just couldn't figure out what to really do with the stuff I was doing. I was naturally strong, at least to some of the guys, but had no one to give me the finer points of a rep/set scheme or work with me with REAL technique practice. I just lifted and did random number of reps with whatever I can work with. Felt like a fish out of water most of the time.

When I got out of high school by '03, I had some knowledge under my belt but something hadn't kicked in yet. I picked up a few books and one of them had articles Brooks Kubik wrote about thick bar training and there was some bodybuilding stuff but I still haven't quite picked up on things that would make me an athlete or even just a strong guy, I was lifting good weight but had no idea how to handle circuits or splits training and had no knowledge of the 5x5 system or that great of technique. Wasn't until my accident that something inside of me wanted to learn EVERYTHING about training starting with just bodyweight

Over the course of my self-rehab, I just dove into things and picked the brains and paid attention to my friends Logan Christopher & Tyler Bramlett. Logan lived about a mile or so down the road from me and Tyler lived literally two doors down from me. Went over to his house a lot and saw what he was doing with bodyweight stuff, kettlebells and the like. I just began to absorb whatever they were doing like a sponge and was still adamant about bodyweight training cause at the time, I was told it was the best style of training. Within a couple years after my accident, I had more knowledge on bodyweight training, Physical Culture and the old time strongmen feats than I did all the 6 years prior to picking up that fucking dumbbell LOL. 

This isn't to brag or to tell you I'm just some bookworm and workout guy, this was my life and I studied everything I can possibly do to study and practice. This wasn't an overnight thing, it took me years to develop all this and it took patience, determination, mental strength & physical application to be able to create any workout I want from anywhere I want. It's like a second language to me and that's where I like helping people who have struggled for years to understand or even believe the gym is the only place to train. The world is your gym, it's a matter of how to apply it to any environment you're in. Doesn't matter if you have equipment or just yourself, you can develop knowledge to train with anything you put your mind to even if it's nothing but 4 walls and a floor. 

Yes it took me nearly 30 years to build this knowledge but you don't have to go that long to build it, I can give you resources and ideas that can help you get into that mindset far quicker than I ever did, I want to point you in the direction that leads to a better you, practice what is useful to you and the rest will fall into place. Keep being amazingly awesome and you got this. 

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