Monday, March 10, 2025

Saturday Afternoon Workout At The Park

 This past Saturday, wanted to get some good training outside so I walked on over to this park about over a mile down the road that is a good stretch of a park. Slides and playground stuff for the kids, trees and a long grassy area that goes from one end to the other. Saw this bench and started wrapping my Iso Strap to it and then wrap my Dopamineo Band around that and get in some Circuit Training.

It was my 5 Exercise circuit of....

10 Chest Presses

10 Wave Pulls

10 Uppercut To Squats

10 Ski Jumps

10 Propellers

Little to no rest for 10 Rounds. It was fast, explosive, heart pounding and fun conditioning. I was cruising through that thing with as good of technique I can do and with speed that just felt like Sonic The Hedgehog. Felt great to get some fresh air and be around a beautiful neighborhood with mountains in the background. 

Afterwards, just packed up and went back home, didn't talk to anybody, nobody bothered me and everyone around me was doing their thing. It's a very nice place and I love the nice stroll down. Gives me time to think, reflect and when I walk back home, just let things sink in, feel the high and stroll back with a smile on my face. Can't get any better than that.

The thing I like being in a new place and new area is that most of the time, I purposely get myself lost and learn the streets and pathways to places so I can understand where to go, which route is best for me and study the surroundings. On one end, one area is very family friendly and oriented, the other side is the industrial area where there's a maverick gas station, a few restaurants, UPS, Sherwin Williams and Walmart down the road. Isn't exploring fun.

Takes some getting used to but I'm very adjustable and enjoying this area of Post Falls, Idaho where the Centennial Trail starts and ends at the border of Montana. Be amazingly awesome and keep killing it.  As always, don't forget to use my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT to get 10% OFF your order at Dopamineo. 

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