Friday, May 15, 2020

A Bear And Chimp Walk Into A Bar

Sounds like the start of a really bad joke, or a good one depending on the context. Either way, these are the two animals that are the stars of our post today. You've read for the umpteenth time about my workouts with animal movements and how awesome they are. Here's another look at how you can make workouts fun and exciting, not just to train but to aid in your conditioning and it is a great game for kids as well.

A favorite of mine is using a deck of cards and the unlimited possibilities of turning a boring workout into something that will kick your ass but love it at the same time. This deck of cards workout will have you huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf that can blow down a brick house. Using just the Bear Crawl and what's called the Chimp Walk for upper and lower body exercises, here's how it goes doing steps as reps, you can go as slow or as fast as you want however, the faster you go, the more challenging it gets.....

Red Cards = Bear Crawls

Black Cards = Chimp Walk

K/Q/J = 20 Reps

Aces = 32 Reps

Jokers = 50 Bear Crawls

2-10 = Doubled Value

This in total will be a total of 500-600 Bear Crawls and 400 Chimp Walks. This can be used as a warm up for athletes or as a stand alone workout that targets your conditioning, coordination, speed, endurance, muscular strength, stamina and more. Bear Crawls alone will put most people down but to add another exercise into the fold, a whole other level bro. How long should you be able to do this? If you can do a full deck at a good clip, shouldn't be more than 15-18 minutes, elite would be around 10-12, that's hauling ass either way but don't move so damn fast you'll be tripping on yourself.

The most elite athletes in the world have done Bear Crawls at one tie or another and for god reason, it hits just about every muscle in the body and gives you incredible lung power so you can stay in the game longer. Have a go at this this workout and give me a shout in how you did. Don't have a ton of space, just go back and forth in the space you do have. If you do have a good amount of space, instead of walking back to the cards to flip one, jog or sprint to make it interesting.

Here's a demo of how I do the Chimp Walk, normally I can go lower than this but I wanted to show what you can do if you're a beginner or don't have a lot of flexibility.

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