Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Long Can You Hold Onto The Dark Lord Of The Sith?

Darth Vader by all accounts is the most badass villain in all of cinema, period. He's ruthless, dominating and has incredible abilities that even the best Jedi are jealous of. To even fight him in a lightsaber duel goes one of two ways; you either have a great set of balls (or chesticals if you're a lady Jedi) or you're just dumb enough to think you can even last long with him. Either way, holding him off long enough is gut wrenching as it is.

When it comes to Isometrics, it can test you in ways that regular exercise just can't. Holding a position or squeezing every fiber of your being for a few seconds takes mental strength to another level. Like training to be a Jedi, it takes patience, concentration, physical attributes and durability. Even as you succeed as a Jedi, it's a tough road, just like Isometrics but a tough road can lead you on a path to mastery and wisdom not many possess.

Isometrics by holding weight is a method that was practiced by strongmen, laborers and other physically active people of the past. Now let's take for example holding out a 3 lb. ball about the size of a softball, put it out in front at shoulder level, doesn't sound hard now does? When your arm starts to get tired, switch arms and keep going, how long did you hold it for? Now imagine a man being able to do this for 8 WHOLE HOURS; this isn't exaggerated either, the legendary Bruce Lee once did this. If anyone was a real life Jedi in his time, it was the Dragon.

When you hold weight for a certain amount of time, it tackles your whole body and takes on a life of its own as you fight to hold on and using muscles you normally don't use and hitting not just the muscles but the tendons, the ligaments, strengthening the bone structure and developing incredible endurance and durability. The Darth Vader Kettlebell weighs 70 lbs which for strength purposes isn't needed more than that but to hold it for an extended period of time can be agonizing if you haven't done it before. Picking up and holding a quarter to half squat for more than 2 minutes is a damn good feat of strength, endurance, durability and power. It toughens you up that's for damn sure.

Start this with maybe a 24kg Kettlebell and work your way up. You can go for more time if you want but the heavier you go, the more focus it becomes on the back, legs, hips and grip. Holding a heavy weight without dropping it can put you in a state you've never been to before.

Want to be faster? Do Isometrics, want that strength from all sorts of angles? Do Isometrics. An exercise like this may not seem like much but there's a ton going on that nobody else sees. Power up and vanquish the Sith Lord with a vengeance.

May The Force Be With You.

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