Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Magnify Your Conditioning By Doing Superhero Circuits

The best workouts should not last more than 45 min. to an hour because you want to get the most out of the session and have a tiny bit left in the tank. There's nothing wrong with challenging yourself but you also don't want your energy too depleted either. Utilize your training with purpose and passion but also be smart and use it to your advantage. That's one of the reasons why circuits play a huge role in amplifying your conditioning. Take 4 exercises or more and hit them hard using repetitions you can do and go from one exercise to another with no rest. There are so many ways to train this way but for someone like me, I like the style of using a theme that would pump someone up and want to get into it.

Superhero Circuits is a personal favorite of mine when I'm in the mood to really tackle a workout. Although my interest is mainly animals, isometrics and just playing; it's fun to do something different and have a blast with it. What if you could do a workout based on heroes like Batman, Green Lantern, Black Widow, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow & Wolverine? Maybe you're not big on superheroes but into the villains; how about Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Bane or others? When you have an interest in something and it gets you fired up and full of passion and love for exercise, what do you think your results will be? Chances are you'll be in far better shape mentally and physically than just going through the motions. It may be better than nothing but if you don't have that fire, they won't come the way they're truly meant to.

Circuits are no joke and if you're not ready for them, you're in for a rude awakening when you try one for the first time. The 1st time I did the Batman Workout, I could barely breathe and was shaking from head to toe and that was the first few rounds and that was with the two minute rest periods. I progressed and got it not once but several times doing 10 solid rounds. It is a hell of a workout and if you want to get in shape fast and anywhere at anytime this will do it.

That's another great benefit of these workouts is that you can do them anywhere and anytime; in a hotel room, at the park, in a cabin, on the beach, during a work break or after getting out of bed. They're also incredible for those that travel because it's not always fun to keep traveling to a gym and if you're short on time like needing to get to a meeting or going to a theme park like Disneyland, you want to be in and out stat. Hitting the weights is always fun don't get me wrong but it's ok to step back and work on just your bodyweight and enjoy yourself the rest of the time. Another great set of benefits is that you can adjust the level of the intensity by your level of fitness, if you can't do any of the level of sets with the allotted repetitions, cut the reps in half and build up until you can do it. Whatever works for you, make it happen and eventually, you'll be breezing through some of these like a boss.

To find these great gems go here from google.

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