Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Importance Of Stretching That I've Come To Realize

Stretching wasn't always the biggest thing with me because on many days even cold, I was just ready to go and I could go whether it was weights, bodyweight, kettlebells or animal style movements because I could get a good stretch just by doing the workout. That was when I was younger and didn't know any better. Sure I did stretching routines but never as a warm up or part of my training, mainly separate from the two. Now that I'm older and slightly wiser and understanding more from my previous injuries especially in my lower back that maybe stretching ought be a key component to enhance my performance with greater intent.

The one thing that I have gotten back into more and more is relearning the aspects of Dynamic Stretching, Isometric Stretching and keeping the joint loosened. I always felt intuitive when it came to training regardless of what it was but I began to notice how my body reacts and although I'm still in pretty damn good shape, what if I made it better even by 5% and utilized the knowledge I gained in my 20's along with supplementing certain aspects of conditioning along with my intuition. Sometimes I make shit up as I go along which I'm really good at but adding a small element to get me to another level using techniques on stretching on a more strategic level.

I have an idea to experiment with stretching that I haven't fully committed yet but going to see how it goes. Nothing definite because I don't want to jinx it, but I would start the day with dynamic stretching, deep breathing, joint loosening and working my neck using the Neck Chi Gong method that I learned from Matt Furey and than do some training later in the day and do isometric stretching as a cool down and recover quicker. I've only done this once or twice and I feel a major difference. You can have all the knowledge in the world but there will be times where even the greatest expert may have a "duh" moment or subconsciously do some stupid stuff to realize there is a right way and a wrong way to do things and things change over time and learn from your mistakes.

It is important to stretch but it's also important to stretch the right way. There are stretches out there that are not meant for certain people and some stretches can even hurt you more than help you. I have had problems from certain stretches that were taught to me but I learned some very good ones and they have helped my body in ways I cannot truly explain. It takes trial and error but in the end, if you can find the key stretches that not only work but can make you feel like a fighting machine with power behind it, you can perform at your highest level and make it look easy.

I got this book on Kindle called Stretching: Exercises Bible - Learn How To Stretch With Dynamic Stretching And Flexibility Exercises where it takes on the aspects of a multitude of stretching programs molded into one using techniques in Deep Breathing, Energy Drills, Dynamic Movement & Static/Isometric Stretching. I have seen many of the exercises in the book and have done the majority of them in the past so they're virtually identical to the program I previously have done. They were a reminder of what I need to do to maintain my body's ability to stay in shape in the long haul, not just for conditioning but lifelong flexibility that will keep me youthful in later years. This is an amazing book and has routines for specific sports and morning & night programs. You don't have to do all the exercises in the same day, use them to give your body that extra juice to stay healthy without getting injured. It doesn't matter if you're a Martial Artist, a football player, baseball player, hockey player or someone who wants to gain greater flexibility from not training after so long. It gives you the opportunity to gain knowledge and learn more about not just being flexible but mobile and strong as well. It's more than just stretching the muscles, it goes deeper to the joints and ligaments along with developing a greater connection to the mind and body.

Make stretching a part of your arsenal and not always as a warm up or a cool down but as a part of your ability to keep things loose and release tension throughout the day if needed. I use some exercises to stretch after sitting or to get things kicking if i'm groggy. Learn and form your own routines and see your results as soon as that same day possibly; others have made progress in less than a few weeks and a few in less than a week, it all depends but get the best results in the time you were meant to make.

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