Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Have You Ever Been Stuck In A Rut?

At the start on our path of achieving a kick ass physique, it is common to hit a sticking point or plateau. Often we'll end up stuck there and don't know how to get out of it. If you feel you're in a rut then ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Do I deserve the body I want to achieve?

Are you worthy of developing a body that is supreme and lean? Many people firmly believe that they don't and why is that? Mainly because they feel they're not pushing past the limits or suffered in order to make gains or lose bodyfat. I've seen a number of people in the gym and those I've helped train see awesome results but have stopped because they felt like they didn't deserve it. A lot of us in the world really don't see ourselves as crazy fit so we stop dead in our tracks even when we get the best results.

It's like seeing themselves in the mirror and not see the same thing everyone else sees. It can be very painful and even traumatic to a degree but the fact of the matter is everyone no matter how old they are or what level they're at have every opportunity to create the body they want even if they have abused or neglected it in the past. You still can have a kick ass body and when you make the decision to make it work for you, it'll seem like magic and your physique will come even when you fall off the wagon every now and then, just don't make it a habit.

Don't you deserve to have food if you're hungry or to wear something warm and fuzzy when you're cold? Nothing will make you less worthy to something that isn't in your right naturally.

2. Am I impatient?

I have fallen into this many times since I was 13 years old. It's the need for instant results but in a nutshell, that ain't going to happen guys ESPECIALLY if you have been inactive for a long time. We all heard of those stupid ass "magic" pills and why they're soooo popular. Truth is, they don't do jack but give people hope and the illusion of quick and easy results.

When you stick with it and look at things at a larger perspective, you most certainly can get to where you want to go. A lot of people don't want to do what's needed to be done but in reality, getting fit isn't really that hard as a bunch of pricks make it out to be.

If you have the idea of what works and is giving you results, you'll have the patience and stick it out. Consistency is the key.

3. Am I having an adventure and it is fun?

To me this is the most critical question. I was told to be so damn serious about my training that if you're having fun, you're not training right. I learned later on that working out shouldn't be work, hence why I call it playout. You make a real effort but it isn't all torturous and devilish hell.

Many times in my training felt like crap and I hated it but yet I was told it had to be done. Shit, what kind of motivation is that? I'd be more motivated to prank Donald Trump by calling and saying "The oompa loompas called, they want their skin color back" then to feel like crap during a workout I can't stand. I've been through the motions of spinning the wheels and doing exercises I just didn't care for but that was mainly because I didn't want to feel weak and not be able to handle myself. It could only take you so far, trust me.

This is why Animal Exercises like Animal Kingdom Conditioning 1 & Animal Kingdom Conditioning 2 have been my go-to method for training as it brings adventure, excitement and learning something that interests me. They don't take a lot of time, they're extremely effective and above all can be seriously addicting. I have gone over an hour with them and it made me beg for more. Routines don't have to be so damn strict if you don't want to and just BE!!!

Are you really in need to love exercise? I don't think so but you shouldn't hate it either. On some level at least enjoy it man. I want you to answer these universal questions and find an insight into why on this beautiful earth you're stuck in a rut. Take baby steps and take your rightful place in animal awesomeness.

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