Well where do I start? First to introduce myself I am Lewis
Lindsey Jr. Well from the time I was young I had always admired the strength in
others be it physical or mental. Throughout my life me along
with my brother Jarell have always seen examples of both from different folks.
One of the main ones my father Lewis Sr who was 5’6 and served in Vietnam had
always shown signs of strength.
Lifting up my
mom who at the time was heavier and on top of that losing her ability to
walk due to MS he was holding a dead weight but he made it look easy. In terms
of their mental strength my father held on strong throughout the years even
after having his Strokes and Heart Attacks he still maintained his sense of
humor and will power until the end of his life in 2005. I remember this story
my mom use to tell me at the time. She would talk about this story all the time
where the ambulance was trying to pick up my mom who at this point is losing
her ability to walk so their lifting dead weight.
My father wasn't a big guy by looks but while
these pretty big guys were struggling to lift my mom up together he was able to
do it singlehandedly. I can believe that
as I've seen him on the regular do things like this and that became my
motivation to want to be able to gain that strength mentally and physically. So
by the age of 10 I was already lifting my mom up who at the time was dead weight
and around the high 200 range. My brother in law was also another man of great
strength doing many feats of strength himself both in the mental and physical
department. So I had those influences early in life. I also without realizing
it was introduced to isometrics by my brother in law as he would have me
sometimes do wall sits and push up holds then but years later when I would see
my younger brother again I would be reintroduced to it like he was.
I would look up the likes of Bruce Lee one of
my favorite fighters and philosophers and saw how he also incorporated
isometrics in his daily routine from reading his books. My Jarell also shared
with me 7 Seconds to a Perfect Body by Paul O Brien(now legally Batman O Brien)
and got more into isometrics. I was definitely seeing that I was getting
stronger but didn't have control of the strength which was pretty scary for
people(laughing) so I had to first learn to control it. So then one day with my
brother I learned about Maxick and Muscle Control. I learned the need to
control my muscle well my body through the mind and I learned to not so much
tense the muscles but rather to relax them.
I believe I started muscle control since April to now July 28, 2013. My
muscles feel less tense and more rubbery and I notice I have a little more
control of my muscles and though I haven’t yet gotten complete control I can
see I’m on the pathway there and I look forward to continuing this journey and
want to share that with others would want to get into Isometrics and Muscle
Control. I have great respect for the likes of Benjamin Bergman, Batman O Brien
and other modern strongmen who continue to keep this legendary culture alive
and being willing to teach others. I can say my journey isn’t over and I only
have more to grow and I indeed will.