Showing posts with label Labor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2024

Laborers & Gym Bros

 Laborers have been around since the dawn of man from surviving in the caveman times to slavery throughout ancient civilization to constructing the biggest buildings in modern society. It's a balancing act to how laborers view themselves and people in other walks of life view them. Blue Collar work is tough, there's way around that and many pride themselves in being able to live that lifestyle or were thrusted into at an early age. They may not be the biggest looking guys or the most stable in some cases but they have strength that is different in comparison to people who go to the gym. 

When it comes to work ethic, I always have respect for laborers, done it myself at certain points in my life from moving furniture to hauling heavy pieces of wood, chopping wood while camping, carrying up heavy ass boxes and carrying buckets of concrete. Some guys in that line of work know how to conduct themselves and are quite the characters when it comes to just having fun poking at each other to pass the time but there are others who are complete assholes who act like their superior to others. You can be the hardest working guy in the field and still be respected for that but if you're going to be a dick especially to people you're supposed to "provide" and "protect", that just leads to bitterness and fragile egos. 

When it comes to "Gym Bros", some are strong as shit and can go to a certain extent but many especially in the Fitness Influencer Era will only go so far as to tell people or throw certain things at people to only understand the concept of not being as strong outside the gym. Don't get me wrong, there are some guys that can handle themselves outside of the gym and do amazing things in their life but that's few and far between. There are plenty of steroid users out there that only work in the capacity to go after the look more than being able to go while being healthy. Bodybuilding today compared to 1930's to the 50's is about as night and day as you can get because back then, they had a good look but they also had greater health next to the unhealthy comic book muscled guys. 

As much as gym guys have their egos in a rollercoaster or act like they got a stick up their ass at times, not many of them bad mouth a laborer. However, quite a few laborers have such an ego trip that they not only talk down to people who work out in the gym but have this Napoleon Complex that they're superior to those who work out cause they go all day moving stuff or whatever and the gym guy just lifts weights or use machines and that's all and have no real world strength. The strength of a laborer and a gym person is very different with different circumstances and different concepts of strength. If your ego is that fragile that you have to be an asshole to people you don't know and think you know their life by judging them being in the gym, you need some serious therapy man. 

There are people who try to better themselves in the gym or outside of it and do what they can in their regular lives to be healthy. At the end of the day, a laborer does his job, goes home and just be with his family or himself and repeat that for as long as his body is able to. People in the gym are really just people who do different things to either make their lives outside of it better or go because that's a form of therapy for them, you don't 100% know what people are really like and most likely, those people train, go home or go to work or whatever but did what they could to put the effort in and that should be respected. 

Whether you're a laborer or a gym guy, be a little more humble and live your own lives and do what you can for yourself and/or your family while being as peaceful as possible. Don't be an asshole with such an ego that it tears others apart or makes you so bitter you turn into that "Get the fuck off my lawn" mentality. It's really pathetic when you act like a bully behind people's back and mock what they are trying to do with their lives. Be amazingly awesome and keep on kicking ass.    

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