Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You To Think About

We’re bombarded with their messages every day.

Their ads are filling our airwaves as we have the TV blaring at home.

They make it seem so normal. Like every person needs some concoction of artificial ingredients and frightening drugs that someone cooked up and put into a capsule.

So, you’re hanging out on the couch, watching your favorite TV show. You’re glad to finally be able to relax after another long day at work.

Then they cut to a break, and of course….the commercials come on. A routine you’re all too familiar with.

Images fill your screen of an attractive, yet detached woman sitting by herself - directing her melancholy gaze out the window.

You can’t help but watch, and you start to empathize with her.

I mean, we all feel like that sometimes, right? Detached and melancholy.

Then….the story shifts as they introduce the clever name of some new pharmaceutical.

The screen now shows images of the same woman strolling down the sidewalk with a smile on her face. Now she’s holding hands with her good-looking husband and adorable kid. They all look SO happy.

This could be you, right? This could be just what you need to feel alive again.

You start to wonder….

“Do I need this drug too? Is this what my life’s missing?”

...then the “fast-talking disclaimer voice” comes on and tells you that if you take this drug you might have side effects of “weight gain, diarrhea and vomiting, depression, thoughts of suicide, hypertension, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke or even death”.

The list goes on forever.

If you’re anything like me, this is the point where you snap back to reality, and start to question how a drug with that many frightening side effects could possibly be the answer.

Yet, with all the advertising these drugs are more popular than ever!

Of course, some people need a few of these drugs, but most of them just mask problems instead of cure them.

Some of them are even designed to keep you sick.

As overdoses from all kinds of prescription drugs become one of the most tragic epidemics we’ve faced as a nation, you have to wonder why these toxic substances are so prevalent in our society.

It’s become clear that if we want real control of our health…

...we need to stop relying on Big Pharma’s expensive and dangerous concoctions that are designed to only mask our problems - and keep our bodies addicted and anxious for the next dose.

What we really need are natural solutions that actually support our bodies to work the way they were beautifully designed to.

I started looking into it - there must be a place where people live long, healthy lives without relying on medication.

As I got more and more curious, I started looking into Eastern and South America medicine. I really wanted to figure it out!What are they doing in other countries that we aren’t doing here?

It was obvious, they had some secret I didn’t know. That secret was leading to happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives, almost totally free of pharmaceuticals.

That’s why I was so relieved and grateful when I found Lost Empire Herbs.

Lost Empire Herbs is on a mission to give EVERYONE access to high-quality Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Western herbs and formulas that support your body’s ability to produce its own safe, natural hormones and enzymes, allowing it to heal itself from the inside out.

These guys have done their research - they’ve tapped into some of the oldest natural secrets to living a physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy life.

They have formulas for both men AND women, and they have a number of highly specialized blends that can:
Enhance libido / sexual function
Boost energy and endurance
Provide mood support
Provide menopausal support
Promote brain health / improve memory and cognition
And much more!

At Lost Empire Herbs, they’re committed to researching the safest ingredients, seeking the highest-quality sources, and personally testing the best blend ratios of the highest potency herbs…

...and they do it all to produce the maximum desired results possible with NO side effects.

I haven’t even gotten to the best news yet….

….April 12th - 18th Lost Empire Herbs is holding their much anticipated annual Tax Refund Sale, where YOU can get a 15% discount storewide!

I’m not kidding! When you enter the code “TAXREFUND” at checkout from 4/12 to 4/18 you’ll get 15% off all purchases.

I hope you take advantage of this awesome opportunity to support this amazing company and get your body back on track to healing itself.

It’s time to toss out Big Pharma’s expensive, addictive, and all-too-often deadly cover-up pills out the window, and let your body do what it was made to do.

P.S. Don’t forget - coupon code “TAXREFUND” for 15% off sitewide will only be good until 4/18, so head over to Lost Empire Herbs now to check out their incredible selection!

Friday, March 6, 2015

It Is Good To Get All That Energy Out

    One of the most common things that you see in children (you parents know this very well) is when they get all hopped up and start running around like the house is on fire and you need them to blow off steam. This happens with adults too at times when we can't sit still and get hyper at times we can't fall asleep because your mind is on something and you just get so worked up over certain things. Blowing off steam doesn't always mean grabbing a beer or two to get away from something and it certainly doesn't mean getting high (although I see certain reasons needed to for some people) off of weed or whatever makes you see something that isn't there. One of the very facets about fitness is its ability to teach you to get all that energy out of your system and have a more calming demeanor. Go to the gym, go for a run, do animal movements (perfect for taken down a kid if you need him or her to chill out) or go lift some heavy stuff and just do what you need to do to get those endorphins kicking in and letting your nerves wind down.

  Being hyper is a common thing especially among kids and hormonal teens, all those little tweaks that happen in your body, adrenaline is running and you're doing your best to calm down and nothing is working. Take care of it by working your body for as long as you need to. Taking a walk and deep breathing is a start but for the most part, it's really telling your body to move and utilize your body's abilities to do various things. When I'm in hyper mode after being at a concert or coming home full of adrenaline, I do different things like Bridging, moving like a wild animal or push-ups. Even one time I was so hyper I was bending this steel bar I had and used every ounce of energy I had to twist and pull from every direction I can think of. By the end I was ready to pass out because it takes a lot out of you. Have a little fun with it while it won't scare the living hell out of your spouse/sibling/parent or whatever.
   What seems like a polar opposite of what you think happens, getting all that energy out productively actually calms the nerves in your body and bring flow back into your body on a much different scale. I don't believe I ever met anybody that got a ton of energy out of their body from working out and saying "man I'm pissed off." Your body is brushing with endorphins and adding a cold shower into the mix helps regenerate everything and lets the body use its cooling system. Funny on how the body works. Go outside if you have to; I wouldn't be howling at the moon like a retarted werewolf scaring your neighbors but moving your body in a fast pace manner for even a few seconds can elevate your emotions and clear out the cobwebs. Every time I hold the bridge for three minutes, my body just begins to float and when I'm done I feel like I'm in heaven, floating with calmness and awareness and feeling refreshed and happy. Animal Movements are great to get everything out of your system because they don't take that long for you to be huffing and puffing when you do it right.

  Want to pass out without the need to be drunk? Go do some Animal Movements or create moves from Gold Medal Bodies and see how long you last. Movement is life but so is sleep, so in order to balance things out, you have to take care of your need to chill out. Don't take those crappy sleeping pills full of chemicals and crap that can harm your insides and I can understand the need to drink a little something but it's not the only way. For me, my drug is exercise, when I need a fix, I take care of it and I feel like a new man afterwards without the side effects of withdrawals and feeling the need to do it every 5 minutes just to feel good, at times one time is all it takes and my ass is knocked out like a rock. You know how they give names for these "diseases" kids have like ADHD or whatever they came up with, they just want to feed these kids drugs so they can sit down long enough so they focus on a board they'll be staring at for an hour and having them feel like they're nearly comatose. I 'am very much in tuned with a kid needing an education and finding a way to focus so they can get their school work done but feeding them drugs is not going to help your cause. Remember back in the day when we were told drugs were bad and whoever took them were losers and now drugs are great for "helping" in school; what a crock and very contradictory. Be productive by giving them something they could enjoy doing, something fun and letting their imaginations run. 

  Moving like a Wild Animal creates structure, helps out self-esteem and takes lazy kids out of the house, hyper kids become calmer and kids with attitude issues lighten up because of the endorphins. Don't force it on them or be so damn strict they'll hate you for it, make a game out of it and help them find a way that works for both sides. It's not easy but it's far better health wise than taking some crazy drug that can screw up their bodies later in life just so they sit still for an hour every class. Be smart about it and make it fun for them.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Only Drug You Should Be Taking

 There are all sorts of ways to take this to relax and that to wake up but most of it is drugs or meds that can most likely kill you than help you. Even modern bodybuilders take drugs to build extra muscle to gain an edge in their competition just like other athletes and such. Drugs for the most part is the easy way out f your problems and lets face it, those commercials where they tell you the side-effects are far worse than what you're trying to get rid of. Unless you're dying than maybe but seriously, there are much better ways to get yourself healthy.

 If there was one drug that has no side-effects and works better than any drug or PEDs out there is consistent work ethic and training smart with an effective exercise program and eating good foods and stay away from junk food as much as possible. I may not have the best nutrition going on but I do my best to keep it going and keep building muscle and energy. When you build a goal and you set on training with consistency and putting in the time, you will accomplish what you want.

 The old-time strongmen of the early 20th century such as Maxick, John Grimek, George Hackenshmidt, Charles Atlas and others never even took drugs because they didn't exist in their time and yet with smart training and good nutrition they built some serious muscle and lived longer than your average bodybuilder or athlete today. Finding a program isn't easy to find or is it? Seriously though when you look at certain methods that have worked for god knows how long and gave you a sense of overcoming your own obstacles wouldn't you want to use that to have the body you want?

 Back in my late teens, I was a big kid (still am but as an adult) and I got up in lifting heavy weights rather quickly and every now and then either as a joke or actually asking I was asked if I was taking steroids because I had already reached 300 pounds in the deadlift and leg pressed nearly 950 while benching 260 and curling with 50-60 pound dumbbells but I was nowhere near the shape or strength that I have now compared to back then and yet I got asked that sketchy question that many athletes go through but to this day since I was asked it I continue to say no and you know why? I wanted to earn those lifts and earn the strength I wanted to gain. I'm much stronger and more built now and still say I'm earning it. A shortcut in your training is like cheating on a math test, you see the answers but what are you really learning from it. If you are looking to build great strength, awesome flexibility and insane endurance, taking a shortcut will do you more harm than good, trust me I've tried it by skipping progressions and ending up hurting myself. If you want something bad enough, earn it and earn it with passion, heart and will to get what you want.  

 The best program you can do won’t come from a magazine or following someone on a DVD, the best one is the one that works for you no matter what your schedule is and no matter what you want to do. Make it work for you and stick to it, one way or another you'll find the right one. Things don't happen overnight, they are earned with sweat, a work ethic and heart to create something out of nothing. Don't take the short way out, you won't like what you’ll find in the end if you do, taking a shortcut in most cases is dangerous and however cool it looks now, it'll bite you in the ass in the end. Respect yourself and your body by earning and using consistency to create your best physique along with lifelong strength, vitality, flexibility and stamina for years to come.  

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