Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Variety With The 500 Rep Dopa Band Deck Of Cards Workout

 That's quite a mouthful. Best thing I can come up with at the top of my head. Been killing it with the Deck Of Cards Workouts with the Dopa Band, working on exercises involving a push, pull, squat and jump exercises that can be done in a variety of ways. Most workouts is either a chest press or fly exercise, wave pulls, uppercut to squat combo and ski jumps. All are awesome to maintain conditioning and explosiveness but one workout I decided to give a go that actually got me more winded than usual but managed to do the deck.....

The two lower body exercises were the ones that were tricky cause I also had to control the swing of my arms as I squatted and jumping into a squat with the band. They were Hindu Squats & Hindu Jumping Squats variations that hit not only the legs but the shoulders as well. They were tough but I kept at it.

Workouts like these are some of the reasons I love conditioning and getting the most out of the simple things. That's also one of the many perks with the Dopa Bands, you can switch from one exercise to another in the blink of an eye and it doesn't take long to get your ass kicked in a fun way. It helps you find your creative side but will give you feedback if your technique is off. Fitness is about discovery and taking the very best to suit your goals. 

With the Deck Of Cards, it's never the same workout twice, you can do the same exercises but never do them in the same order. When you add variety or switch exercises around, it builds not just knowledge, but learning how to control your body and breathing in each workout. You're learning to expect the unexpected. With great focus and being in the moment, magic happens. Results will come when you at least expected, have more energy, lasting strength, better coordination and insane durability. 

Get your hands on these bands and harness the ability to enhance your own fitness or even get better at your sport, you have many options. Be amazingly awesome and keep killing it. Don't forget to use my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT to get 10% OFF. Who doesn't like saving a few bucks?

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