Friday, August 16, 2024

Putting In The Work Yet Making It Adventurous

 So many influencers today try to tell you this or that and whatever else to get you to buy into their shit. It can be hard for many out there to trust what's being given and how to apply their methods to your goals and daily life. Not saying all are bad, a few out there are top notch, legit and have realistic outlooks on how you can be in better shape when you make the choices to do so or continue in your journey. 

With me, I sure as hell wouldn't call myself an influencer. I do what I can to help others and give them resources to look into from people I've either personally had experienced with or worked with their methods and molded it into my own from their inspiration. The ability to create your own style to suit your life is one of the best things you can ever do. Learn from the very best. You may make mistakes along the way and adjust to what benefits you but as long as you put the work in and make it adventurous, you can make things happen that would never expect.

It can be overwhelming to find the absolute best from one single trainer or author that has the ultimate end all-be all training system. The truth is, that doesn't actually exist. If anyone says differently, it's a sales pitch or it's only for a specific demographic. My style is a smorgasbord of different people and systems that I've taken bits and pieces of and created something that is entirely me. If you're more of the one author/system approach and it works for you, that's awesome and I hope it benefits you greatly. We all have different bodies and work on things that aren't going to always work for the same person so we adjust accordingly. Take control of what is possible for you and expand on it. 

With my training with the sandbag lately, it has taken me to new heights of what hardcore strength and conditioning can be. Hell a few days ago I took three exercises including the Sandbag and did a circuit workout that went more than 30 minutes with the only rest being to check off a set and keep going. That workout made my heart want to explode out of my chest and test my strength & cardio in ways that were different and so intense that I don't know if I want to even top it. My strength has gone up to where I made PRs at the gym I didn't think were possible but they were and proud to have done them but it doesn't change how I keep training. 

When you bust your ass and you're making gains whether in muscle building or strength building regardless of age, things will come to light when you thought it would stay dark. Do what benefits you and help others find their opportunity to create something for themselves. Don't be an asshole and tear them down because they're overweight or wear a man bun or they're weaker than you are, everybody has a journey. Some have let themselves go and need help, others could use a tip or two that can tweak their program and some are just starting out. Make training an experience that people want to continue on and help them find opportunities to make themselves better, this world has enough dipshits and asshats. Be amazingly awesome and keep on kicking ass.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Asswipe benny.

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