Monday, June 27, 2022

Stretching, Sprints & Himalayan Salt Baths

 Getting in a great workout and being able to recover is a necessary goal but one doesn't always coincide with the other when in reality, training and recovery go together like a horse and carriage; one without the other is worthless. There are simple strategies and "tricks" or "hacks" that promote optimal health but also give your body what it needs to burn off fat, stay limber and be able to let the body flow without pushing so damn hard that you burnout faster than when you started.

It's not just about discovering the ultimate strategies, we also have different backgrounds, amount of time we have for that window to train because not everybody can just go and utilize these strategies since some have families to take care of, pay off the house, multiple trips to certain places, business meetings, stuck in traffic or whatever so we do what we can. These strategies best used in a specific order but if you can't make the time to do them all, they can be spread out, just need to time it right for you.

When it comes to stretching, I prefer loosening up the joints but a good stretching routine would be great to do in the morning because you're giving your body what it needs to wake up and be able to flow better. Now I didn't say warm up, some don't give a damn about that but it is important to have the muscles and joints ready for anything and a good routine wouldn't be more than a few minutes, 15 max. There are many styles of stretching but my personal favorite is Dynamic Stretching or moving stretches to lengthen and get the blood flowing. 

You've read plenty lately about Sprint Training or preferably Hill Sprints. This type of training for no more than 3x a week will destroy fat faster than the Joker breaking out of Arkham. Some research will say a 30 second sprint is ideal, some say 15-20 but in my opinion, 10-15 second sprints are the ultimate because the sole purpose of Sprinting whether on flat ground or on a hill, is to sprint as fast as you possibly can without hurting yourself. The longer you try to sprint even for 30 seconds, you won't be able to maintain your top speed for long and it becomes closer and closer to becoming a jog up the hill or on flat ground. Now granted Hill Sprints won't have you reaching max speed as on the ground but you still want to sprint as hard as you can until you're out of breath or reaching that threshold of the top speed you have. When you realize this, you'll see that a 10-15 second Sprint will power up your metabolism like crazy and with consistent practice it's possible to reach a percentage of 500% or more Growth Hormone or HGH. That's 10 times more than the best hormone injections and it's much safer in the long run (no pun intended).

One of the very best methods of recovery and detoxifying the body is taking Himalayan Salt Baths. There isn't a ton of research on this so I can only go on by experience but whenever I take one, I always feel revitalized and relaxed afterwards. The body feels looser, have greater focus and has a great set of endorphins kicking in so you feel happier and more peaceful. I would take this kind of bath for a maximum of 16 minutes to let everything sink in (I have meditation music that lasts the length of time) and than take a warm shower and cold shower to help wash everything else off. This is my ritual but from my research, 20 minutes in a bath like that is more than enough. It's also good to drink some water before and after the bath because the toxins draining out of your system can have a bit of dehydrating effects so stay hydrated. 

So these are incredible strategies to get the most out of your body's cleansing of toxins, training to be a fitness machine and staying limber. 2-3x a week if you can do all three (stretch before sprints, do 4-10 sprints and than take a Himalayan Salt bath when you get home to recover and relax the body) that would be the ultimate goal. Recover as much as you can between sprints workouts and don't let your body go stiff. The idea is to maintain health and get the most out of it with as little to no stress as possible. If you can't do all three one after the other in the window you have, at least do your best to keep or build your flexibility and sprint your ass off. If you're not up for sprints, you can always work on the Sprint 8 Protocol and it can be done at home, at the park, in your hotel room or in the gym, your choice. 

Stay amazingly awesome and have fun with your training, recover well and keep those joints healthy. 

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