Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Scientifically Backed Powerful NATURAL Testosterone Booster

So I'm just going to put it out there...The clock is ticking on us and, as it is, our testosterone is headed out the door and running for the hills. It's a damn shame and I think that is why I want to share with you a potent natural supplement that doesn't only BOOST TESTOSTERONE but also stimulates the body's own production to increase. That's right, this is NOT A REPLACEMENT... It's a stimulant that has had massive results.

“I can say hands down this is the purest form of Tongkat, not cut with anything else. I noticed my energy level going up in less than 5 minutes after taking it. I even had my Total Testosterone tested: Base line= 450. Six weeks later I had my blood tested again and my total testosterone went up to 700. The blood test and how I felt and looked were my way of gauging how well Lost Empire’s Tongkat works. I’ve tried other brands and definitely not the same results.”

 – Coach Ryan

It is Tongkat Ali. You may've heard of this before, but the truth is, a lot of the stuff you find on the shelves is pure shit...weak extract strengths grown in sub-par conditions and full of fillers. This is why I believe in Lost Empire Herbs and helping others find high-quality, lab-tested, fresh, and powerful 100:1 extract of Tongkat Ali.

How Tongkat Ali works:

Promotes steroidogenesis, which is this synthesis of steroids… which are the building blocks to proper male hormonal health.

Stimulating DHEA (a critical hormone that’s necessary for balanced male hormones).

Having high levels of nitric oxide which “acts as a mediator, together with prostaglandin, to promote bone formation and suppress bone resorption.

Fighting oxidative stress and free radicals that are causing osteoporosis. Tongkat Ali is FILLED with antioxidants that scavenge and destroy free radicals.

When your body can synthesize and CREATE its own steroidal hormones, they will be balanced again. The problem men over 35 begin to experience in terms of their hormones, is their body has a hard time producing and synthesizing steroids in order to create sufficient T… and that leads to all sorts of health problems.

Lost Empire Herbs offers a safe, effective water-soluble extract of the Eurycoma longifolia roots.

Testing showed a concentration of:

34.91% Saponins

54.31% Peptides

If you are feeling drained, losing muscle, losing sex drive, losing motivation you may be suffering from testosterone deficiency. Let's fix that shall we? Learn more and buy Tongkat Ali today right here.

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