Monday, April 11, 2022

The Game Genie Of Fitness

 I had written what the game genie was in a previous article about Micro Workouts but I wanted to elaborate a bit more of what that truly means. Here's a small "recap" of what the Game Genie is....

Back in the 90's, Video Games made huge leaps and bounds with mainly 4 consoles; The Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, the N64 & the rise of Playstation. When it came to the SNES & Sega that I knew of, there were many ways to add a little zest to a number of games or in better terms, a bit of glitches that gave you so many cool things to do and have such as infinite lives, invincibility, unlimited weapons, level selection, and power ups that gave a character a faster way to build up to the ultimate version of that character. 

The god of all cheats and strategies came in the form of The Game Genie which was a cartridge you can place in the console and "download" various codes for the game you wanted to play and then put your game in and off to the races. There were times you may not have needed the Game Genie and you can just press a bunch of specific buttons to get a cheat for various things in the game while you play or at the start menu. This is virtually non-existent today because of online gaming, no cheats or buttons to hit that can give you the ultimate advantage to pass through a game at lightspeed and it's become "too real" in a sense. 

Now where is this going when it comes to fitness? What the hell does some retro "illegal" cartridge or knowledge has to do with working out? Well, it's more of a  geeky reference to how Isometrics are unlike any other method and how one man called them the Cheat Code of exercising. The moment I read or heard cheat code, the game genie popped into my head instantly. Isometrics tackle areas of the body or as a whole that most methods can't touch.

Isometrics break down the weak points of the muscles to make them stronger from angles that can't be done with typical weights, machines and/or calisthenics. If you're having trouble with squatting and have weak knees and legs, a wall sit or horse stance will show you where those weaknesses are and how you can reassess your structure to get the full benefit of strengthening the legs without needing to move. That's a basic outlook to what Isometrics can do but there are several versions of this method that can help many not just get stronger, but provide near injury proof bones, tendons and ligaments or in better words lessen the chances of getting injured quicker. 

Why call Isometrics the Game Genie Of Fitness? Because like the cartridge, you can "download" the ultimate ways to strengthen your body to unleash it's potential by overwhelming bounds. Think about what it would be like to have the secrets to increase your pushups without hurting your shoulders and be able to control your hips and lower back from sagging, to have such strong knees and ankles that going up stairs or even getting up out of a squat is easy as hell, to have such powerful tendons that you can play with your kids, grandkids, nieces/nephews or do some crazy stuff without getting hurt or with so small chances it's microscopic. How could you not want that? 

Isometrics have been around for thousands of years and although modernized, it still has value beyond its means and gives you the "lost secrets" to developing the body and attributes that would make people's jaws drop. From Shaolin Monks to Gymnasts, from ancient warriors to weekend warriors, from royalty to commoners and from athletes to everyday people all have used or done Isometrics at some point in their lifetime. If you researched from the very best who have done them with great success, you'll be heading into a world that many today can't even begin to fathom. The strength and power is right there, the game genie is in your grasp, get the "cheats" and unleash the true potential of your character. 

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