Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Sole (Himalayan Salt Water)

Staying hydrated is one of the key elements to keeping the body healthy but with all the stuff that's out there that sells you the best hydration packets and what they represent, it can sometimes become misleading and you can't trust all the commercials and things you find in GNC or other so called "health" stores. Probably the biggest things you'll find about hydration is Gatorade and Pedialyte which the latter would be used after a knocking back a few and being so drunk that the next day you need something to keep your organs from failing from dehydration. 

I've tried different things like Gatorade, Advocare's Rehydrate products and a couple others but two things lately have been favorites to do and noticed some differences. The first has been a product I use from time to time to help hydrate in the morning and either during or after workouts has been Liquid IV which is a powder that you can pour into a glass of water or into your water bottle that has pretty good amounts of vitamins and good sodium to keep hydrated for some time. Just one packet alone is the equivalent to 4 bottles of water. The only drawback might be the Sugar content which is around 12 grams per packet, so if you're hesitant about things like that there are others out there with little to no Sugar but this has worked for me. Whenever I do feel dehydrated and need a pick me up, that does the trick almost instantly and feel energetic and ready to go. 

The other thing I've been doing a little more recently is what's called Sole or a better term would be adding Himalayan salt to water. I was thinking of other ideas to use to stay hydrated and did some research and found out about this simple ingredient to add to my water. There isn't a ton of research done on this so I'm not going to say it's the GOAT of hydration but from my experiences, it's got some pretty damn good health benefits and it's pretty easy to make. Now I must caution you that not all salts are equal since most of the salt that is used in our food supply is very limited to no true value in the minerals real salt has. Salt has been around for millions of years and has been used in medicines and the rich minerals from certain areas around the world that has kept people hydrated for extended periods of time. Himalayan salt is about as pure as you can get and has been used for adding flavor to food to help eliminate toxins for salt baths. 

I would sprinkle the salt onto the meats I eat such as steak, lamb and chicken and have taken salt baths before but let's just say I can't fully stretch out and feel comfortable in a bath tub in my house. Creating the salt water is pretty simple to make. You take a bag and pour the salt crystals into a mason jar (don't incase it in metal from what I've read) and fill it to about a quarter of the jar if that and pour as much filtered water (not tap) till the water reaches the top. Close it ands tighten it with a plastic lid and shake it up a little, put it either on your counter or in a cool pantry to leave over night and there you have it. Easy to do. The amount to take mostly depends on the person but from the research it has said you don't need more than a quarter teaspoon to one teaspoon of the salt water because that amount contains about 400-500 milligrams of sodium. 

Do some research on it and see if it can benefit you. I usually just take a teaspoon and pour it into an 8 ounce glass of regular water and feel really good right away. The benefits from my research has said it can help with eliminating toxins in the body, increases energy levels, helps with headaches, lowers blood pressure balances out ions and possibly helps with sleep. Yes we do need salt in our bodies, it's an essential ingredient but here's an idea on how to find the real thing and not that crap that is white and full of stuff that is more of a killer than a healer.  

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