Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Staying Fit With Animal Movements For Life

As we get older, our bodies tend to become a little bit less each year than when we were young. We recover differently, shift methods in order to maintain because working out in your 20's as oppose to your 30's, 40's and beyond aren't going to be the same and why would it? It is important to maintain health and keeping our bones strong in the long haul. Very few look like a million bucks at the age of 40 and beyond and even more have to take some form of therapy in order to keep hormones balanced. This is where I love how Animal Movements can keep the body in check.

Animal moves have you constantly shifting and learning how to coordinate your body's ability to stay strong, flexible and agile in awkward positions. You don't have to be a speed demon to maintain shape or build crazy muscle but it is critical to utilize your muscles, ligaments and bones regardless of age. Moving at a pace that works well for you and taking as much time as needed to recover and keep going. This way, it brings out a greater sense of development and being able to move with consistency and muscular strength.

In other countries like in Asia, India and parts of Africa, movement is essential for redefining age and long term health. Animal moves focus on strengthening the structure and keeping blood flowing throughout the cells and spinal cord. One of the first things to go as we age is our legs and it's very true. Our legs carry us and have the strongest form of the skeletal system. Squatting has a very important role so utilizing the squat along with movement such as in duck walks, chimp walks and others; In Japan, a version of the duck walk helps keep knee joints healthy and contain powerful muscular conditioning for long term results in the legs.

Another reason to move like an animal is the way it consistently creates brain power through movement and thinking into the movement. Dementia, Alzheimer's and other brain deformations have become more common than we want to believe and it is important to keep our brains strong well into our golden years. Many people do brain games such as sudoku, crossword puzzles and other games to keep their brains sharp but sometimes it isn't enough. If you're still able to move, you can do so with exercise. Yeah sure at 60 you're not going to do 500 push-ups or jump really far but you can do little forms of crawling, balancing and walking to keep the mind and body sharp as a tack.

You don't have to even do big movements, small steps and holding basic positions will work your body amazingly. Think about it, just doing 100 steps of a bear crawl or holding a squat a few minutes a day can do wonders for your body and you can adjust them for your structure. A very fun exercise to do to help get the blood flowing is what's called the Octopus in Animal Kingdom Conditioning; this exercise doesn't have you doing very much but when done correctly, it warms up and conditions the muscles and joints in the legs, shoulders, hips and chest because it can get you breathing pretty quick. If you're not up to par on the full extent of the movement, make adjustments and still get great benefit out of it. Just 1 minute of this exercise can do wonders at any age and if you do opposite arm and opposite leg movements, you're strengthening the brain and generating power in the stems.

Don't ever settle and let your body deteriorate because you're just getting older, you deserve to live with great strength and health until death comes to take you. Work your body accordingly and have fun because being in a wheelchair and letting the body rot is no way to live. Be fit at any age and keep your joints and your brain healthy. 

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