Monday, August 13, 2018

Compassion Isn't A Weakness

I know what it is liked to be bullied, ridiculed, humiliated and beaten down physically and emotionally. Nothing comes close to feeling weak as a person. To this day, I have days where I have self doubt and feeling like what I do isn't good enough; but then I'm reminded of who I'am as a person and what I do matters. I have developed a sense of compassion for people and showing what is important to be a human being.

Compassion is never a sign of weakness but there are people out there that want to take advantage of that and use you for your compassion to extend their own agendas. It's happened to me a time or two so never feel like you're the only one. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop having a heart for someone. Not everyone is in a war where violence is the answer. A lot of people these days do get offended by words which makes even my generation not the easiest to deal with but at the same time, words have gotten people killed for eons, its not just in 2018.

Compassion is a sign that you have a good heart and it makes you a stronger person if you have dealt with physical, emotional or mental trauma; hell even maybe all three. Some people just want to watch the world burn and feel like they're the king or queen and actually believing compassion is a sign of weakness.

In my training, it's not just for getting fit, its more on the development of becoming the strongest version of myself. Learning how to apply movement using my brain and body as a tool. My brain can only go so far because of the truma happened to me as a baby but it doesn't stop me from finding my passions and sharing it with the world. Everybody has a strength and weakness, it's the yin and yang of our DNA and as we grow not just in physical form but mentally as well, we learn what's right and what's wrong. The trouble is, many grow up never understanding the true meaning of what it's like to be a human being an realize that not everyone is against YOU and seeing the world and it's people as weaklings.

Emotional weakness is mainly used by people that don't truly understand a person's story. There's a fine line between pitying them and seeing them as emotionally weak. You grow up learning that many people are weak because they can't hold a job or aren't strong enough for their family. I have been down that road where jobs weren't easy to come by and just applying anywhere doesn't always mean you're going to get it and even if you did get it, how are you physically and mentally connected to that job? I found a job that not only pays good but I'm very passionate about it, I put my heart and soul into it. I get to share with the world my passion, my struggles, my triumphs and what gives me purpose about fitness, supplements, seminars and giving people the opportunity to find fun and exciting ways to exercise whether it's for sports, lifestyle, conditioning, overall strength or whatever they decide to get into.

Showing compassion means you have a reason to care for another human being. You feel for a person and giving yourself emotionally to be there for a person. Not everyone is going to show you the same courtesy which for them is ok. They have a different life and they have their own way of showing something but it's not always going to be pretty. Also just because I show compassion doesn't always mean i'm going to be a nice guy. Everyone has their limits to be kind and sympathetic. I do care about people but I understand what's right and what's wrong and have stepped up for people and defended them, not always physically but if you piss me off, you're going to see why you shouldn't.

Some people are just flat out cold, manipulative and full of hate that they put out these harsh rants about others and just don't care whether they're getting backlashes or not and in their own world, that's just fine with them. There are many out there that just don't give a shit and just piss on human beings that are considered emotionally weak and won't amount to anything. Granted there are people in this world that could use a tune up but at the same time, it doesn't matter how old you are, finding yourself is the biggest journey every human being has. Some have found themselves whether it's good, bad or ugly; others have pressed the reset button and rediscovering who they are but there are others that haven't found themselves yet and never made the opportunity to reach it. Our full potential is never complete without discovering our true selves.

This world is a harsh world in a lot of areas, very dark, gritty and full of loathing and hatred that sometimes showing compassion isn't enough, but it is start to send a message to the world that being harsh isn't the answer and learning to be good to one another. What I want to send to you today is that the world is a mighty big place but for others, its very small and the people within them have the potential to be a kind, warm hearted person that has a heart and soul for one another.

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