Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Review Of Animal Workouts Book/DVD

This course is a lot of fun to do and gives the reader a series of progressions for each animal and has quality content for doing something different or what you did as a little kid. Most of the issues that come with the program isn't a major factor for me but I do wish the author were more involved with the exercises instead of using models. Don't get me wrong, they are very fit people but it is important to show the readers what YOU can do and inspire them.

David Nordmark is a knowledgeable guy I'm sure but shows more of a copy and paste style as an author selling courses at a cheaper price than folks who wrote previous courses that cover the topics virtually identical. Matt Furey, Ed Baran, Batman O'Brien, Charles Atlas and others wrote courses that dealt with basic to advanced calisthenic movements utilizing traditional Hindu Wrestling Training, Gymnastics, Self Resistance, Isometrics & Flexibility training. These courses are pricey in areas but are well worth it. David wrote courses that carry the same exact exercises and a tad more but sold them half or more cheaper.

The animals based in this book and DVD course are very simple to do and can be done virtually anywhere. I love how playing around with these exercises can make a person fit and healthy in the long run but if one has had previous injuries, some exercises won't cut it for that individual. The principle movements are mainly crawling and jumping which is essential but some people no matter how hard they try, won't have great jumping abilities because of how their tendons and ligaments handle the stress. Overall, one can adjust to the exercises according to their level of energy, flexibility and fitness. You don't have to do the jumping exercises, you can just do squats or hold the positions in an isometric fashion. It's all what you can do and make the most of it.

Although it suggests elements on speed, technique and rest periods, do what you can do. Some exercises I can never speed up on due to previous injuries in my legs and I don't jump that high on some exercises. With the crawling, your body will naturally tell you the speed and the weak links in your body. Take it from me, just play and adjust accordingly. Don't expect to have great strength off the bat and your stamina and endurance will come in time because when you really get into it, it doesn't feel like a workout, more like a game and that mindset can help your results come quicker.

The weight loss & muscle building aspects vary from individual to individual so if you don't lose weight or build muscle right away, it's OK, keep at it and things will eventually happen. You will build natural muscle due to the amount of muscle groups being used during the movements. The more muscles being used, the greater chances of development faster. Have fun with it and get into the mindset of making it a game, it'll change your perspective and develop results you didn't think were possible. Get wild my friends.

Animal Workouts Book

Animal Workouts DVD

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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Pushing The Limits....Good Or Bad

Every individual experiences different levels of tolerance or intolerance to soreness, pain, strength, endurance, flexibility, durability and stamina; so we can't fully determine what gives us that balls to the walls limit of understanding how far we can go in our training. There are people who do the Ironman, run Ultra-Marathons, Crossfit like a maniac, train to extremes for bodybuilding or their specific sport and than there are people who feel going beyond the limit is a badge of honor.

Don't get me wrong, testing one's ability is a meaningful goal and every person wants to know within themselves "How far can I take this?" The problem is that too many people strive for this goal way too quickly and it's not always by way of their own choice. Yes we have a choice but we also tend to get caught up in the hype and being told what to do and how to apply ourselves to reach our maximum limit without regarding the consequences of injury, possibly death, becoming crippled, breaking bones, tearing tendons and scarring the psyche for life. It's like driving a Viper and testing it's limits of how fast it can go and getting caught up in that mentality of seeing what it's truly capable of. The car can only take so much and at its highest peak of maximum performance, won't last more than a minute tops. A similar ideal is the cheetah the fastest land animal on earth, at top speed, the wildcat only lasts seconds and only uses that speed for survival and catching food. If this cat were to challenge itself and even remotely test it's speed more than it is meant to, the death scale would be at its highest due to exhaustion, heart beating too fast for the body to handle, the bones would shatter and would be destroying the internal organs.

Like the Viper and Cheetah, the human body can only take so much and everyone, even the greatest athletes in the world have their limits. How we determine what we can tolerate is through experimentation, where the mind is tested, preparation and finding out what we can do to do more and more until we reach complete and utter failure. It is important to challenge yourself but it must be done with intent, understanding when to back off and recover, plus learning your mentality and physical needs. When we are young, we have greater chances of recovering like crazy and have energy that keeps us going and having mental toughness. As we age, recovery takes more time, physical exertion becomes greater in order to provide results and mental strength is at it's apex.

Pushing our limits can be beneficial to a degree but each individual will never have the same limits or abilities as the person next to them. There are some things I can never achieve because of my structure, my strength levels, my tolerance for pain but that other person may not have what I have and won't ever do things that I'm capable of doing. It's all a matter of perspective and understanding how far that person can push their highest levels of the attributes they have acquired or willing to test at their maximum levels. Now the real question is.....If you push beyond your limits, are you willing to suffer the consequences that comes later or during? Or are you willing to find out what you can truly do? This is the real test for every individual. 


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Thursday, March 28, 2019

How Can You Trust The Information You Are Given Or Learning?

There's a lot of great free info around fitness websites, forums, blogs, podcasts and much more but while absorbing it, how much of it can be trustworthy and valued to you? Some places have info that is so freakishly basic and generic that it is boring as hell and people just can't always get on board. Some places even have colorful marketing ploys and fonts that just jump out at you and have this exciting look (believe me, I've fallen for it too) but is the info on there just to sell or really help you with your goals?

In my research and learning various methods from isometrics to circuit training, training in gymnastics, some training in submission grappling, strongman feats, bodyweight exercise, weightlifting, sports and others; it is easy to get sucked into something and not look at things on a deeper level. Certain people promote things just for the sake of promoting and not give a damn about what they're truly selling but on the other side of that same coin, people will market and promote things so damn hard that it is the end-all-be-all product along with never looking at anything else but that. What do your instincts tell you when you look at an ad copy? Do you trust what someone is selling or giving it away for free?

Let's cut to the chase, many people market fitness as ways to build income and the majority of marketers only care about selling and don't give a damn who buys it. The magazines, dvds, cds, webinars, youtube videos, kindle books, paperbacks and other digital downloads all play a role in how to drive people to their product or whatever. I will say not all marketers are assholes and do care who buys their product and even gives their gratitude to them in amazing ways.  The people I learned from the most give their blessings to the people who took a chance on them and got incredible results. People like Bud Jeffries, Logan Christopher, Steve Maxwell, Tyler Bramlett and others cater to a certain level of people but will work with the people that want the help. They're not in it just for racking the dough, they treat people with respect and dignity.

Now from my perspective and learning from experience both hands on and on the net, there's very little trust in what I want to learn. I can be a skeptic and have become a follower in certain methods but I never treat anyone like they're a god or some leader of a revolution, just want to learn and see where it takes me. On the net, trust is about as limited as you can get and you have to protect yourself from whom you get involved with. Yes I do have friends in the fitness world and some I even refer to somee as like brothers and I will promote them because I have seen how they treat people and how passionate they are, both are a rare combination in this world.

Most of the free stuff you'll find on the net are mainly on forums and blogs. Some are good, some are great and others are just freaking weird. I have written about some of these forums recently and I have to say, they're entertaining to a degree and have decent knowledge but just because it is free doesn't mean it's always the right way to do things but the same can be said when you pay for something. You have to be instinctive in what you choose and do your best to shield yourself from bullshit stuff. It isn't easy but it isn't impossible either.

I'm learning myself what I trust is the right info for me and have gotten caught up in the bullshit stuff. You really don't want to get into things that these assholes can exploit and make you feel less about yourself because it has happened to me and I hate that feeling. It is a process but remember what is important to you, keeping your goals on track and learn to trust yourself. It is easily seductive wanting to defend everything and developing strong ideals that creates enemies but the true enemy are the people who want to watch the world burn and feed on misery to fill their own ego because they themselves are miserable and become obsessed with being negative towards whatever made them bitter in the first place. Find the trust in the info that suits your interests and goals whether you pay for it or find it without paying a damn thing, you have the power, make it work for you. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Killer Benefits Of Isometric Training For Women

Women don't always realize how much they can benefit from using Isometric Exercise as part of their program. Some exercises offer greater advantages for women than a lot of us guys. Isometrics is often overlooked as a way too damn long method for losing weight and is one of the very best ideas for women and teaching that you won't need to bulk up in order to be strong.

As of late, women are beginning to understand the crucial benefits of having a solid strength training program for all-around health and Isometrics includes certain add on elements that conventional training doesn't offer. Take a look below to learn a few badass benefits that Isometrics offer for women. Pay attention to these very important factors and start a foundation today practicing Isometrics....

1) It increases the metabolic rate - This is a very critical element of Isometric Training. Many women want to find out the true secrets of weight loss and here is one way to find out. Isometrics shoot up the metabolic rate when you increase the calories you burn. The more calories burned, the lower your bodyfat goes.

2) Developing, Restoring & Strengthening Your Bone Density - A lot of women suffer Osteoporosis and Isometric Exercises helps prevent and even battle hard that condition. The way that happens is by stressing the Connective Tissue in the muscles and bones leading to greater Re-Densification. This will really slow down and even prevent the process of Osteoporosis along with even arthritis. Think of the healthy glow and ability to stay strong as a woman ages. Wouldn't you love to play with your grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren? Start practicing Isometrics.

3) Stable & Even Powerful Muscle Mass (Not Bulk) - Incredibly important. The tissue which some have called the "Metabolically Active" will burn calories like a damn furnace. This does not mean increase in bulk, I know some women wouldn't want anything to do with that. Because of the lack of testosterone in women, becoming bulky just doesn't happen unless you're on steroids or TRT. That is not what I want you to do ever. I believe in being healthy and having a strong foundation for having muscle that is useful. With Isometrics, you'll become leaner, tighter and trimmed.

4) Preventing Injuries - For all intents and purposes, Isometrics is one of the safest methods around. The stronger your tendons and ligaments are, the less chance of being injured. For both men and women, as we get older, we become brittle, worn down and get more aches and pains but if we consistently practice Isometric Exercise, these factors can be yesterday's newspaper and they'll help you stay fit in the long run.

Hope you learned something new and are on your way to a healthier you. Become stronger for the long haul and check out some cool ways to develop a strong foundation for Isometric Training.

7 Seconds To A Perfect Body

Isometrics Mass

Isometric Power Revolution

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Quick 10 Minute Workout To Build Your Conditioning

Timing can be a hassle when it comes to training. Having to pay bills, go to work, pick up the kids, go to meetings, make deliveries ect. Working out doesn't have to be a chore and it certainly shouldn't be something you dread doing. Having a small window can make a massive difference and what if you can use that window anytime and anywhere? How about doing a workout that doesn't take more than 30 minutes a week (3 10 minute sessions), would that be cool with you? 
We don't always see a workout lasting less than 30 minutes to an hour so what would 10 do? 10 minutes for most people sounds like a warm up. The funny thing is, within those 10 minutes, you can be huffing and puffing and feel like you just went an hour doing something. This workout doesn't require a ton of space, uses very little equipment and saves you a hell of a lot of time and money. Seriously who doesn't like saving a buck or two?

Doing this workout from my point of view can be tiring but fun and challenging. With the right amount of resistance, you won't be doing a ton of reps per set but you won't be resting much either. Each round is 15 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. You continue this 20 times and that's it. If you're new to it, start with 5 rounds and build up. For the resistance, start light. You'll be using the Lifeline Resistance TNT Cables which are awesome for working out anywhere and cost effective if you're on a budget. 

The workout itself is a combination of the Curl, Squat & Press in sequence. As you get into heavier resistance, the less reps you'll be doing per round. It's not always how many reps you can do, it's keeping form and not straining especially in the beginning rounds.  If you're completely new to it, start with sessions 1-2 times a week, as you get better, make it 3 but you don't need to do any more days than that but it's up to you. 

The cables come with instructions and loads of exercises to choose from, has a door anchor you can attach and have even more exercises to choose from. Workout at home, at the park, in your hotel room, the garage, practically anywhere. This cable system can get you do many exercises from the gym and fits into a small bag. Give it a go and hope you have fun getting fit. 

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