Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Quick 10 Minute Workout To Build Your Conditioning

Timing can be a hassle when it comes to training. Having to pay bills, go to work, pick up the kids, go to meetings, make deliveries ect. Working out doesn't have to be a chore and it certainly shouldn't be something you dread doing. Having a small window can make a massive difference and what if you can use that window anytime and anywhere? How about doing a workout that doesn't take more than 30 minutes a week (3 10 minute sessions), would that be cool with you? 
We don't always see a workout lasting less than 30 minutes to an hour so what would 10 do? 10 minutes for most people sounds like a warm up. The funny thing is, within those 10 minutes, you can be huffing and puffing and feel like you just went an hour doing something. This workout doesn't require a ton of space, uses very little equipment and saves you a hell of a lot of time and money. Seriously who doesn't like saving a buck or two?

Doing this workout from my point of view can be tiring but fun and challenging. With the right amount of resistance, you won't be doing a ton of reps per set but you won't be resting much either. Each round is 15 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. You continue this 20 times and that's it. If you're new to it, start with 5 rounds and build up. For the resistance, start light. You'll be using the Lifeline Resistance TNT Cables which are awesome for working out anywhere and cost effective if you're on a budget. 

The workout itself is a combination of the Curl, Squat & Press in sequence. As you get into heavier resistance, the less reps you'll be doing per round. It's not always how many reps you can do, it's keeping form and not straining especially in the beginning rounds.  If you're completely new to it, start with sessions 1-2 times a week, as you get better, make it 3 but you don't need to do any more days than that but it's up to you. 

The cables come with instructions and loads of exercises to choose from, has a door anchor you can attach and have even more exercises to choose from. Workout at home, at the park, in your hotel room, the garage, practically anywhere. This cable system can get you do many exercises from the gym and fits into a small bag. Give it a go and hope you have fun getting fit. 

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