Monday, September 24, 2018

Sometimes You Just Have To Let Loose And Go Ape S*it

Working out can be a real chore to some people and forcing themselves to do something for the sake of just doing it can hinder progress. Whenever I'm in a rut or just need a break from regular training, I just go all out and be wild. Moving like my spirit animal the Gorilla. It creates a more fun atmosphere and just cut loose and be me. Being yourself in your training can be scary and want to be someone else because you're too concerned of what others may think.

There are times where I just don't know what to do because i'm not a routine guy and when I try to be it doesn't last long, not that i'm not motivated, just not interested and want to be different. I love doing different workouts but there's something about moving like a wild primate that just feels right and when my instincts kick in, I don't have a choice I just go for it.

Now when I mean going Ape S*it, i'm not talking about bouncing off the walls and smashing everything in a ground and pound style; it's crawling, hanging, jumping and just letting everything out in a productive way. It's one of the things that gets me in a better mood utilizing animal movements. It's letting me have the freedom, the ability to really use my imagination and create what I WANT, not what everyone thinks I may want or have to do.

Let loose every once in a while. Might do you some good. Be wild, be free and just go. If you can't be yourself, you're not really training.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Is It Better To Look Good Than To Feel Good?

In the 80's on Saturday Night Live, Billy Crystal played a character that was an aristocrat that would rather look damn good than to feel good about himself. More like a hollow outlook on life that many people tend to follow without realizing it. The motto of his character Fernando was "Darlings, it is better to look good than to feel good you know what i'm saying?" Now what does this relate to? Well for decades, even centuries, image is a powerful thing and it has made many people successful, many others suffer but also makes it an importance beyond the reality of the body's true meaning.

Image is just a speck of the real outlook to how a person can be physically, mentally and emotionally. It brings up the targeted audience in the fitness industry where image far outweighs the feel of a person. You see the pictures in the magazines, on the stage, on tv; looking directly at you and judging the appearance. Just about anybody can look good with the right tools and elements that make up the image of that individual but yet what is the image? What is the first thing you notice about a person with tattoos, a rock hard body, the way they sit, their posture or the way they do things in your surroundings? It's a rarity to say "what do I feel" than to say "what do I see".

A lot of us have an issue with our image and who or what we want to be on the outside but what about the inside? The irony is the feelling tends to come out more what you just see from the exterior but many can also hide what they feel by projecting themselves into a world that what you see is nowhere near what's on the inside. You'll ind people that say "what you see is what you get" but the trouble is that it is more rare than we want to believe whether someone says it or says it to themselves. I at times see a horrible image of myself and hear doubts, fears and feel hopeless but yet I don't always show that. We hide our emotions and our feelings because in some cases, we are taught to do that and only show what we want you to see because if you knew the truth, it would make us vulnerable and conflicted plus it's breaking down the world we built around ourselves we strive to keep locked and sealed.

Looking good can make you successful and even maybe get you an endorsement or having your face on a box of cereal or in a commercial selling stuff that is already sketchy in the first place. Just looking good however, comes with a price and if you let it consume you, it throws away the real aspects of your true self and letting the outside judge you more on the exterior than what the interior really has in stored. I'm no model, I don't have six pack abs or 20 inch arms, for the most part I'm just solid physically but my true self has passion, compassion, emotional rollercoasters, a memory that is both a blessing and a curse, I'm very happy most of the time but I do have my downfalls of being a pain in the ass at times, it's a fact lol. I don't strive to look like a greek god or even come close to looking like a young Brad Pitt, but I do what I can to be good hearted, train to the best of my abilities, play, have fun and be good to somebody who's having a rough time.

You don't need to be crazy good looking to live a full life. The funny thing is, what you see from a good looking person is like this; they look like Zeus or Aphrodite on the outside but on the inside they can be like Medusa or Hades and you won't even know it until it becomes painfully obvious and then it's too late. Some people who don't have the MIS (Model Image of Society) are the sweetest, most caring and all around amazingly awesome people on the planet. It takes guts to really feel something than to cover it up with an image some are not proud of and are ashamed to wear.

Image on the outside is like a painting made of colors, expressions and little details that take on a life of their own but the feeling is in the self image, it goes beyond the colors, the expressions and the little details; it is a larger world that is the hardest to master and to express the emotional content and hitting a surface that for many take decades to find, some never reach it because to them, feeling something is a weakness and if you express those feelings, you're going to lose your image. So let me ask you again.....Is it better to look good than to feel? Some people have both, many have one or the other, the real question is, which one do you plan on using to make yourself real to the world?

Herb Of The Day: Sea Buckthorn 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Animal Isometrics And Developing Strength In An Even Greater Unique Aspect Of Muscular Power And Conditioning

I see things differently and not always look at one aspect of training as the end-all-be-all. Isometrics are very underrated compared to other forms of mainstream fitness yet it is one of the most important elements that will take your strength, speed and agility to a whole other realm where possibilities are endless. You can do Isometrics just about anywhere and anytime whether using equipment or not and it doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced athlete.

Isometrics have been used for centuries and have been done in ways we still have yet to discover. It has helped men and women get strong and powerful from a variety of positions that are endless and have aided them in countless sports, everyday life, rehab, military training, yoga, wrestling and law enforcement. One form of isometrics that I have rediscovered is through the holding positions used in Animal style movements. Now what are isometrics exactly? It is the element that has you holding a position against an immovable object or against yourself.

For Animal Isometrics, these will build strength from angles not normally used in typical Isometric fashion. If you were to do a crawling movement, you can take a step and then press your hands and feet into the ground as hard as you can for up to 10 seconds or less. This builds the foundation for holding yourself up and engaging your body in a unique way. What about jumping or leg movements? Well for example the Frog Jump; obviously you can't hold an isometric in mid air unless you have the gift of flight so how about holding the frog jump in mid squat to full squat and contracting the muscles hard in that position. Breathe out doing an "sssss" or "fffff" sound, never hold your breath on any isometric contraction as this can lead to hypertension, unwanted blood pressure and even headaches.

For beginners, this builds that foundational strength and creates that surge of power in the tendons and joints. Balance is crucial especially for those over 40. When you can build strong tendons and ligaments, the rest will fall into place. Another great aspect of Isometrics especially utilizing in mimicking animals where you can lessen the intensity of a contraction and just hold yourself up in a position and stay there as long as you can. If you can hold a crab exercise for over a minute, that builds some serious tendon strength, how about a flamingo hold? Being able to squat or balance on one leg for five minutes is tough as hell but imagine the strength you'll have in your knees, ankles and overall leg power and explosiveness.

If you're an advanced athlete and have done animal movements for a while, start holding positions and see where your strength takes you. Imagine being a little faster, have greater intuition and developing a greater skill in the mind/muscle connection. You'll have lesser chances of getting injured and think of the strength you'll have if you're in a combat sport. If you're in MMA, think about what it be like to be explosive and take down your opponent with ease, have pinning power beyond belief, punch with such force that a knockout is inevitable, be able to slap on submissions because your grip will be so strong that they can't get away and be able to squeeze without much effort that you'll be like a freaking anaconda.

Make Isometrics a part of your arsenal, especially in the ways of the animal.

Herb Of The Day:  Thor's Hammer Formula

The Effectiveness is in the Combination
All of these together is designed to be stronger than just one alone. If you talked to a consultant you might be able to figure out which of these four steps is the needed one for you. But why not just take care of everything all at once?

Just a single herb can work wonders for any one person. However, people are different. So when you have a blend like this of five herbs, you’re better ensured of getting great effects as they all work through all the different possibly dis-functions.

And as you’ve seen, the effects of these herbs extend beyond the one main function we aim it at. There will be side effects. Good ones! Though you may take this formula for performance in the bedroom don’t be surprised when you notice better health and effectiveness in other areas of your life.*

One wife commented, “That’s the hardest your d*ck has ever been!” Another guy said, “Is this thing going to stop?!?”*

Thursday, September 6, 2018

A Vacation For Your Nerves

Do you ever grab life by the throat and squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of a single experience? Maybe you escaped to a jaw-dropping beach one weekend. You basked in the glow of the red sun while listening to the ocean serenade you with its crashing waves.

Chances are, you know the sedative feeling a vacation can give you when you do it right. You’re present, relaxed and everything comes just a little easier to you.

Only problem is — you eventually go back to your day-to-day routine. The kind where you’re getting whacked at all day by a barrage of problems. Pressure to succeed at work, countless tasks to carry out and a slew of lurking issues you aren’t even aware of yet.

Soon you’re all wound up again, and those amazing feelings you felt not too long ago seem a far cry away now.

But there are ways to recreate that powerful feeling you felt on your last getaway without having to go on another adventure.

One herb, Reishi Mushroom, is designed to evoke the same sense of calm and contentment you enjoyed while away from your hectic life.

(I am also sharing this with you because to for a LIMITED TIME its on sale. Only $24.99. Check it out here)

Nicknamed ‘Tonic of the Emperors,’ Reishi contains a vast amount of these magic things called triterpenes. A Triterpene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon derived from a C30 precursor known as Squalene.

Squalene makes up half of the liver oil found in certain species of sharks and is otherwise widely distributed in nature, most commonly in olive oil. It also synthesizes hormones, including Vitamin D and cholesterol.

Upon entering the body, Triterpenes work to tonify the liver.

As you might know, your liver is an important organ in the human body. It helps cleanse your blood of any toxic chemicals like sugar, processed or fast foods, alcohol, tobacco and various environmental hazards.

The liver also works with the nervous system. Lipids, glucose and metabolites acquired from eating and drinking trigger the nervous system to make certain physiological changes.

When you tax your liver by consuming harmful substances, you can find yourself on the bad end of these physiological changes. You can feel symptoms including chronic fatigue, nausea or vomiting, and abdominal pain. This can also lead to long-term diseases such as obesity, fatty liver disease, and liver cancer.

But, when the triterpenes in Reishi work to nourish the liver, it triggers the nervous system to produce a calming and grounded effect. This puts you in a more relaxed state.

Learn more about Reishi here and and start feeling calmer and more relaxed today!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

National Mushroom Months: Top 5 Therapeutic Mushrooms

Hi There,

Mushrooms are amazing. Did you know that we’re genetically closer to mushrooms than we are to plants?

And that some mushrooms do many things similar to humans such as produce vitamin D?

In nature, symbiotically with plants, fungal mycelium provides immune system benefits to plants in exchange for food.

They can do much the same for us.

Check out this complete list of Medicinal Mushrooms for health and performance here, and learn how these mushrooms can change your life.

Among the best of the best, we will talk about...

Learn all about some of the therapeutic used of mushroom here

Reishi is the most highly revered mushroom (and herb overall) in Chinese medicine because of it’s many benefits. For helping the immune system, for supporting your mood, it is hard to beat.

Chaga, the King of Mushrooms, is newer on the scene but is just as powerful…just in different ways. The key benefit of this mushroom is how it helps to support your DNA. And really there is so much more.

Cordyceps is known as the mushroom for athletes for how it helps with lung capacity and endurance. This mushroom, and the effects of it, are what got me into herbalism in the first place! We feature the lesser known, but still highly powerful, Cordyceps militaris.

Lion’s mane mushroom, given that name because of its appearance, is being scientifically investigated for its benefits to the brain and nervous system, as it supports nerve growth factor (NGF).

7 Mushroom Alchemy Tincture This 7 mushroom blend is one above the rest. Strategically designed to support in overall health this tincture contains Reishi, Chaga, Lion’s Mane, Shiitake, Maitake, Artist’s Conk, Turkey Tail. A powerful combination to support almost every function.

and... Its National Mushroom Month!!! Celebrating mushrooms everywhere you can save on your first purchase of Reishi Mushroom ON SALE until Monday 9/10/18 for $24.99

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