Monday, January 11, 2016

My New Year's Gift To You

Welcome to a new week guys. We've been in the New Year almost a couple weeks now and it's been crazy. Training like a maniac, writing about all kinds of products and sharing with the world why I believe they're bad ass. I'm even playing around with various ideas to help customers achieve their goals. This isn't a resolution to me but more of something to push forward and experiment with.

One of things you may have noticed throughout my articles and promotions throughout social media is Advocare products. Whether you buy them or not that's your choice, all I do is share a few benefits and give you an opportunity to check them out and see if they work for you. However, I want to do more than just show you how awesome they are, I want you to really succeed in your goals. In that manner I want to do something different and something I think you'll get a kick out of. Here's my gift to you: Whenever you purchase a product from Advocare, I will call/text you not only to thank you but ask what specific goals you're looking into and whatever you come up with I will personally send you 1-5 Workouts for you to do at home that is within those goals; either ones I have found or created myself.

You deserve to rock it in your journey and as a fitness enthusiast myself, I want the best I can find that makes it interesting and outside the box. This is something I feel and believe is my duty to go that extra mile for you and help you in your journey as much as I can. Not everyone will do this and I've always had a knack for going outside the box. I want to go beyond a product and help you as if I was training you myself. You are important and want you to know that. What do you say? You in?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Super Man Herbs

When you get outside the box you run into some interesting things.

Conventional methods of working out just don’t work very well. But so many people, hopefully yourself included, have gotten great results when they tried something a little different.

When it comes to health it’s the same thing. The public health model has some obvious flaws. Following the USDA’s food pyramid and taking pharmaceuticals (did you know the average American is on at least one?) is not giving people great health.

Although people claim that our life spans are longer than ever, if you actually account for things like public sanitation they really haven’t improved much since ancient times.

But there is a different way…

Did you know that ancient Chinese doctors were paid when they’re clients were healthy and not when they’re sick? That’s because if the person was sick the doctor wasn’t doing his job in preventing illness.

In fact, from the Chinese Daoist tradition you have the concept of “Radiant Health”. This is health beyond danger. This means you’re body is running in such an optimal way that you can’t become sick. Think about that.

Zero illness.

And that’s not all. Generally health is looked at as the absence of disease, but that’s just focusing on the negative. What if you had such abundant energy that you could work tirelessly each day, and turn your life into how you want it to be?

What if there was no struggle in doing the things you know you should be doing?

Eating the right foods, living a healthy lifestyle, and dealing with the stresses of modern day living are all important towards this aim.

But there is a “secret weapon”.

For the average person if you become sick you go to the doctor and get medication for it.

Even if you turn to the alternative health world, it’s the same flawed model. Got a problem? Then take these supplements or herbs. Or follow this method to fix yourself.

But what if you desire to achieve Radiant Health? There is a certain class of “Superior Herbs” that do this for you. With their adaptogenic properties they can work intelligently with your body to increase your health regardless of where you’re currently at. And they do this in a powerful way.

Many people look at these as their secret weapon, the thing that gives them the extra 10% they need out of life.

And I want to point you to a great resource on these herbs. Not just where you can grab them, but learning a whole lot more on what they can do for you.

Its called Super Man Herbs (and no its not just for men, these are equally great for women too).

Go here now to check it out...

Be Awesome

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Mystery Female Hormone?

If you’re a woman and you know anything about hormones...

You know about Estrogen.

You know about Progesterone.

And hopefully, especially if you’re older, you’ve sought to balance these out as they’re absolutely critical for health in many, many ways.

But recent research points to another “Critical Hormone” you’re probably not aware of.
Uncover the “Mystery” here...

You have 3 times as much of this mystery hormone as estrogen but most women don’t think they have any.

It will probably surprise you.
...And that the loss of this hormone may be at the cause of estrogen and progesterone getting out of balance.

You’ll find out its importance in metabolism, energy, mood support, libido and more.
Find out what this Mystery Hormone is, what it can do for you, and how to work with it in natural ways (no doctors need) in this new 23 page Special Report.
It’s free, all you have to do is sign up to grab it now.

Be Awesome

P.S. This may not be around for long so I suggest heading over to this page, signing up, and reading it today.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Morning Wood?


Do you wake up with “Morning Wood” each day?

And did you know that’s there’s a lot more to it, then if you simply have it or not?

Morning Wood is a leading indicator of your health.

Why? One word...


Check out this 17 page special report all about morning wood.

You’ll discover:

What it is and how it relates to testosterone

Two major methods to enhance it (plus boosting your hormones and health along the way!)

How to properly do the “Morning Wood Test” (most get this wrong…)

Did you know there’s a female equivalent?

“The Cardiovascular Correlation” and what this means for you.

Plus more.

Go here to check it out now.

Be Awesome

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Is it Disgusting...Or a Secret Weapon?

Everyone has heard of Ginseng.

In Chinese medicine it is the most well known in the class of superior herbs.

Unfortunately the majority of it that is sold in convenience stores and even health food stores is worthless crap, or even harmful.

You see, ginseng must reach 3 years of age in order to be considered mature and worth taking.

And to get the good stuff you need to pay top dollar.

And when I say top dollar I mean it. A recent 1000 years old ginseng root was sold off for $1000000 dollars!

In Chinese medicine, ginseng is considered a Qi tonic in how it can give you energy. Good quality ginseng won’t give you a rush and a crash like caffeine might but a smooth even feeling that can even help support your health.

Although it is considered one of the best Qi tonics there is actually something even better.

While ginseng is considered “The King of Herbs”, this one is known as “The Herb of Kings”!

Some people have said it is disgusting, but a number of people taking this consider it one of their secret weapons.

Find out what it is here.

Be Awesome

P.S. If you are looking to enhance your workouts, while simultaneously improving your health, you’ve got to check this out...

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