Saturday, November 29, 2014

Finally a Program Which Considers the Hormonal Impact of Your Training

Unsuccessfully trying to lose weight?
Try this program that can burn fat, build muscle and increase energy, with initial visible results in 1-2 weeks!

What would you say if somebody told you they found the ultimate new program to get in shape? Chances are you will say that you are not interested or feel skeptical about another program promising results.
The reality is that there are so many 'best and fast solution' systems on the market, which unfortunately do not work, that many people lost interest in them, and are very skeptical when they hear about a new approach

BUT WAIT. Before closing this email please read the few sentences below. They just may put you on the path to an improved quality of life.

Coach Scott Sonnon – proclaimed by Men’s Health magazine as the creator of the "World’s Smartest Workout" - has introduced a revolutionary approach to burning fat, building muscle, and enhancing your balanced energy throughout the day. It has been Beta tested and the results have been documented and speak for themselves.
And now this unique fitness program called BAD45 is available to you!

Did I mention all that is required for completing BAD45 is your own bodyweight and a pair of dumbbells.

BAD45 exploits cutting edge discoveries in exercise endocrinology, which gives you entrance into three critical windows for your optimal performance: the catabolic, or fat burning window, the anabolic, or muscle building window, and the metabolic, or energy enhancing window.

Your biochemistry cycles once a day - your circadian rhythm - and several times within that day - your supradian rhythm. If a program is not based upon these rhythms, no matter how hard you work and regardless of how clean your diet is, you will not get the results, or you will not keep them for very long.

There is NO other program on the market which considers the hormonal impact of your training. Exercise is a biochemical event. Your muscles are merely doing the work, but it's your biochemistry which gives you the results.

Again, there's simply NO other system which has been designed with optimizing your hormones for fat-burn, muscle-growth and energy-increase like BAD45.

Click on the link below and checking it out:


Do not hesitate. Try BAD45. The fat-burn will be noticeable within the first 1-2 weeks and the muscle gain not long after!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Cutting Edge Fitness Program from the 'World's Smartest Workout' Coach

Hey guys,

I have exciting news to share with you.

But first, please consider if any of the following apply to you:

- Have you exhausted yourself to frustration with the inability to lose fat, increase muscle mass, and increase your vital energy throughout the day?
- Are you tired of programs, which result in inevitable fat gain, muscle loss and energy decrease?
- Are you interested in diversifying your fitness training?
- Are you bored from practicing the same repetitive exercise routines?
- Are you new to exercise and looking for an Ideal Program for beginners?

If your answer is Yes to any of these questions, then you need to take a look at an all new program:

BAD45: The Ultimate Home and Travel Bodyweight and Dumbbell Workout System to Optimize Hormones for Fat-Burn, Muscle-Growth and Energy Increase.

BAD45 was designed by the "World's Smartest Workout" Coach Scott Sonnon, Tactical fitness advisor to the US Departments of Justice, Homeland Security and Defense.

This is a revolutionary approach to burning fat, building muscle, and enhancing your balanced energy throughout the day.
There's simply no other system which has been designed to optimize your hormones for fat-burn, muscle-growth and energy-increase like BAD45.
By hitting the three critical windows in your cycle of recovery - the catabolic, the anabolic and the metabolic - you only need to follow the turn-key daily calendar to achieve results you haven't been able to access before, even when working your hardest and spending an enormous amount of money on the "perfect diet."

To make this system as accessible as possible to the widest range of people, Scott Sonnon – whom Men’s Fitness magazine named “one of the top 25 Trainers in the World” - has designed BAD45 to use the most basic resistance training tool currently available around the world: the dumbbell, and your own bodyweight. No matter where you are, you have these inexpensive (the dumbbells) and free (your bodyweight) tools.

Save yourself money by eliminating enormous fees on gym memberships. Avoid facing months and years of frustration not getting your desired results, or temporarily getting results and then losing them due to regress, pains and injuries. Discover a unique way to burn fat fast, grow muscle and increase energy. Check the BAD45 site by clicking on this link:


Get your Hormones cranking everyone. Be Awesome

Thursday, November 27, 2014

ThanksGiving Fitness

    It's that time of year again where we celebrate the holidays with awesome food, family and bringing joy to those around us. Now I'm not the biggest fan of Thanksgiving but I do believe in celebrating life with the ones you love. Now generally this particular part of the Holidays is about giving thanks and we all have things to be thankful for; however I don't think we need one day to be grateful for something when it should be a choice to be grateful everyday from your own personal ways. Granted people shop their ass off after Thanksgiving and only in America where people trample each other for crazy sales after one day of being thankful. Traditionally from my own choice I train a little more intensely around this time and make the time to test out hard exercises and push a little more on the basics. I'm a big eater as some of you know and this Thanksgiving will have a non-traditional feast that will have me eating like a madman after some crazy training.


    Many people have a certain tradition where at Thanksgiving many family members gather around a table, say thanks and grace and chow down but being non-traditional is ok too. I'm traditional in certain areas but having a huge turkey for one dinner is not one of them. This year it'll be just me and my mom and we're going to feast on what we call Thanksgiving Tacos filled with healthy doses of chicken, veggies, sour cream, avocado and tasty tortillas. We don't make these that often, lucky to have at least once every couple months because it can get really messy but when they roll around I'm there man. But the main reason is because I'll eat as many as 10-12 in one sitting. My tradition for when these get made is too fast for 24 hours or more and train hard for the meal ahead. Being non-traditional is weird to some people but to me it's not about being like everybody else or do the same things others do, it's about being unique and doing something that only matters to you. I also hope those that are homeless have something to eat on this day and get to share a meal with their fellow man.


    Granted when the holidays come around, so do the pounds however; I do believe that it's all good to indulge every once in a while and just have a blast. Eat whole foods and cut up your meat so it can digest faster. Have fun but be smart. If you plan on doing workouts around this time, don't put in a ton of hours during the day, do a few intense workouts that have you burning calories even while you're eating. One of the best workouts to do is to do Sprints; do up to no more than 10 good bursts for up to 30 seconds or less. If you're at the gym, move some heavy weight around, this jacks up the metabolism and your growth hormones naturally. If you're a bodyweight enthusiast no problem do compound movements that hit multiple muscles such as Push-ups, Squats, Pull-ups, Animal Movements, Jumping whatever gets you breathing hard fast. Drink enough water for your body's needs and get plenty of rest because a big feast can be a workout in itself and can knock you out the moment you're done. When you can crank your metabolism you can still eat your favorite foods and still be burning off fat. I'm not into counting calories but I do my best to eat as healthy as possible but not feel guilty to eat what I like. I'm a big dude and I can eat like crazy when the time is right but I also always make time to train to help keep everything flowing and those short intense workouts help me stay in great shape for when I need to feast.


    Not only the holidays are roaming but it's near towards the end of the year. Instead of making resolutions just around New Year's, why not make them earlier ahead of time. Set little goals for yourself and get ahead of the pack because way too many make a resolution at the last second than give up just as soon as it starts. Take your training to another level this holiday season, put in some extra minutes to finish off your normal routine, do a couple intense workouts that hit you everywhere but this doesn't mean destroy your form, be safe and train with an intent and not just so you can look good later and hurt like a bitch too. Even by the smallest fraction of your progress, jump it up a notch and remember to breathe deeply so you can take the oxygen needed. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone, I'm grateful for all of you and I'm blessed to be apart of a new home, have great things to use for training and living in a peaceful neighborhood. Have a blast my friends, be awesome.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Kicking Ass With A Smile

    We always begin something within our mind and what comes next is the physical aspect, utilizing the old term Mind/Muscle Connection. Our body language can be mysterious at times because what you see on the outside is not even close to what's going on in the inside. How you handle yourself mentally will eventually come out in the physical. You can be the nicest person in the room but on the inside you can still be in pain for whatever reason and sometimes bringing out the opposite as a defense mechanism. Me personally I love to laugh and kick back, inside I feel different but often what I feel inside, you'll see it in my physical state as well. Mentally, it's tough to find the exact emotions you use as a controlled way of doing things. Unless you're an actor or have practiced staying the same state whether you have been criticized or not it's not easy being in a lot of pain and try to be a sweet person. However learning the yin and yang of your emotional complexity can help you understand what goes out and what stays in and vise versa.


    There is this notion in the fitness world where when you go for a workout three emotions will occur; one is being aggressive and having this mean look like you're about to rip someone's head off, we've all seen it, the second is that emotion of being out of your element and you look like you don't know what the hell you're doing but you try to act like you know and the third is that super focused state of mind both physically and mentally where you go after what you need to do, train your ass off and there is nothing that will stand in your way. There are other emotions you see in the gym or at home when you train but those are the main three I can come up with at the moment and I think some will agree with me. What I believe is everyone aught to train like a bad ass, move like you want to conquer everything around you and the exercises you perform may not always look pretty but you make them count and you have this powerful look like you're staring in the face of your opponent and you are beating him/her with a vengeance.


    One very uncommon entity that happens in a training session is how you smile as you train. Funny thing is it throws people off because most of the time you see people get so hyped up and full of adrenaline but when it's over you just want to crawl into a ball and die. When you smile whether it's a happy one, a sarcastic one or even a sadistic one, smiling is a different take on how you train in the beginning the middle and the end of a workout. Adding in the deep breathing element and utilizing the emotional content behind it you're training in a very different way. It's not the same workout anymore and you are finding that your results are different, you see things differently and you are making things interesting. Your focus should still be in play but adding a smile while you're kicking ass just makes you even more unique than the rest of them.


    When people go nuts in a workout it's not that crazy look they get when they lift or moving using their own bodyweight, it's that intensity that makes them take it to the next level. There's a difference between going mad and going nuts. When I do my workouts whether it's doing Global Bodyweight Training, Animal Training, DDP YOGA or playing with Sledgehammers I want to cut loose and just throw myself into it, sometimes I yell, other times I'm just so focused I can't feel anything else around me but more often than not I want to find out how to open my version of Pandora's box and just see what the hell comes out. I make stuff up all the time, I don't have specific routines or use any one particular source of training, I'm like Frankenstein; what can I come up that will form this over the top monster of muscle building, flexibility, free moving and hammer smashing strength. It's your mentality that gives you the purpose to go crazy, I've seen guys in the gym go mental on the iron and even seen guys who do crazy bodyweight stunts just floor their routine like he needed to be in the nuthouse but in order to physically show that you're thinking it up first. Think outside the box, mentally use your way around a workout and express your emotions freely and productively. Be awesome everyone and have a kick ass Tuesday.



Monday, November 24, 2014

Channeling Aggression

    We all get mad at something sometimes no matter what it is. It's part of our human nature flipping through the yin and yang of our emotional and physical status. We become aggressive almost animal like at times and there are ways to channel that. When you become aggressive, most of the time you clinch up, become very tense and your whole emotional power is held at bay. Some people are so aggressive, they don't realize what's happening around them and it's all they can think of and being rough and mean. However, if you learn to channel it in a positive and productive manner it becomes a whole new ball game. Imagine being able to use that side of you as a way to make your body and mind stronger and taking on challenges at a much more successful rate.


    I know what it's like to have a temper and having a mean streak. When it came on and I didn't know what was going on because I was so angry I use to punch things, not people thank god because I'm definitely not that kind of guy but I have my share of bruises and scars from hitting doors, knocking out an entire window and putting holes in other places. It's not something I recommend and it's in no way healthy as an individual to hit anything especially if it moves. I have learned through various types of training to tune my temper into a more productive manner that doesn't hurt anybody or anything and it's helped me get what I need out in more of a workout type of way. Whenever I get really upset or mad or frustrated about something I get my Thor hammer and tire and have at it until it wears off. I especially need to let it out sometimes when a break up occurs especially if it's someone you really cared about and it hurts like hell. One night after being told that I couldn't be with this girl anymore I took a deck of cards, a Thor Hammer and a tire outside and just hit the tire as long as I can. I made it through the entire deck and felt happy and incredible afterwards. I channeled my anger and frustration and turned into something that brings joy to my life and that's training.


    Being aggressive and angry can be put to good use. You can realign your focus and work towards having those endorphins kick in and jump starting your hormones to the point where building muscle and burning fat is at a mighty rate. Sure it isn't easy to take a deep breath and think for a second because your body becomes tense and stiff. Another favorite of mine to let out my aggression to calm down is to do Animal Exercises and play a little game. Think differently and learn how to use your aggression on something that is guaranteed to put you down and let everything sink in in a positive way. This a great way to help your kids too because as you know when they reach puberty everything shoots through the roof and the emotional status is all over the place. When they move fast and breathing hard it opens up the body in a very different light, when everything wears down they're calmer, relaxed, and happy because of that high. Don't ever force them to do it, encourage it and this way they don't hurt anyone, they're controlling their emotions and it helps stay healthy physically, emotionally and mentally.


    If you truly want to know a good secret to lighting that switch, open up your mind and feel into your body that brings out that adrenaline and super charged strength that occurs. One of the coolest ways to look at it from a perspective is if you watched The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton. At the end of the movie he's in a cabin in a meditative state with a timer ticking and incents are flowing, he's feeling relaxed and calm yet a moment later his heart rate spikes out of nowhere and his eyes turn green to turn into the hulk as if he was able to bring him out on his own will. That is a hell of a way to get your body ready to train, you utilize your mind power to create the surge and power within you. Using positive aggression to focus on your task. A lot of people look at aggression as a negative thing but there is a way to use it in a manner that gives you focus, strength and other attributes to bring out the strongest version of yourself. It takes practice and it takes a special kind of awareness but it is possible and you can use it.

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