Showing posts with label Strong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strong. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Aerobic Isometrics!!!!!

When it comes to building strength, there are many different to build it and nothing is really new about that but if theres one peice of training that takes strength training to a whole new level of mental focus and concentration is isometrics. Pick any angle and push/pull as hard as possible up to 7-12 sec. max. Doing this takes laser-like focus and the ability to contract the muscles you want to work and hammering them into submission. Its been used for thousands of years and not only does it strengthen the muscles more importantly it strengthens the tendons. Tendon strength in my opinion is more important then muscle strength because if the tendons arnt strong enough to lift a weight or hold an object you're not going to last too long no matter how big your muscles are.

 Isometrics is also another form of muscle control that was perfected by some of the greatest bodybuilders in early 20th century. Men like Maxick, Otto Arco, Eugene Sandow and even Charles Atlas (CA did not put isometrics in his course but he did learn muscle control to master his poses in competition and shows). The first big name to use the term muscle control was by a man named Alois P. Swoboda. His physical culture course Concious Evolution talked about how energy can be used by internal power. In lamins terms you learn how to contract the muscles at will through focus and learning your own physiology through a physical standpoint and a mental standpoint.

 Isometrics can be used in just about any angle a joint can handle and strengthened. When you learn to hold an isometric for a good period of time you can even decrease the amount of strength you use and add time into a hold. Say you pressed your hands together but only use about 30% worth of power and hold that for a minute. Thats quite a long time but its very beneficial because a lot of things come into play, your body begins to heat up, your mental awareness is increasing your muscles are quivering and your muscle fibers are kicking into overdrive. Aerobic Isometrics means you hold a certain position at less then 50% of your power for 30 sec or longer.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Who Are The Best Conditioned Athletes?

Sports.....Its our culture and our drive to compete to be the best. We see some of the greatest athletes in the world. We see heroes like Hulk Hogan, Walter Payton, Barry Bonds, Dan Gable, Otto Arco, Frank Gotch, Babe Ruth ect. These men are the best at what they did/do and how they got there (minus the steriods from a couple of the guys on this list) is no accident and pushed themselves to levels no one can fathom. Their conditioning is without question amazing and unreal but is it the best? Lets face facts athletes in any major sport at the highest level are well trained and can do things average folks can never do. Smack a homerun 500+ Feat, run well over 10,000 yards in a career, Win a gold medal without allowing a single point in a tournament, Slam a 500 pound giant and retire undefeted as a world champion. All those men achieved those goals because in order to achieve those things they have to go through many hours of training but again are they the best conditioned? Truth is their amazing conditioning is due to their sport. The training they go through is through that sport and in it alone.

We all strive to be the best we can be and become great when it calls apon us. I feel the best conditioned athletes are not the ones that are most conditioned for their sport no. I feel the best conditioned athletes are the ones that strive to master many different endeavors. In the early 20th century some athletes in the physical culture world were not only conditioned in their respected field but were conditioned in many other areas. Example would be Otto Arco, he was a hand balancer, wrestler, gymnast, weightlifter and strongman at a bodyweight of no more then 150 pounds at 5'3. To me the greatest athletes are men and women that are the master of multiple sports. Take another example would be the great Jim Thorpe. Arguably the greatest athlete of all-time. He was a great football player, a decathlete in the olympics and if I read correctly he played some baseball. So lets count here he was an athlete in about 12 different sports he perticipated in and nearly excelled in all of them. Thats a defenition of a well conditioned athlete, being able to transfer different movements at will and be incredible at it.

All in all there really is no greatest athlete but the athletes that excel best are the ones that can transfer from sport to sport without letting up and brining 100% a good portion of the time.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Bear Crawls

The bear is the largest land carnivore in the world. It is one of the most powerful animals in the wild and its strength is so extrodinary that it can snap a man's back with the strike of his paw. Pushing boulders like its child's play. Wouldn't it be awesome to have that kind of power and strength? I as an athlete would like to think so. Of course we can never have that kind of power and speed but we can become stronger then the average wo/man. All you have to do is get on all fours and begin to run, now be careful we don't want to be tripping over but this exercise alone can increase your cardiovascular conditioning to levels that are out of this world. It is one of the most simple exercises but yet most people don't appreciate the benefits of it. Your HGH levels jump up giving you that inner strength and power and ferocious lung power and because it makes you breathe hard you'll be burning fat like a furnace and only doing this for a few min. each day can get you in awesome shape. Its better to do this outdoors because of the space but if the weather is bad its not a bad idea to do it indoors and have a little fun. Just make sure you don't knock anything over. If you have kids do it with them not only is it having fun but they're getting their exercise in and thats what we need to have our kids doing more often to get rid of obesity. Picture yourself as a bear and moving and chasing down a rabbit for dinner. Once you get into the mindset the results will become much quicker and much more efficiant.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tools For Gripping Power

There are many ways to train your hands to get full on grip strength and power. If you don't have much money and yet you still think you can't get anything to build a great grip, think again my man because a lot of what you can use in your house can build a much stronger grip then most guys can get in the gym.

Example would involve a towel and a bucket of water. Fill the water to about half full to three quarters full, now take the towel and put it in the bucket to get it wet as possible now pick it up and start whatever end you want and begin to squeeze the water back into the bucket until it gets as dry as it can. This alone can take your grip to a new level of power and might unlike those puny wrist curls the so called "bodybuilders" use.

Bending steel fries the entire body when you put your all into it and it turns hands and forearms into cords of steel especially if you bend rebar. Another hosehold tool to use is believe it or not your towel rack in your bathroom, what you do do is if you have one of those long racks is to grip the rack, now lean back as much as you can until you get to your fingertips then shoot forward and roll the wrist, do this about ten times, now just reverse the movement by under gripping the rack and lean back until it reaches the fingertips, now shoot back and roll the wrist, do this ten times. After doing this exercises my wrists and lower arms were pretty pumped. Work into this carefully and do not overdo it, ten reps is only needed.

When it comes to equipment for the hardcore grip fanatics, thick handled bars are great especially hammers, maces, clubs because when you have to grip something just to be able to move it is functional strength in itself. Now I must caution you, I may not be an equipment fanatic but if you were to use them do them for a short period of time but do what works for you and train smart.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dexerity That Makes Up For Strength!!!!

When it comes to fixing things, playing the piano, lifting weights, moving your body in different directions you have to have a good amount of hand strength and suppleness. To increase our dexerity in our hands, fingers and wrists we need the right tools and exercises to create power and tendon strength in the lower arms. Grip strength is a key to do some of the most phenomenal feats ever. No matter how you put it, you can have a big chest, shapley legs, upper arms the size of cannon balls, a back of North Dakota and shoulders that can carry a mule but if you don't have strong hands you don't have anything. Work your hands the way you train your body. Imagine what it would be like to have hands that can do things with ease and never get injured or get carpal tunnel and yet getting stronger each time you work your hands with the exercises i'm gonna recommend. I've learned these from a guy I recently trained with and now I'm gonna recommend his course to you. These have helped my hands get stronger for my feats of strength in ripping phonebooks and bending long peices of steel. At the same time since using this I have not had one shred of carpal tunnel or hurt my hands in any way. One of the things this course will help you on if you're a martial artist is increase your punching power and grip your opponent unlike ever before. I have done exercises that work and have done ones that havent and this course has the right ways of training your hands for strength, flexibility and suppleness. Now I'm not endorsing this, not asking for any money and spreading the word about having strong and healthy hands that can help with whatever you need in your daily life.

Finger Gymnastics

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Strength Of A Vampire

Now we all know Vampires don't exist or do they? If they did and had the wisdom of centuries don't you think they would know the secrets to great strength? If we can develop that kind of power and just walts over people like they were nothing would be cool huh? Its all about how you use your power and how you can amp it up to levels that you never have imagined possible. It takes a good deal of imagination but you can create strength that not only makes you a powerful presence but can do things for you that the average person just doesn't understand or can't imagine. Things like a woman lifting a car to save her kid, a man of 6'6 stature lifting sledgehammers in weight that almost or not one can attempt or better yet move and a man holding onto a silk curtain pinch grip style gliding through the air with no net to break his fall but yet does it every night on stage while doing magic and feats of dexerity on the piano. All these things are true and with a little imagination and a bit of action you can develop strength from whatever you want to do and more if you find the right ways and the right instruction. Power through obsticals and feel the power of a vampire.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Training On CoreForce Energy

At the end of a road trip in Las Vegas I got to train with one of the best concert virtuosos in the world in the name of Garin Bader. For those who haven't heard of him he's a 13-time winner of international piano competitions and has traveled around the world doing countless shows of magic, martial arts, acrobatics and multi insturmental playing on cruise ships, major halls and in Las Vegas showrooms. What makes him stand out from others is his ability to generate power and speed and gracefulness in his performances. He draws you into his ability to not only have you listen to his music but really lets you know how he plays with ferocious determination and uncanny stamina. Outside of all the lights and stage rehearsals and being infront of hundreds of people, he has another side of himself that helps people bring out that peice of themselves to generate more power and speed from within. He teaches you how to use your imagination and create sounds to bring in more depth to your strength then ever before. His course is called CoreForce Energy which means not using just your abdominals or working out for hours on end but to create the center of your power to engulf that part of the brain that scientists say we only use 5% of. He helps you reach beyond that 5% and see how far it can go.

Now I have had the oppertunity to talk with him which was a feat for me in itself and he showed me a thing or 2 about this type of training and have used it just about all the time and its helped increase my coordinating and strength in many areas. Now to actually meet him would take a miracle because of his busy schedule and the timing to be with him would be almost impossible. Well, it just so happened he gave me an oppertunity to spend time with him and so on the last day of the road trip in Vegas I got to spend time with him in a near 4 hour span. He taught some of the most bizarre things to bring out the power within me yet I was just drawn to it and it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. He showed me how to knock down a 300 pound dummy without using so much force and also showing what it feels like to be thrown around like a rag doll. First he's just over 200 pounds at 6' which is about average for a man that big but he was definitly not a small looking guy, he was bigger then I thought he was and has a good muscular physique. As for me being 5'10 around 240 pounds I look like a small Linebacker. That at all didn't mean a damn thing to him and he just tortured me by shoving me from different angles and getting a hold of me without warning and it was funny as hell but a lesson well learned.

I had a great time with him and hopefully someday I'll get that oppertunity again because I have so much more to learn. He also is one of the nicest sons of bitches I ever met and he really made me feel welcome. The way he walked through the session was just unreal and the things he showed me were unbelieveable. At the end of the session I didn't want it to end and he was just cool with everything he is that nice and he never stopped smiling which too many people don't in this world. When my dad picked me up to leave we stayed a little longer then we should've but none of us cared or even noticed and my dad got into what Garin does and when it was all over it felt like waking up from a dream but yet it was as real as you can get.

For the most part Garin seems like he doesn't get as many thank yous from people who have used his course because of many reasons and not only did I feel it was my duty as a student to thank him but just thanking him didnt mean much because it was far more then that but yet he gave me a new addition to how I want to stay strong for the things I want to accomplish and that i'm in debted to him. For the people who don't give him credit have no clue what its like to feel the surge within you to create something far beyond what you previously have done. Garin shows you how you can do that and how you can use it whenever you want. If Garin ever sees this I hope he knows that one session has changed me in a whole new light and for that my friend I salute you. Thank you for everything you have shown me and hope one day we get to do it again.

For those who wish to learn from this man I highly recommend him and he's worth more then you bargined for. Taken from someone who was actually there and took it a step further more then ever it is nothing you will ever experience again.

CoreForce Energy

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Update On Warrior Power T's

I have started getting back into doing this strength tool. From what I have experienced using them and learning about them I have come to the conclusion that they are the closest to feel like bending a bar or a tough nail/bolt. The reason why I say this is because it takes a full body effort plus an amount of isometric contraction where you are moving at a place thats far lower then regular push-ups. These are infact push-up handles that are designed to not make you strong as hell but also to make your push-ups as difficult as you can get. Whoever says they are easy is lying because if they were easy everybody would be a strength athlete. These have helped a great deal in my bending feats cause of the tension needed to put into the bend for that isometric movement or in other terms Dynamic Tension. When I mean it takes a full body effort I mean what I say, everything from your neck to your toes is contracted and needs to be to pull this off. I'd be stoked the day I crank out 50+ in a row. I would believe the gold standard for these babies should between 25-35 in a row. Another reason why I love these cause they prove that when you need tendon strength they will get you the strength to develop them. I've done 40 or more in a row so far and i'm still shocked at that. I'm a little rusty at the moment with them but after careful and concentrated training i'll be back at my 20's, 30's and 40 reps in no time. Heres the site to look for them:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

VRT Bodybuilding

Like DVRs (Dynamic Visualized Resistance), VRT consists of movements that are based on visualizing heavy resistance such as weightlifting. Any equipment resembling a barbell, dumbbell, machine ect. is visualized in this particular manner by flexing the muscle and moving through a range of motion. Its a powerful method and creates muscle in shorter time without the stress of the joints, tendons and ligiments. For more on this method and Greg Mangan look below.

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