Morning everyone. Hopefully the sun is shining where you are and making the day great for you. Feeling a little sore after my workout yesterday doing the Deck Of Cards Leg Workout of 500 Step Ups & 250 Hindu Squats. Not too bad though, still staying strong and got some ideas on what I want to do today.
In my last few workouts or so, I started taking the Hercules Pre Workout from Lost Empire Herbs beforehand (duh...Pre Workout, thank you Captain Obvious) and for some people, it may take a bit to kick in, with me it's practically instant and I'm ready to tackle it with a vengeance. I would take it for longer workouts like those that go 30 minutes or longer or so. Shorter workouts, unless it's circuits, HIIT or DDP Yoga, I don't take it since it just be guzzling down something just to do whatever for a few minutes.
When I did my DDP Yoga Workout, I mixed the Fat Burner & Energy Workouts together like I've done a couple times before but when I chugged down the Hercules Formula and it kicked in within maybe a couple minutes if that, I breezed through that workout like it was nothing and this specific workout is not easy by any stretch (no pun intended). My strength was surging, my energy skyrocketed and my flexibility was on point. The focus was incredible and didn't feel fatigue or anything. Don't normally feel fatigue or even get tired from those but some of those workouts can be exhausting and at times and I'll want to just chill out afterwards, not this time, I practically felt invincible and wanted to keep going.
This was the same feeling in other workouts moving forward and it helps with my focus big time. I do have ADD so when I can be on point a little better even by 1%, it's a hell of a way to get more things done. That's the perks of this Formula, it helps with getting that extra push to make you better and there are no jitters, no after-crash and it stays with you even after a workout for a good window of time, that may be different for an individual but I'm giving you my experience and understanding of it. This is the same Formula that had the owner of the company Logan Christopher channel the old timers and worked some heavy ass weights despite his size (6'2 185-190). He doesn't have muscles like a bodybuilder, more wiry and lean so to move weight as much as 1000+ lbs or more in a rack pull, that's pretty fucking incredible.
Now, I gave you the perks, here come a couple drawbacks...Really isn't that bad.
-The Taste
Because of the natural ingredients in this formula, it's not going to taste like Strawberry Ice Cream or your favorite flavor of a Pre-Workout. This is where you just got to suck it up and guzzle it like its going out of style. I'll be honest, burnt eggs and acorns would taste better than this stuff. When I take it, I'll also have a cup of juice or something to chase it down but after a bit, you get used to it.
Be sure to read how much to take because too little won't do you much good and if you overdue it, it's going to not only taste even more awful but it could affect your performance. This is just an idea, not everybody may have the same effects but as Reacher would say "Details Matter" and process how your body takes it. Read more about what this Formula is about than what I can present here.
Any other drawbacks or cons, you'll have to find reviews from others who have taken it cause these are the only ones I have experienced or know of. Not everything that tastes great is good for you so, this toughens you up a bit and makes you appreciate the things that do taste incredible.
It is a powerful supplement but it's also a great option to have. It's NOT however meant to cure problems of fatigue, other ailments or turn you into the Incredible Hulk on coke, it's a booster that could lead to greater aspects of strength & endurance along with hyper focus and durability. The ingredients are small, effective (in most cases) and depending on your body's ability to process, will kick in right away or not too long after chugging it like a Beer Drinker on St Patrick's Day.
Be amazingly awesome and be sure to look into Lost Empire Herbs' Subscribe & Save Program to have this or other herbs sent to your door every month.
1 comment:
Great review! It’s awesome to see a pre-workout that delivers real energy without the jitters or crash. The taste might be rough, but if it gets the job done, it’s worth it! If anyone’s looking for an energy boosting pre workout supplement, this sounds like a solid option. Stay strong.
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