Friday, July 1, 2022

Two Workouts, One Morning

At least that's better than 2 and 1 of something else (kudos to who gets the joke) but that's when you're just ready to go at a quarter to 5 in the morning and have some energy to burn. First workout this morning was 20-5 Yard Bear Crawl Sprints because that's what I felt like doing. That kind of workout will humble anyone and get those lungs firing like a mofo. This particular workout is great if you want to get in something quick and that'll kick your ass. 

I'm really not a morning person so if I happen to be up in the morning, I have to do something in order to get some endorphins kicking in otherwise leave my ass alone LOL. Training in the morning is actually one of the few things that puts a smile on my face. Hell on the day me and my girl left for Auburn, WA for a concert, I did Hill Sprints just so I can feel ready for the trip. Most days, I do one or two workouts during the day but rarely two in one morning so I guess I really needed to just let shit out.

The second workout wasn't as intense but it was just as good and that was doing some several Overcoming Isometric exercises for 45 seconds each. Been a while since I've done a full Iso Workout so I figured what the hell and just hold certain positions (Curl, Deadlift, Wall Sit, Dead Bug for example) for a brief period. Felt really good and really enjoying the flow it gives after a workout. The last exercise was the Hybrid Pushup for 45 seconds and that made me shake like leaf. It's actually not as easy as it looks and the longer you hold it, the more you'll feel it. 

Doing several workouts throughout the day can actually be a good thing because you're keeping yourself active and you're giving yourself plenty of time to rest. Short and Intense is the key but sometimes, those short workouts can kick your ass so hard that you'll need a nap afterwards. Not a bad idea since that will release HGH which helps put on leaner muscle and burn calories like Margaret Hamilton does to Water. 

Whenever I finish playing the animal dice game, I would kick back on the couch, let everything sink in and just feel relaxed and at peace, been known to fall asleep for about a half hour and waking up feeling like I just had a good night of sleep. It puts you into a better mood that's for sure. Every now and then, you might cough up a little since you put your lungs through the ringer, just be careful. It isn't uncommon to happen but that's basically giving your body a chance to release some crappy toxins and help you be healthier. At least that's what I've experienced. 

Train with a vengeance but also train with intent. Get the most out of it and have a blast. 

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