Friday, February 26, 2021

What It Means To Be Tendon Strong

 The training method of Isometrics has some mysterious qualities to it but it also develops the body in a different manner than most programs. Fitness as a whole isn't all that complicated but there are a lot of people out there that make it so because of what they works and nothing else or how often to train, the position your body HAS to be in in order to be applied properly, the amount of sets and reps, the measure of a weight and so on and so forth. 

Alexander Zass believed in the concept of developing Tendon Strength more than just pure muscular strength. It was to power up the connective tissues in order to not just protect the body from injury but to be strong in ways that lasted longer than just temporary. When it comes to the tendons, they are the cords between the muscles and the bones, just because you have thick and powerful legs doesn't always mean they're going to save your ass. You can be a much smaller guy and have strong legs, think of the deer; most of its legs are purely bone and tendon and not very muscular like the Tiger or a Gorilla, but it can pack a wallop if it kicks you in the face.

If we didn't have tendons, we wouldn't be able to press a weight, run whatsoever and definitely would be injured quicker than you can say "ouch." We wouldn't have any real control over our bodies period. Muscles alone will not always be in your favor. When you strengthen the tissues and the ligaments surrounding the tendons, you're creating strength that could actually save a life one day and protect you from getting injured not just in sports but in everyday tasks. Have you ever hurt your shoulder carrying things? Had a hernia from Shoveling Snow? Landed wrong on your knees? These things happen but if you practiced Isometrics, these things could come to almost a halt and you'll have better protection on the joints. We can't always prevent an injury, but we can learn to lessen the impact and switch from being injury prone to injury-proof. This isn't to test if you're invincible, it's a way to understand that the stronger your tendons are, you can heal much quicker from certain injuries. 

Learn the value of Isometric Training and train to protect your body, looking good won't last forever but strong joints is highly likely you'll be able to live with better quality and have a body that won't fail you as fast even at a later age. 

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