Monday, June 1, 2020

The Realities Of Having A Journal Or Diary

Many people write or type in a journal or diary to let out their most powerful thoughts, observations, goals and feelings. It isn't a bad thing to do and it certainly isn't terrible to find something to cope or get things off your chest and leave it in writing. However, unless you're super careful, the odds are someone sooner or later will find that book or entries somewhere at some point in time. Some journals however have been kept locked away to never see daylight again or have been burned to be kept from being found out.

If you ask me, the most secretly kept book in the U.S is highly likely the President's Book Of Secrets that contain things that could change the very foundation and the core of this country for better and far worse than we can possibly imagine. In smaller cases, have you ever found someone's journal or they found yours? What do you think of the person now that you learned what they really thought or what they truly found out about you. Some journals contain entries that can make or destroy a relationship, others talk about how happy they are and what they love about the world and the people around them. 

The reality is whether you have a secret journal or have an open one on social media like a blog or Vlog, it's important to understand that there is a possibility that everything you write or type up, could potentially put a target on your back. I often times felt obligated to write in a journal and today with my fitness journal, I found out that I missed one or two entries and can't remember which days I missed. I have quite a few workout journals that never got to the end and it just makes me mad that I missed out writing in them. 

This isn't a way of telling people not to have a journal or anything like that, if that helps you be successful and you write things that you need to let go of in a certain manner, go for it and I really hope it brings peace and success for you. If you're a blogger like me or someone who puts their thoughts and "rants" on film, you will whether from the get-go or later on, some people who will mock you, despise you and do everything in their crazy minds to prevent you from doing what you want to do and discourage you to stop and find a way to hate you. Granted everybody has an opinion and will go into deep lengths about it (I've done it on a couple occasions lately on Youtube and Facebook) and sometimes, you just got something to say whether it's good or terrible. 

I know fully well what it's like to get caught up in keyboard wars and utilizing Free Speech and express my opinions and observations. When you talk or write, be prepared for what people might say or do. Most of the time, people will just shoot their mouth off and nothing else comes after that but people can be cruel and harsh and act like they don't give a shit and try to destroy you. A written Journal might be the most precious thing they have in this world regardless of what is written; it's their escape, their sanctuary, a fortress of solitude, excalibur, the holy grail of their livelihood and their biggest secrets laid out just for them alone. 

One of the biggest problems with Social Media is the overkill of Freedom Of Speech, words can pound you into an oblivion more than a fight or gun or stabbing ever will. People have died because of things like Cyberbullying, feeling like no matter what they do it's better to not live and being damned if you do and damned if you don't. Seeing from both sides the good and the bad of what Social Media can do to a person. It's a matter of teaching, helping and using a positive format that people can go to or write into that makes them feel safe regardless of what they write, to not be judged, ridiculed and to be themselves. 

There are pros and cons to having a Journal or Diary whether it's for writing down how cute that boy or girl is, the feeling of happiness or sadness, being loved or being abused, scoring the winning touchdown or missed the ball in the most important game of your life at that very moment; anything. Sometimes we write things we don't always mean and it's better to write it down than shout it out and make things far worse. There's a saying that one moment could change everything and whether it's good or bad, that moment will determine how things will go on if at all. A journal can hold a secret so powerful, it could destroy or skyrocket a person's perception for the rest of their life. 

Journals may mean something to someone, other times it's just a book someone put thoughts down and nothing else ever happens and than, there's that thought of being able to still be optimistic that whether someone finds out what you wrote, talked about or typed up, it brings better clarity for all sides and people can still live their lives and not be feared of what they put down. It doesn't happen all the time, but it isn't impossible to happen.  

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