Tuesday, June 2, 2020

My Thoughts On George Floyd And The Riots

It breaks my heart that human beings do bad shit to each other and end up on the wrong side of humanity. What happened to George Floyd was pretty damn awful and no one should have to die that way. Not all cops are corrupt but if one has a history towards certain people and isn't accounted for his actions, he needs to be removed from being a cop. I forgot the cop's name but I read they found him guilty and hope it brings some peace of mind to George's Family.

The riots in Minneapolis aren't surprising to me and it's downright stupid for the most part. Looting and destroying businesses is not the way it should've gone down. There were riots in Spokane, WA just 40 minutes from where we live in Idaho and my wife works at one of the busiest Albertsons around the Spokane area. I fear for her safety. In Minnesota however, it's fucking crazy how much shit has gone down. The reason why it's not surprising to me is because with the death of Floyd, this was the last straw for people who've already gone crazy for months because of the Covid crap and this triggered something that made many people reach a boiling point. I don't condone their actions and hope justice and order is resolved soon but it's not hard to see that other side of the coin and if you can't see that, you're either blind, ignorant or just don't give a shit.

This won't be the last death that strikes people's hearts and this isn't the last riot that reaches disasterly heights but I do believe in being prepared the best ways you can. I'm just glad that it hasn't reached our City of Coeur D' Alene and for the most part, we live very peacefully out here. Compared to other big towns, it's quiet as a church mouse. We are a gun carrying town which I have both good and not good thoughts about and my wife has a gun. I never held or fired a gun in my life so my thoughts may not be as relevant to you but I will tell you this... I grew up in Santa Cruz, CA where you had Gangs, Hookers, Corrupt Cops, Rapists, The Mentally Ill and more Homeless people than you can count the people at the Boardwalk just roaming around everyday. I never once got jumped, been mugged, beat down or stabbed and yet still walked around the darkest and dirtiest places in that town with my head held high without a gun or a knife on me. I was always ready to defend myself or those around me and I feel blessed I never had to go to drastic measures to do so.

Not many people know this about me but I once had to help break up a big fight between two guys at a Gold's Gym when I was 19-20 years old. Two crazy muscle bound bloodhounds were going at it at the entrance inside the Gym and one of the members was screaming for help, I was about 30 feet away and rushed over there and was one of three guys to get one of them off each other and hold them back. It was only for a minute but that was one of the scariest things I had to do. I could've just sat there and kept going on with my workout but something snapped in me to go help someone in need. It may have been just one of those days where some guys had to bloody each other up but it could've been way worse, so yes I've dealt with seeing the ugliness and the hurt others put on each other especially in an environment where we're supposed to keep something like that from happening and help each other get in shape.

The world is always going to have some form of nastiness and hatred towards one another. It's not going to change any real time soon. We can damn sure however, show people love and kindness when it is needed the most and defend those who can't defend themselves. We can show love through a hug, a note, an article, giving someone a shoulder to cry on or just listen. I was raised to show as much kindness as possible but also be there for people to defend them or myself. I'm not the easiest person to deal with and everything I do for the people around me is coming from a place of love whether it comes off as that or not.

Someone like George Floyd deserves Justice for what happened to him. Did he have the most beautiful past, hell no, but he should never have had to die the way the he did and I hope there is some peace coming to his loved ones. As for the riots, I do believe action should be taken and do their damndest to not have anyone else harmed or murdered. A member of my own family is a cop and an uncle who's a Vietnam Vet was also a cop. I don't believe for a second there isn't a corrupt cop out there but there are plenty of cops who are the best people on the planet and fight everyday to keep their city safe and I'm proud that they serve and protect to the best of their abilities.


Steve T said...

Hi Ben

Very good post a usual. Things are pretty bad, let's hope they get better.

Going completely off the subject I have just got into Zhan Zhuang standing meditation by Master Lam kam Chen. He produced a series on you tube called stand still be fit. It is standing posture chi kung. Are you familiar with it?. In a past post you mentioned you suffer from anxiety as do I. I am currrently looking at meditation practises and am going to give the stnading meditation a go.

Take care,
Steve T

Ben Bergman said...

Thank you Steve, I appreciate the kind words....

I haven't heard of it but it does sound interesting. With my anxiety, meditation does help and I want to practice more of it. This is going to sound silly but I have Disney+ on my PlayStation 4 and on that streaming service, there's a thing called Zenimation where it takes sounds and meditation concepts into various clips of Disney Films like for example Nature would be clips of The Lion King, Tarzan, The Jungle Book....Water would be the Little Mermaid, Lilo & Stitch, Pocahontas...Cityscapes would be like Aladdin, The Princess & The Frog, Zootopia. Like I said it sounds silly but they take out the voiceovers and the music and leave the sounds on. I find it very fascinating and a genius idea. They're only 5-7 min episodes like the classic cartoons just in a different concept.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that our world is under attack by Marxist forces and people are buying that it is in anyway about this man's tragic death. RIP

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