Friday, May 22, 2020

Haters Need Love Too

Today is just a wonderful day; birds are singing, people out on their walks and taking my daily dose of Dao Zou Training. Just swimming in an ocean of blissfulness and positive energy. I would like to channel that energy to my adoring haters who have recently messaged me on this blog and on Youtube.

When you get good at something or do a positive thing for people, there's going to be some lovely little "man" or "men" who just want to tear you down. Sometimes they become obsessive and don't do anything more than run their mouth and just give you the hardest time because they like to take advantage of their right to troll you or go blab to their silly little buddies about what you're doing is crap and all that. The truth, it's not really a reflection on you, it's them and how they believe that being an asshole makes them hot shit.

Frankly, they're just another side of a coin that we deal with but hey, maybe they didn't get a lot of love in their life, probably weren't breastfed or didn't kiss a girl until they were 30, it happens. Maybe they got something going on in their life you don't know, they could be a secret crossdresser and like to be called Ma'am, they could be a hypochondriac but in this case, they probably haven't seen or touched a woman in years and just need some good loving or wouldn't know a hold if they held a woman's ass.

Typing and trolling is a game of words and using emojis to "express" yourself doesn't necessarily tell the whole story behind your agenda. You can't see their faces, you don't know if their laughing, crying or thinking what would Charles Manson do if he met Hitler and Ted Bundy in the same bar. The wackadoos of the web have all sorts of weird things going on in their heads but they are human beings too and everyone deserves some kind of love.

Despite your itty bitty tiny dick syndrome comments you just love to bestow upon me, I want to say thank you for all you do. You help me realize everyday what not to do as a person and see that although acceptance takes patience, you are without question a big inspiration for me to continue doing what I love to do. So if you choose to troll and try to kill my vibe, than expect the unexpected. I could respond in a fun way or maybe not at all but if I don't respond, just know that I'm kicking ass living my life and having an amazingly awesome time with the things I have.

Here's my humble and sincere salute to you and all the beautiful nutjobs, morons and ghoulish trolls that are just like you. Have an amazingly awesome day and may the force be with you.


1 comment:

Steve T said...

Hi Ben,

I liked your post about the Chinese walking exercise. I will give the breathing and visualising a try when walking . I too suffer with anxiety my mind is constantly full of thoughts. When I go for a walk ( for an hour during UK lockdown ) my mind is racing away and just won't keep still, its like i'm a prisoner of my thoughts. I think tryng a mantra when walking is also a great way to bring positivity to your life.I often repeat "I am calm and confident, strong and healthy" over and over again and I think this must make a difference (when I remember to do it) I find sitting still to try and meditate difficult so the walking may work.

I have really got in Chi Kung and do Zhan Zhaung exercises for 10 minutes a day. They are by Master Kam Lam Chen and from a book called the Way of Energy. There are five postures in the system. He has also got a you tube series with the exercises called "stand still be fit". They are standing postures and I find combined with meditation these are quite calming.

Sorry you are getting a hard time from Trolls, I don't know why people need to be nasty to someone who is trying to help other people with fitness tips to improve their lives. I have recently started the animal flow fitness and now have a short routine, I love the side and front kick through exercises. It is great that there is so much information available on the net.

Take care and keep posting!

Steve Tyldesley

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