Monday, October 28, 2019

The Real Purpose Of Fitness

All over the world, you'll find info about what fitness method works in this capacity or that capacity and the truth of the matter is, it goes beyond a method. It has more to do with what is the true purpose and the realist goals in the long run. Most fitness methods out there are pure garbage or just a rehash of what came before. We are led to believe that in order to get results, we have to be somewhere and use this machine, this set of weights, this type of workouts and work our asses off till we throw up.

Some of us treat fitness as a way to prepare for war or at least the apocalypse which in some sense can be good in the way of challenging yourself and developing levels of strength and conditioning at a higher entity beyond the average person but in the end, where is it truly going? There are some strong ass people out there with real world strength, not just lifting a weight. They carry with them a sense of knowledge, wisdom and understanding the true nature of how to apply exercise for the real world.

We do tend to forget that many of the fitness magazines mainly promote conventional methods and push on the fact that certain actors and athletes train specifically for a role or their sport. The average person cannot train like an elite NFL player or MMA Fighter and certainly does not have the capacity to challenge themselves the same way an actor trains for a role. I have fallen into that category a time or 2 so i'm not immune to not see what the fuss is about and take a leap. The facts are, when an actor trains for a role say like in a Superhero film or an action movie, they have to go through specific workouts and meal plans to suit what the film calls for whether it's bulking up or developing muscle tone, they have trainers supervising them and pushing them for that very purpose. If a regular person tried to do that on their own without any prior knowledge or experience, they can very much get hurt and thrown onto a stretcher and have to pay hospital bills.

Personally, I like being my own guinea pig and experimenting with certain methods and mold different ones together and see where they lead. I have had little minor injuries I'll admit but I've never pushed myself to the brink of blacking out or puking up a storm. I don't even see myself training as hard as many pro athletes cause why would I need to? I'm not getting paid millions of dollars to bust my ass for a sport. The closest training I would ever put myself through would be wrestling or MMA and that barely even goes through lol. I have pushed myself hard and some people call me crazy for what I do but I always look at the bigger picture, to be better tomorrow and not focus on comparing myself to others because it doesn't matter if some train harder or less than me, I make it work and learn from experience the best that I can do.

For my purpose in the long run is to stay fit as possible and adjust to what my body CAN handle and what it CANNOT. I still have no idea what my real capabilities are and although I know certain aspects of me has limitations, I keep finding strong points that I use whether its a workout or not. I had no idea at 35 I can do 500 Step Ups & 200 Ab Wheel Rollouts using a deck of cards, I couldn't imagine doing that in my early 20's; I didn't know that I could do 500 Squats and immediately do a circuit for several rounds. I don't do this all the time but I'm not afraid to find out what I'm capable of doing. A lot of people fear what their purpose is because as the cliche goes, Fear Of The Unknown is the main thing and it's the fear of not knowing or understanding.

Everyone has a real purpose in life, some know it, some don't and others just haven't figured it out YET. We all have a path in this world and it doesn't matter how small or big it is, make the most of it and never forget how you got there and where you started. Every pro was once an amateur, every strongman was once weak and many self-made millionaires/billionaires once knew what it was like to be hungry and have ripped clothing. Be fit both in mind and body and continue to improve even down to the smallest fraction because even something that small can lead you forward.

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