Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Other Side Of Goal Setting That Nobody Wants To Talk About

Everybody has goals whether we admit them or not. It's good to have goals whether it's losing weight, building muscle, getting on a sports team, making a starting roster, lifting certain weight, developing a business and so on. We read these self-help books and learning how to set goals and what we should strive to do or try to be in a particular point in time.

I have made many goals in my life, I've failed at many of them too and for some of us, we see more of the losses than the wins. If we focused on the wins, we want to keep that streak while some remain the same or use the same strategy or do something different to remain fresh but with something to look forward to. We are taught that if you set a goal, you're going to achieve something beyond yourself or learned that if we set goals but don't achieve them, we are failures and weaklings because we couldn't make something happen.

We are a country that strives to be the very best at just about everything but the truth is, we have failed more times than we care to admit and we never speak of it cause we don't want to lose face in front of people. There are certain goals in life we will never achieve, not because its within reach, but because it is unrealistic and not meant for everyone. Not every tall person will become an NBA Player, not every MMA Fighter will win a world title and not every businessman will be CEO.

I'm not saying every person who plays basketball shouldn't strive to be an NBA Player, not saying an MMA Fighter shouldn't have a goal to be World Champion and I never said a businessman shouldn't have the opportunity to climb the ladder in his company. It's the little goals that tend to make more of an impact than the little ones. Think about it this way, in math, you just don't start out in Calculus; you start with baby steps and take little leaps to rise up in that particular subject. Some people are slower getting there, some will be faster and some will stop at a certain level that their brain capacity can take them. They still achieved a level in math and use it in their daily lives or in some capacity.

When you set a goal, learn the baby steps to get there. Some goals take years to achieve, some even in days or weeks, all in all, get the most out of it and obtain the knowledge from it. Some have failed to the point that they don't see a reason to set a goal anymore and that's not right. We all should strive to reach certain goals that make us proud and bask in the gratitude of doing something others thought couldn't happen. The irony is, many people struggle just stay alive. Their goal is to just get through the day and more often than not can be debilitating and rough.

I struggle creating a routine for myself in working out, I barely last 2 weeks at times and I feel like a failure when I lose that drive to make it work. I would force myself sometimes to push on and although I feel good physically, mentally, I feel like crap and often wonder what the hell i'm doing. I've worked out every single day since the beginning of August, 2005 and there were many days where I didn't want to jack shit but I always seem to tell myself "Do something small like for a minute and that's it." Some of my goals were to see if I can be like fellow athletes I admire and learn their training styles. Bob Backlund is one of them and after going through certain workouts, it's important that I tell you that, the man even today is a damn machine and many world class athletes won't be able to keep up with him; he's on a very unique level of conditioning.

I will tell you right now that if you're striving to be exactly like certain people you admire, as noble as it is, you're in for a rude awakening. They got to where they're at because that's what was meant for them to do. Walt Disney was a great man in his own right and made things happen that nobody can come close to achieving and there will never be an equal to him. There will never be another Michael Jordan, there will never be another Dan Severn and certainly there will never be an Abraham Lincoln. Don't go for being the 2nd version of someone, be the 1st version of you and turn that volume up.

Set goals that make you unique to everyone else. We can't duplicate someone else and what's really the point of that anyway? They're great to learn from and it's not a bad thing to be like them but in the end, we are only one person. There's always going to be someone stronger, faster and more driven but you have an opportunity to make things happen nobody else can fathom. You have something inside many don't have and taking that first step to figuring that out is 100000 times more than many won't even attempt.

Create goals that separates you from the rest of the population. You will achieve them in time, won't always get great feedback from it and not everyone will root for you but if you want it bad enough, you'll find a way and remember to take those baby steps, as the old saying goes, a 1000 mile journey starts with a single step.

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