Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Obsession Can Have Toxic Effects That Can Create Toxic People

The internet is massive (Thank you captain obvious) and has loads of info that can be overwhelming at times. You have everything you can possibly research on but in the midst of all of it, there are very toxic people out there and can have an overriding obsession with certain things, some to the great extreme.

For over a decade I have been off and on forums and a part of at least a few still with a name. Mainly just learning what I can about training and seeing what works and what doesn't. Some forums have very knowledgeable people and are unsung heroes of the fitness industry but yet some take that knowledge and push it down someone's throat and if you don't agree with them, you're a bastard and a monster and don't deserve to live. I will admit I fell into a trap or 2 debating with people and all that comes out of it is worthless BS that doesn't solve a damn thing.

One forum I'm a part of is to do the best within themselves to keep the methods of Charles Atlas alive. It's far from perfect and has a lot of flaws. All I really want to pay attention to is the training methods. The problem with it is, the religious views and political aspects tend to overshadow the fun and excitement of the training protocols. Some of the training protocols are flawed as well because the man who's the big operator tends to repeat over and over the same things without channeling different ideals that can be beneficial. I'm all for sticking to your guns but there are things beyond the world of Atlas and the far too simple bodyweight methods. I do like some of the things represented like being your own trainer and learning how to individually utilize your best capabilities without the need of comparing others. Is it the best forum for information? No, not a single one is and it's because many tend to stick to their own entities and live under the rock.

Another forum I look in on consistently and need to really drop out of my life is nothing more than a place where it bashes, ridicules and downright bully's the forum and it's head guy that I just described above called Aging Macho Men 2 (Great name for the internet's Village Idiots). All they really do is talk, some are fit guys but mainly a bunch of old geezers that can't find anything positive in their lives and just are so obsessed with burying people because they themselves couldn't move on after getting banned. Talk about toxic. They've even gone as far as to just trash me because I wear my heart on my sleeve and they couldn't handle the way I fought back. Now granted, I should've known better to engage with people like them, but it's not easy considering what I'm passionate about and what gives me purpose. I was even open with them and sharing a few personal things and that went south right away. Can't trust people and it's time to walk away because life is too damn short to have toxic people in your life.

Here's an example of what I mean by these dumb fucks......

Another forum I was on a couple times recently has some people who are pretty knowledgeable and have some awesome insight, especially the main guy who runs it...Former Marine and has his own equipment he sells that can help people get kick ass results. Here's the site. On the other side of the spectrum, there are some of those same assholes from AMM2 who do nothing but bust balls. It's one thing to bust someone, but to repeat it just because it's funny to you becomes a little annoying and sad. Some have even belittle others because they think what they represent sucks and are horrible people. That's the place I had to leave twice because it just became a little too much for my taste and left me wanting to strangle someone. There are a couple guys on there that were cool with me and I was honored to share some knowledge with them and learn a thing or 2 myself but they are so obsessed with that other forum I previously mentioned (the "resurrection" of Charles Atlas) that they went as far as to actually come up with some stupid ass things like I was a spy and that I was this guy's bitch and all that stuff. This isn't the CIA dumbass and the only real thing wrong that was felt was me being friends with this guy.

The point i'm trying to make here is be careful where you go to research and befriend people. It's important to learn who you can trust because the net is full of whackos, psychopaths and grown people acting like teenage bullies. I'm not going to be remotely surprised some of these forums post this article onto their feed and start ranting about it and come up with even more negative bullshit. It just goes to show how low people will go to boost their ego or their "village" and ridicule any outsider. There are forums that people will go to to just to get shit off their chests, others will look for a fight and will either be ignored or get engaged into some of the most idiotic conversations and than there are ones where because they were let go somewhere else, they talk and want to burn the other place into the ground all or the sake of a pity party that only they will celebrate.

I know what it's like to bullied both in life and on the internet. It's a constant learning process and it's important to protect yourself. Celebs have the worst of it and I get that not all people who are famous are the sweetest people but people jump to conclusions all the time and firmly believe they have figured people out. The world is a mighty big place; full of wonders, good people, bad people and downright messed up places but there is good there somewhere. Find what excites you, gives you something to be happy about and treat people well.

Some will see this as a rant, some may see it as dumb and others may ignore it completely. I see it as a means of a warning to those who want to research and join places that might benefit them. Be careful and be amazingly awesome today.

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